Why not ?造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:08


Why not ?造句

  • 1、Why not listen to your feelings?(為何不傾聽你自己的感受?)
  • 2、If you are selling your property, why not call us for a free valuation without obligation.(如果你打算出售房產(chǎn),為什么不打電話讓我們做個(gè)免費(fèi)的評(píng)估呢。)
  • 3、Why not switch the channel?(為什么不換臺(tái)?)
  • 4、Why not swap homes with your friends?(何不與你的朋友交換房子?)
  • 5、What you need is a change of scene. Why not go on a cruise?(你需要的是換個(gè)環(huán)境。為何不乘游輪去旅行呢?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 6、Why not try to make one by ourselves?(為什么我們不試著自己做一個(gè)呢?)
  • 7、Why not go out for a walk?(為什么不出去散步呢?)
  • 8、Why not wash your face with this?(為什么不用這個(gè)洗臉?)
  • 9、If yes, why not join the Dream Corner?(如果是,為什么不加入夢(mèng)想之角呢?)
  • 10、Why not make one by ourselves?(為什么不自己做一個(gè)呢?)
  • 11、Why not tell her you're quitting and have done with it?(為什么不告訴她你打算辭職,盡快把這件事了結(jié)了呢?)
  • 12、Why not get a new pair?(為什么不買一雙新的呢?)
  • 13、Why not have some dessert?(為何不吃些甜點(diǎn)呢?)
  • 14、Why not close the curtains?(為什么不拉上窗簾呢?)
  • 15、Why not lie down for a while?(為什么不躺一會(huì)兒呢?)
  • 16、So we thought, why not rabbits?(所以我們想,為什么不是兔子?)
  • 17、I didn't want a part in the play, then I thought—stuff it—why not?(我本來(lái)沒(méi)想在劇中扮演角色,然后又一想—管它呢—干嗎不演?)
  • 18、Why not make fruit salad?(為什么不做水果沙拉呢?)
  • 19、Why not buy a new recorder?(為什么不買一臺(tái)新錄音機(jī)呢?)
  • 20、Why not have a day off? I'll hold the fort for you.(干嗎不休息一天?我來(lái)為你代管。)
  • 21、Why not ask your brother for help?(為什么不找你哥哥幫忙呢?)
  • 22、If you love each other, why not get married?(要是你們彼此相愛(ài),干嗎不結(jié)婚呢?)
  • 23、Why not try once more?(何不再試一下?)
  • 24、Why not buy them some gifts?(為什么不給他們買些禮物呢?)
  • 25、Why not go there on foot?(為什么不步行去那里呢?)
  • 26、Why not tarry yet a little?(為什么不再多待一會(huì)兒呢?)
  • 27、Why not say that three convictions before court for stealing cars means three months' loss of liberty.(為什么不說(shuō)法庭上關(guān)于盜車的3項(xiàng)判決就意味著失去了3個(gè)月的人身自由。)
  • 28、Why not use my mobile phone?(為什么不用我的手機(jī)呢?)
  • 29、Why not eat more fruits?(為什么不多吃點(diǎn)水果?)

Why not ?基本釋義
