
Westminster Abbey造句

Westminster Abbey造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:20


Westminster Abbey造句

  • 1、The bride and her father Michael Middleton leave the Goring Hotel forWestminster Abbey in a Rolls Royce.(新娘凱特在父親邁克爾·米德爾頓陪同下,離開格林酒店前往威斯敏斯特大教堂。)
  • 2、Westminster Abbey (1065) : Church in London. It was originally a Benedictine monastery.(西敏寺(1065):位于倫敦的教堂,原為本篤會修道院。)
  • 3、The Choir will perform inWestminster Abbey at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29.(唱詩班將于4月29日在威斯敏斯特教堂的威廉王子和凱特·米德爾頓婚禮上表演。)
  • 4、By the time Darwin died in 1882, he was recognized as one of England's greatest scientists and was buried inWestminster Abbey.(1882年,達爾文去世時,他被公認為英國最偉大的科學家之一,并安葬在威斯敏斯特教堂。)
  • 5、The Mail also understands that the couple are said to feel no pressure to fill the 2,000 seats atWestminster Abbey.(《每日郵報》同時了解到,據(jù)說這對新婚夫婦對填滿威斯敏斯特教堂里2000個座位感到毫無壓力。)
  • 6、If you went toWestminster Abbey today and looked at the people buried there, how many are Londoners?(如果你今天去參觀威斯敏斯特大教堂,你覺埋葬在那里的,有多少是倫敦人?)
  • 7、It is said that London is best known for theWestminster Abbey.(聽說倫敦最負盛名的是威斯敏斯特教堂。)
  • 8、Westminster Abbey was told to prepare for the second week of August 2011.(威斯敏斯特教堂接到要求,在2011年八月份的第二周做好準備。)
  • 9、Led by a verger, a pancake is carried in procession fromWestminster Abbey to the school.(在一位教堂司事帶領下,隊伍端著一個薄餅從威斯敏斯特教堂走到學校;)
  • 10、And now with the royal nuptials pending — Kate and William will marry inWestminster Abbey on April 29 — the public profile of the venture has surged.(現(xiàn)在隨著皇室婚禮即將舉行——凱特和威廉將于4月29日在威斯敏斯特教堂舉行婚禮,這家公司的公眾知名度急劇提升。)
  • 11、The couple are to be married atWestminster Abbey on April 29 after a lengthy courtship.(在相戀多年后,兩人將于明年4月29日在威斯敏斯特教堂舉辦婚禮。)
  • 12、Westminster Abbey towering in the distance there provides a fascinating view.(矗立在遠處的西敏寺構成了一處迷人的景色。)
  • 13、A worker cleans a lamp in front ofWestminster Abbey in London.(一個工人在清理倫敦威斯敏斯特教堂前面的照明燈。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 14、AtWestminster Abbey, her husband-to-be was waiting.(在威斯敏斯特大教堂,她的未婚夫正在等候著。)
  • 15、Now we can turn right and drive pastWestminster Abbey.(現(xiàn)在我們向右拐就可以經過威斯敏斯特教堂了。)
  • 16、The location is excellent; literally two minutes from Buckingham Palace and less than 10 minutes toWestminster Abbey.(位置太棒了,兩分鐘就能夠走到白金漢宮,不到10分鐘就能走到威斯敏斯特大教堂。)
  • 17、Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal wedding is to be celebrated inWestminster Abbey in London on April 29 (Today).(倫敦當?shù)貢r間4月29日,英國威廉王子將攜凱特·米德爾頓在英國倫敦威斯敏斯特大教堂舉行盛大婚禮。)
  • 18、The hours of waiting before leaving forWestminster Abbey were the most nerve racking. "2."(等待前往威斯敏斯特大教堂的幾個小時是最令人不安的。)
  • 19、Logue outrages Bertie, to therapeutic effect, by sitting on the throne inWestminster Abbey prior to the coronation.(為了達成治療效果,洛格激怒了伯蒂,他在伯蒂加冕禮前坐在了他威斯敏斯特的王座上。)
  • 20、I don’t think many because the great, the good and famous are buried atWestminster Abbey, ’ said Prof Evans of the British Geological Survey.(“我認為可沒有幾個,要知道只有偉人、高尚的人和名人才能在威斯敏斯特大教堂?!卑N乃菇淌谡f道。)
  • 21、TheWestminster Abbey entombs many great men.(威斯敏斯特教堂是許多偉人的安葬之所。)

Westminster Abbey基本釋義

Westminster Abbey

英 [?westminst? ??bi] 美 [?w?st?m?nst? ??bi] 
