
water ski造句

water ski造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:35


water ski造句

  • 1、The staff will be happy to help arrange for you to swim, sail, or water-ski.(工作人員會很樂意為您安排游泳、航行或滑水等活動。)
  • 2、He promised to teach her to water-ski.(他答應(yīng)教她滑水。)
  • 3、The effect of ski-jump atomization flow on the water transportation;(霧化流對下游引航、航運的影響;) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 4、I also love taking the jet ski out on the water in the summer.(夏天,我還喜歡乘著水上摩托艇出海。)
  • 5、Bring a bottle of Magnesia mineral water to the ski slopes to nourish your muscles, or to the hot springs to hydrate and replenish important minerals.(帶一瓶美希亞礦泉水,在滑雪斜坡滋養(yǎng)你的肌肉或者在溫泉補充水分和礦物質(zhì)。)
  • 6、Environmental groups are concerned about the use of large amounts of energy and water to make snow at ski areas.(環(huán)保組織憂慮滑雪場為造雪而使用的大量水和能源。)
  • 7、Did you go water-ski during your holiday?(你假期去滑水了嗎?)
  • 8、Do you know how to water-ski?(你知道怎么滑水嗎?)
  • 9、The unique JET SKI watercraft feature of the fully enclosed impeller pump dramatically improved water safety over conventional outboard motors.(獨特的噴氣滑雪船舶功能的全封閉式葉輪泵,大大改進(jìn)了傳統(tǒng)的舷外馬達(dá)的飲水安全。)
  • 10、There are hip bars for evening. Mall shopping and miniature golf for day. Ski resorts for winter. Water parks for summer.(晚上進(jìn)時髦的酒吧,白天逛購物街、玩迷你高爾夫,冬天去滑雪場,夏天玩水上樂園。)
  • 11、Tuck a hot-water bottle between your feet or wear a pair of ski socks to bed.(在你雙腳之間放一只熱水袋或者穿一雙滑雪襪子睡覺。)
  • 12、Yes, it is really exciting to water-ski.(是的,滑水的確非常刺激。)
  • 13、In water jump-ski competitions at home or abroad, results are mostly determined by means of the calculating board.(在滑水跳躍滑競賽中,目前國內(nèi)外通用成績繪算板計算運動員的跳躍成績。)
  • 14、A broader profile makes it easy to stir and gobbles-up ice and snow, turning your Reactor stove into a water-making powerhouse for winter ski Tours or summer mountaineering.(一個更廣泛的個人資料可以很容易地攪拌,狼吞虎咽式冰和雪,變成了冬季滑雪夏季登山旅行團(tuán)或水使你的反應(yīng)堆廠房爐子。)
  • 15、John: Can you water -ski?(約翰:你會滑冰嗎?)

water ski基本釋義

water ski

英 [?w?:t? ski:] 美 [?w?t? ski] 
