
window ledge造句

window ledge造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:15:59


window ledge造句

  • 1、One hand rose to clutch at the window-ledge, but it dropped again.(一只手抬了起來抓住那窗臺(tái),但又滑落下去了。)
  • 2、In fact, it formed a little closet, the ledge of a window, which it enclosed, served as a table.(事實(shí)上,它形成了一個(gè)小的隔間,有一個(gè)窗臺(tái),可以當(dāng)作桌子使用。)
  • 3、With my chin resting on the ledge of an open window facing away from the wind, I allowed my thoughts to take part in this terrible revelry; they leapt into the open like a.(我把下頜支在一扇背風(fēng)敞開的窗緣上,任由思緒加入到這駭人的狂歡之中,它們在空中如突然放學(xué)的孩童般雀躍。)
  • 4、Drugs degrade more quickly under warm, moist conditions - exactly the condition found in the medicine cabinet, on awindow ledge, or in the cupboard above the stove.(根據(jù)藥物更迅速地降低溫暖,潮濕的條件-完全符合條件的藥品柜,窗臺(tái)上,或在火爐上方櫥柜。)
  • 5、She sleeps on thewindow ledge, in the open drawer, in the empty shoe, on the grass, between the flowers, under the tree, on anybody's lap, in a cardboard box, in the cupboard, or on my dress.(她睡在窗臺(tái),打開抽屜,在空的鞋,在草地上,在花朵之間,在樹下,任何人的大腿上,在一個(gè)紙板盒,在柜子里,或在我的衣服上。)
  • 6、After a time, tired by his dancing apparently, he settled on thewindow ledge in the sun, and the queer spectacle being at an end, I forgot about him.(過了一會(huì)兒,他顯然飛累了,落在陽光下的窗臺(tái)上。奇怪的場面一結(jié)束,我也就把他忘了。)
  • 7、If I looked hard, I could see the lines of thewindow ledge in the original photograph were now composed by a tree branch and the silhouetted edge of a grass verge.(如果我用力看的話,我可以看到原本照片里窗臺(tái)的線條,現(xiàn)在變成了樹枝、還有隱約可見的草坪。)
  • 8、Anderson finished the cigarette. He left the ashtray on thewindow ledge.(安得森先生抽完煙,把煙灰缸留在窗臺(tái)上,熄滅油燈便上床睡覺了。)
  • 9、Dorothy had climbed onto the ledge outside his window.(多蘿西已經(jīng)爬到了他窗臺(tái)外面。)
  • 10、Have you accidentally broken your phone by dropping it down the toilet, knocking it off awindow ledge or leaving it in the oven?(你有沒有曾經(jīng)不小心把手機(jī)掉進(jìn)廁所里,或把屏幕弄壞,或把它留在烤箱里而使得它壞掉?)
  • 11、He balanced precariously on the narrow window-ledge.(他在狹窄的窗臺(tái)上很難保持平衡。)
  • 12、Theewindow ledge, above the bed where I placed my candle, was covered with writing scratched on the paint.(在床頭我放蠟燭的窗臺(tái)上,油漆面多處給字跡劃得亂七八糟。)
  • 13、Wilbur looked everywhere. He searched his pen thoroughly. He examined thewindow ledge, stared up at the ceiling.(威爾伯四處張望,仔仔細(xì)細(xì)的檢查了自己的小豬圈,不放過任何地方。)
  • 14、He noticed another strange thing. His ashtray was on the middle window-ledge. He clearly remembered smoking his cigarette by the end window — next to number 13.(他還注意到另一件奇怪的事情。他的煙灰缸放在中間的窗臺(tái)上,他清楚得記得自己是在緊挨13號房間的那個(gè)最邊上的窗邊抽的煙。)
  • 15、I moved easily along the berth and felt for thewindow ledge. The window was open and I faced it, making a pretense of studying the landscape.(我在臥鋪上慢慢移動(dòng),用手摸窗沿,車窗開著,我面對著窗,假裝觀賞風(fēng)景。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 16、Molly rested the flowers on thewindow ledge. "By they way, did my mom have any company today?"(茉莉把花放在窗臺(tái)上,接著問道:"今天有人來陪我媽媽嗎?")
  • 17、I will put my front legs on thewindow ledge.(我將放我的前腿在窗沿上。)
  • 18、She put the vase of flowers on thewindow ledge.(她把那瓶花放在窗臺(tái)上。)

window ledge基本釋義

window ledge

英 [?wind?u led?] 美 [?w?ndo l?d?] 
