West Hill造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:21


West Hill造句

  • 1、We will visitWest Hill Farm if it doesn't rain next Sunday.(下周日,如果不下雨,我們就去參觀西山農(nóng)場(chǎng)。)
  • 2、The village is (to the) west of the hill.(這個(gè)村莊在那座小山的西邊。)
  • 3、We are to meet at the school gate at sharp seven tomorrow. After that we are going to visit theWest Hill.(明早七點(diǎn)整,我們?cè)谛iT口會(huì)面,然后我們打算去西山參觀。)
  • 4、When they had nearly reached the top of the greatWest Hill the clocks in the town struck eight.(當(dāng)他們快要走到西山頂上的時(shí)候,城里的時(shí)鐘敲響了八點(diǎn)。)
  • 5、To the Canaanites in the east and west; to the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites and Jebusites in the hill country; and to the Hivites below Hermon in the region of Mizpah.(又去見(jiàn)東方和西方的迦南人,與山地的亞摩利人,赫人,比利洗人,耶布斯人,并黑門山根米斯巴地的希未人。)
  • 6、Away to the south-west of us we saw two low hills, about a couple of miles apart, and rising behind one of them a third and higher hill, whose peak was still buried in the fog.(在我們的西南方,我們看到了兩座低矮的小山,兩山離得大約有兩英里遠(yuǎn),而在它們中一座的后面又聳立著第三座高一些的山峰,峰頂仍有霧氣線繞著。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 7、Frank Hill and his team were the discoverers, 15 years ago, of an east-west jet stream in the sun.(弗蘭克·希爾和他的研究小組就是15年前太陽(yáng)內(nèi)東西高速氣流的發(fā)現(xiàn)人員。)
  • 8、Its general layout makes full use of the hill and the lake, together with the borrowed views from the peaks of the west mountain, which brings about infinite scenery variations with exceeding beauty.(全園以山湖形式巧做安排,以西山群峰借景,使園內(nèi)景色變幻無(wú)窮,美不勝收?qǐng)@內(nèi)建筑吸收了中國(guó)各地建筑的精華。)
  • 9、Walking East may take you off a cliff, while walking South may only take you along its gently sloping edge. West would take you up a steep hill, and North leads to level ground.(向東就像從懸崖上掉下來(lái),但是向南就是沿著一個(gè)略微傾斜的斜坡下來(lái),向西像登一座陡峭的山,而北邊則到了平地,只要慢慢的閑逛就可以了。)
  • 10、From there it climbed to the top of the hill west of the Hinnom Valley at the northern end of the Valley of Rephaim.(又上到欣嫩谷西邊的山頂,就是在利乏音谷極北的邊界。)
  • 11、Climatically the driest and best seasons are from December to March on the west and south coasts and in the Hill Country, and from May to September on the east coast.(氣候最干燥的季節(jié)是是12月至3月,這也是在西部和南部沿海和丘陵地區(qū)旅游的最佳季節(jié),而5月至9月則是到東海岸旅行的最佳季節(jié)。)
  • 12、They said that they were going toWest Hill Farm if it didn't rain the next Sunday.(他們說(shuō)如果下星期天不下雨他們就去西山農(nóng)場(chǎng)。)
  • 13、Have you everWest Hill Farm?(你曾到過(guò)西山農(nóng)場(chǎng)嗎?)
  • 14、West Hill Farm, Hilltop, Nettleton, near Birmingham.(西山農(nóng)場(chǎng),黑爾托普,納特爾頓(在伯明翰附近)。)
  • 15、We're planning to climb theWest Hill tomorrow.(我們計(jì)劃明天去爬四山。)
  • 16、The high entrance hall, the elevator and the sky garden, invite the broad sceneries of Beichen park on west side,West Hill, city and setting sun into the interior of the building.(通高的門廳、觀景電梯、空中花園將西側(cè)的北辰公園、西山、城市、夕陽(yáng)等博大的景觀引入大樓之中;)
  • 17、We are planning to make a trip toWest Hill.(我們正計(jì)劃去西山旅游。)
  • 18、So do I. Let's take a trip to theWest Hill this Saturday.(醫(yī)生:我也是。我們可以去西山這個(gè)星期六。)
  • 19、"You see that big, flat-topped hill over there?" he said, pointing west.(“你們看到了那邊那個(gè)很大,頂部是平的山了嗎”他指著西邊說(shuō)。)
  • 20、After China joins WTO, the enterprises in hisWest Hill face the challenges from the enterprises at the developed area and the cross nation ones as well.(我國(guó)加入WTO以后,西部企業(yè)面臨著發(fā)達(dá)地區(qū)企業(yè)和跨國(guó)企業(yè)的雙重挑戰(zhàn)。)
  • 21、It was onWest Hill, at the growing northwest edge of Akron and a modest step up in the world.(它位于正在擴(kuò)張的阿克倫西北角的西山上,海拔略高于世界平均水平。)
  • 22、"Dragon Gate" clings to the face of mountain and is the highest temple onWest Hill.(“龍門”緊貼在懸崖上,是西山最高的寺廟。)

West Hill基本釋義