
What a vision!造句

What a vision!造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:16:18


What a vision!造句

  • 1、Still and all, at least there is an articulated version of a "German Europe", so we can point out its flaws. What is Cameron's vision for a "British Europe"?(盡管如此,至少有一個有關(guān)節(jié)的德國歐洲版本,所以我們能指出它的瑕疵。什么是卡梅倫的英國歐洲版本呢?)
  • 2、The problem with implementing such a vision is that we quickly run into what we term "the multiple buckets" problem.(實(shí)現(xiàn)這樣的可視化的問題是,我們很快陷入了“多個木桶”的問題中。)
  • 3、What Tucker tellingly described as the environmentalists' "aristocratic" vision called for a stratified, terraced society in which the knowing ones would order society for the rest of us.(塔克最津津樂道的就是環(huán)境保護(hù)主義者的“貴族”視野:在梯級分層的社會中,那些先知者就必須為剩下的我們設(shè)定社會秩序。)
  • 4、Its theme is that the vision of most organizations is too constricted by a narrow understanding of what business they are in.(它的主題是大多數(shù)組織的視野都被它們對本行業(yè)的狹隘的理解限制住了。)
  • 5、At a practical level, this vision must align with the realities of the corporate culture and what is possible within that culture.(在實(shí)踐層面,這種愿景必須結(jié)合企業(yè)文化的實(shí)際情況,以及在該文化中可行內(nèi)容的事實(shí)。)
  • 6、But we also have to be clear about what a vision is.(不過我們也得清楚明白什么是遠(yuǎn)見。)
  • 7、By believing, you urge them to strive for a vision of what they can become together.They get called forth to be more than they are now.(用你的信任來鞭策他們朝著能共同達(dá)到的愿景而努力奮斗。他們會聽到號召,變得比現(xiàn)在更強(qiáng)大。)
  • 8、To achieve a desired vision for your business, it is vital that you have a personal vision of where you are headed and what you value.(為了實(shí)現(xiàn)理想的業(yè)務(wù)愿景,對自己的發(fā)展方向和所看重的價值有一個個人的構(gòu)想是非常重要的。)
  • 9、Development teams with a clear vision of what they are implementing have a better chance of implementing the product as desired.(清楚地了解他們正在做什么的開發(fā)小組更可能按照需求完成產(chǎn)品的開發(fā)。)
  • 10、His vision statement, along with a list of what he values in life — hand written.(他對自己夢想的描述和一張列有生活中值得珍惜之物的清單——都是手寫的。)
  • 11、Going forward, a critical question for regulators and supervisors is what their appropriate "field of vision" should be.(接下去,一個重要問題是管理和監(jiān)管的“視野”應(yīng)該有多大。)
  • 12、I think that's what Steve Jobs does. He starts with a vision rather than a list of features.(我認(rèn)為史蒂夫·喬布斯也是這樣做的,他是從愿景而并非是一堆產(chǎn)品特性中開始設(shè)計的。)
  • 13、If goals are your destination and a vision is your fuel, your plan is the map to get you there; without a plan, you have no idea what immediate steps to take to achieve your goals.(如果目標(biāo)是你的終點(diǎn),遠(yuǎn)景是你的燃料,你的計劃就是讓你到那的地圖。沒有計劃,你就不知道眼下要做什么去達(dá)到你的目標(biāo)。)
  • 14、You will feel unsure about yourself when you are living in fear. You will also start developing a scarce mentality that will distort your vision of what you are capable of accomplishing.(當(dāng)你生活在憂慮之中時,你對自己會感到不自信,還會建立起一種匱乏的心態(tài),這種心態(tài)會歪曲你對有能力完成的事情的見解。)
  • 15、Whenever I encountered obstacles, my ideal vision was so much more compelling that I was always able to find a way to get what I wanted.(每當(dāng)我遇到了障礙的時候,我所描繪的理想的場景就會更加的清晰,而我也終究能夠找到一條解決的方法獲得我這正想要得到的東西。)
  • 16、When you think about your future, you are helping to feed a long-term vision of what you want to create.(當(dāng)你為未來打算的時候,你也正在為自己構(gòu)建一個長期以來自己想要的夢想。)
  • 17、Without a proper SOA vision, SOA designers and implementers will be clueless about what the final state of the enterprise is supposed to be.(如果沒有恰當(dāng)?shù)膕oa遠(yuǎn)景,SOA設(shè)計人員和實(shí)現(xiàn)人員將無法確定企業(yè)應(yīng)該達(dá)到的最終狀態(tài)。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 18、Jobs's vision of Web objects serves a different mandate: Give the People What They Want.(喬布斯對互聯(lián)網(wǎng)產(chǎn)品具有獨(dú)到的認(rèn)識:給予人們想要的東西。)
  • 19、Visitors can fill out a form to share their stories about what the election meant to them, or they can give their vision of an Obama presidency.(訪問者可以填寫表格來分享這次選舉帶給他們的故事,或者表達(dá)他們自己對奧巴馬當(dāng)選的想法。)
  • 20、And what is it? It is a principle where you apply some simple and effective strategies through vision-improvement so that you can. In your life, get the results you want.(其實(shí)這就是一條原則,遵循這個原則并通過自我意識的提高,你就能運(yùn)用一些簡單有效的措施來改善自己的生活,得到想要的東西。)
  • 21、More broadly, you might argue that what Obama has lacked is a theme: there hasn't been much full-throated condemnation of the bad old ways, much vision of things being different.(更廣泛地說,你可能會認(rèn)為奧巴馬缺乏的是一個主題:沒有全面譴責(zé)糟糕的舊方式,具體是什么,不同的人有不同的見解。)
  • 22、That fragile connection to a real man and a real vision is what makes KFC unique. I wish more people would appreciate that.(肯德基爺爺與他的真知灼見正是肯德基與眾不同的原因,我希望越來越多的人能珍惜這一點(diǎn)。)
  • 23、Try this: Set a goal and hold a vision of what you want.(試試這個:設(shè)定一個目標(biāo)并且堅持你所想要的。)
  • 24、Development teams with a good vision of what they are implementing have a better chance of implementing the product as desired.(那些清晰地知道自己將實(shí)現(xiàn)什么任務(wù)的開發(fā)團(tuán)隊(duì)更有機(jī)會生產(chǎn)出期望的產(chǎn)品。)
  • 25、You are provided a vision statement, but that's about it; it's your job to figure out exactly what the customer wants.(您能得到想象的描述,但是關(guān)于此問題的,您的工作是找出客戶想要的內(nèi)容。)

What a vision!基本釋義