
Window of the World造句

Window of the World造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:15:59


Window of the World造句

  • 1、They pay to visitWindow of the World, a theme park in Shenzhen that features miniaturized tourist sights, like Moscow's St. Basil's Cathedral.(他們花錢參觀深圳的一個(gè)主題公園“世界之窗”,那里以縮小比例仿建世界各地的旅游景點(diǎn)為特色,如莫斯科圣巴索大教堂。)
  • 2、Today is the six one day, I went to ChangshaWindow of the World.(今天是六一兒童節(jié),本人去了長(zhǎng)沙世界之窗。)
  • 3、The evening performance atWindow of the World has started.(世界之窗的晚會(huì)表演開(kāi)始了。)
  • 4、I have vivid memories of mine as small boys crowding the window at the front of the car next to the conductor's booth, crowing with glee at the powerful speed with which the world rushes past.(我至今記憶猶新,小男孩們擠在車廂前部列車員室邊上的車窗前,看著外面的世界快速向后掠去,高興得直叫喚。)
  • 5、The Closing Ceremony will be held at theWindow of the World, a famous scenic spot of Shenzhen, indicating that the Universiade is a gala for youth across the world.(閉幕式在深圳著名旅游景點(diǎn)世界之窗舉辦,象征著大運(yùn)會(huì)就是世界各國(guó)青年齊聚一堂的大聯(lián)歡。)
  • 6、Where is theWindow of the World?(世界之窗在什么地方?)
  • 7、Television is a sort of window on the world.(電視是了解世界的窗口。)
  • 8、Nearby Hotel & Scenery Crowne Plaza Shenzhen, TheWindow of the World, Chinese Folk Culture Village, Happy Valley.(周邊酒店及景點(diǎn)威尼斯酒店,世界之窗,中國(guó)民族文化村,歡樂(lè)谷。)
  • 9、Window of the World, one of the most scenic attractions in Shenzhen, is located in the beautiful Shenzhen Bay.(“世界之窗”坐落于美麗的深圳灣畔,是深圳最優(yōu)美的景點(diǎn)之一。)
  • 10、Rovio would generate profits from a licensing deal and expand its brand, andWindow of the World would be able to boast the credibility an official endorsement would bring.(Rovio將獲利于許可協(xié)議,而且能擴(kuò)大自己的品牌影響。另一方面,世界之窗將由于官方認(rèn)可得以宣傳其可信性。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 11、Window of the World serves as an important place for cross-cultural communications.(“世界之窗”是跨文化交流的重要場(chǎng)所。)
  • 12、Excuse me, could you tell me how to go to theWindow of the World?(勞駕,您能告訴我去世界之窗的路嗎?)
  • 13、TheWindow of the World in Changsha: Children are extending New Year greetings in tiger-like clothes.(長(zhǎng)沙世界之窗:小朋友們穿上老虎造型的衣服拜年。)
  • 14、Let's go to theWindow of the World.(讓我們?nèi)ナ澜缰鞍伞?
  • 15、Tomorrow we're going to visit theWindow of the World.(明天我們要去參觀世界之窗。)
  • 16、One of the reasons the site is so valuable to scientists is that it opens a window on the natural world just prior to a period of great, and puzzling, change.(對(duì)科學(xué)家來(lái)說(shuō)這個(gè)遺址極為重要的一個(gè)原因是:就在令人茫然的巨變發(fā)生之前,它為我們打開(kāi)了一扇通往自然世界的窗。)
  • 17、We are also passers-by in hast before theWindow of the World.(我們?cè)谑澜缰扒耙捕际谴掖疫^(guò)客。)
  • 18、Angry Birds does not appear angry atWindow of the World, however, and may forge a profitable partnership instead.(不過(guò),憤怒的小鳥(niǎo)并表現(xiàn)出對(duì)世界之窗的憤怒,相反可能會(huì)建立利益伙伴的關(guān)系。)
  • 19、Many studies show that even a limited dose of nature, like a chance to look at the outside world through a window, is good for your health.(許多研究證實(shí),即便是有限量的大自然,如透過(guò)一扇窗戶看到外面世界的機(jī)會(huì),對(duì)你的健康也是有益的。)
  • 20、The theme park's marketing manager Ye Xiumei saysWindow of the World will host the Angry Birds exhibit until the end of September.(公園的銷售經(jīng)理葉經(jīng)理說(shuō)“世界之窗”將舉辦憤怒的小鳥(niǎo)展覽。)
  • 21、14 outside theWindow of the World, dreams are so beautiful, fascinating with unfettered freedom is the flying dream, life is bound!(窗戶外的世界,憧憬的都是那么的美好,讓人神往著不受約束,自由的是翱翔的夢(mèng)想,束縛的是今生的羈絆!)
  • 22、It seems hopeless to get intoWindow of the World, because of an endless line.(看來(lái)進(jìn)入世界之窗沒(méi)什么指望了,因?yàn)橐恢坏竭叺年?duì)伍。)
  • 23、If you come to our city, you can visit lots of sights, for example,Window of the World, Happy Valley and Minsk World.(假如你來(lái)本人們的城市,你能夠觀光許多景點(diǎn),就像世界之窗,歡樂(lè)谷和明斯克世界。)
  • 24、Have you ever been toWindow of the World?(你去過(guò)世界之窗嗎?)
  • 25、John:Window of the World, the CrownePlaza hotel, Splendid China.(有世界之窗、威尼斯酒店、錦繡中華。)

Window of the World基本釋義