
West Lake Road造句

West Lake Road造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:19


West Lake Road造句

  • 1、Excuse me. Where is No. 2,West Lake Road, please?(打擾一下西湖路2號(hào)怎么走?。)
  • 2、The famous Boshan lake scenery in Queshan County of Zhumadian, locates 3km far away to the west of the national road 107, near to Jingguang railway.(薄山湖風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)位于駐馬店市確山縣境內(nèi),107國(guó)道西側(cè)3公里,毗鄰京廣鐵路。)
  • 3、Nan shan Road is south to the West Lake. It features the West Lake World, and numerous bars, cafes and teahouses.(位于西湖南邊,有西湖天地等休閑場(chǎng)所及眾多酒吧、咖啡吧、茶樓等。)
  • 4、Based on the flood prevention road project in the west of Gaoyou Lake, this paper sums up mud-crushed road's design and construction technology, and thus puts forward related Suggestions.(為此結(jié)合高郵湖西防汛公路工程,分析泥結(jié)碎石道路設(shè)計(jì)及施工工藝,并提出相關(guān)建議。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 5、Where's No. 2,West Lake Road, please?(巢湖西半湖污染程度明顯重于東半湖。)
  • 6、Renqiu City Litong Mold Co. , Ltd. , located in the Pearl of North China Lake Baiyangdian west State Road 106, Beijing-Kowloon Railway runs through the territory Renqiu convenient transportation.(任丘市利通模具有限公司,坐落在華北明珠白洋淀湖畔西臨106國(guó)道,京九鐵路縱貫任丘境內(nèi),交通便利。)
  • 7、Excuse me. Where's No. 2,West Lake Road, please?(打擾一下,請(qǐng)問(wèn)西湖路二號(hào)在哪里?)
  • 8、Walking around West Lake and the Ten Sceneries, exploring the silk Road, Watching silk performance.(游西湖、觀十景;重走絲綢路,觀看絲綢表演。)

West Lake Road基本釋義