
were it not for造句

were it not for造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:22


were it not for造句

  • 1、This decision might be dismissed as misplaced punctiliousnesswere it not for evidence that Agcom has been subject to pressure from Mr Berlusconi.(這一決定會(huì)被擯斥為,假如agcom并未屈從于來(lái)自貝盧斯科尼的壓力,那就太離譜了。)
  • 2、were it not for your eyes.(如果它不是為你的雙眼準(zhǔn)備的。)
  • 3、Such madcap denial could perhaps be shrugged offwere it not for the simultaneous arrest of Mr Ganic.(要不是同時(shí)逮捕了加尼奇先生,這種狂妄的否認(rèn)可能得到不屑的回應(yīng)。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 4、were it not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.(如果沒有老師的支持,這個(gè)學(xué)生就無(wú)法克服困難。)
  • 5、were it not for the Internet, social networking sites, and patient activists, there would be no research going on today on CCSVI.(如果沒有社交網(wǎng)站和實(shí)驗(yàn)患者的在線參與,CCSVI研究就不會(huì)一直持續(xù)到今天。)
  • 6、were it not for Vuitton, estimates one analyst, LVMH's sales would have fallen by 3% in the first half of 2009 and profits would have plunged by 40%.(一位分析師估計(jì),要不是有VUITTON撐著,2009年上半年度,LVMH的銷售額很可能下跌3%,利潤(rùn)可能減少40%。)
  • 7、This would be good news all roundwere it not for the consequent crash in banking confidence.(這對(duì)所有人來(lái)說都是一個(gè)好消息,但對(duì)于信心業(yè)已崩潰的銀行業(yè)來(lái)說并非如此。)
  • 8、The Netherlands would not be the centre of the global flower tradewere it not for Schiphol airport.(如果不是因?yàn)橛惺坊謾C(jī)場(chǎng),荷蘭就不會(huì)成為全球花卉貿(mào)易中心。)
  • 9、I argued that it was not so trivial, thatwere it not for the precious accident of the train schedule, I would be in prison or dead.(我想勝利不能算小,如果沒有火車時(shí)刻表給我的寶貴的搶先一著,我早就給關(guān)進(jìn)監(jiān)獄或者給打死了。)
  • 10、All this would not matter much,were it not for the fact that many businesses depend on landlines.(這些看上去似乎無(wú)關(guān)緊要,然而事實(shí)是許多行業(yè)都依賴固定線路。)
  • 11、Let there be no question: ours would be a very different industry,were it not for Steve Jobs.(毫問疑問的,假如沒有SteveJobs,我們的電腦產(chǎn)業(yè)將會(huì)非常不同。)
  • 12、were it not for the Vatican, this pimple would be the world's smallest independent state.(要不是世界上有個(gè)梵蒂岡,這顆小疙瘩肯定是世界上最小的獨(dú)立國(guó)家。)
  • 13、Arrows would continue to fly forward forever in a straight linewere it not for gravity, which brings them down to earth.(要不是重力使箭掉落地上,它將會(huì)一直沿直線往前飛行。)
  • 14、Still,were it not for the nameless adventure that awaited them they would have thrown a pair of dice each evening and agreed that two sixes would end it all.(但是,那場(chǎng)等待他們的無(wú)名的冒險(xiǎn)仍未降臨。如果不是他們心存期待,他們?cè)缇兔客硪粚?duì)擲骰子,然后等出現(xiàn)兩個(gè)六點(diǎn)的時(shí)候結(jié)束生命了。)
  • 15、This complaint could be understood as an initial response to solitude and hardshipwere it not for subsequent letters.(如果不是后來(lái)的那些信,人們完全可以理解這些抱怨,把它們看作是起初面對(duì)孤獨(dú)和困難的時(shí)候的反應(yīng)。)
  • 16、were it not for the camera and the painter, the tree might be a transitory force in our lives.(若不是相機(jī)或者繪畫,這些樹木也許只會(huì)是我們生命中掠過的短暫的身影。)
  • 17、The Reserve Bank of India would have raised interest rates more aggressively last yearwere it not for political pressure.(如果印度聯(lián)儲(chǔ)會(huì)不是受到壓力,去年會(huì)更大幅度增加利率。)
  • 18、These statistics would be even grislierwere it not for lenders’ inability or reluctance to eject all those who are in default at once.(如果不是默認(rèn)貸款人無(wú)力償還或還不愿意退出一次違約的不算在內(nèi),這些統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)將更加恐怖。)
  • 19、This would be surprisingwere it not for the fact, so visible from above, that the world is still a sparsely populated place.(事實(shí)上從天上看下來(lái)這世界還算是人煙稀少,所以沒有人被擊中也不算太讓人吃驚。)
  • 20、were it not for your songs.(如果她不是為你的歌聲準(zhǔn)備的。)
  • 21、In fact Israel may not have come to existwere it not for Europe, as Zionism was born out of frustrated hopes and despair on the continent.(而事實(shí)上,如果不是歐洲的話,以色列還建不了國(guó),就如猶太復(fù)國(guó)主義的誕生不是因?yàn)樵谀瞧箨懮系氖徒^望一樣。)
  • 22、The sums would be of scant interestwere it not for the fact that the man measuring out his life in ink that day was Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.(但如果用墨水記錄生命中這些數(shù)字的人不是納爾遜·羅利拉拉·曼德拉,或許就不會(huì)引起人們太大的興趣了。)
  • 23、were it not for the nameless adventure that awaited them, they would have thrown a pair of dice each evening and agreed that two sixes would end it all.(如果不是那場(chǎng)等待著他們的無(wú)名冒險(xiǎn),他們?cè)缇兔刻焱砩蠑S出一對(duì)骰子,并同意一擲出兩個(gè)六就結(jié)束這一切。)
  • 24、That would be the end of the storywere it not for an odd detail.(那將不爆任何冷門地成為故事的結(jié)局。)
  • 25、were it not for Fournier's frightening meticulousness, the existence of this society would have been forever hidden from us.(如果不是福尼爾那可怕的縝密,這個(gè)地方的社會(huì)將會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)被隱藏在我們不會(huì)注意到的地方。)
  • 26、were it not for the fact that I saw it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.(若非我那時(shí)親眼看到,我是不會(huì)相信的。)

were it not for基本釋義

were it not for

英 [w?: it n?t f?:] 美 [w?: ?t nɑt f?r] 
若不是; 假如沒有
