
west lake造句

west lake造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:16:21


west lake造句

  • 1、I shall never forget the beauty of thewest lake.(我將永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)忘記西湖的美麗風(fēng)光。)
  • 2、Hangzhou, Tea houses Wonderfully Ornament thewest lake.(杭州,茶館是西湖完美的裝點(diǎn)。)
  • 3、It's said that the story happened onwest lake.(據(jù)說這個(gè)故事發(fā)生在西湖上。)
  • 4、I will go to see thewest lake with my good sisters.(我將和我的好姐妹去看西湖。)
  • 5、Our hotel is a three-star hotel located at thewest lake.(我們飯店是一所位于西子湖畔的三星級(jí)涉外飯店。)
  • 6、When was the firstwest lake Expo held in Hangzhou?(首屆西湖博覽會(huì)是何時(shí)在杭州舉辦的?)
  • 7、Why don't we go fishing atwest lake?(我們?yōu)槭裁床蝗ノ骱烎~呢?)
  • 8、So thewest lake Exposition has a long history.(那西湖博覽會(huì)已有很長(zhǎng)的歷史了。)
  • 9、Thewest lake and silk, It's very beautiful.(杭州是個(gè)好地方,有美麗的西湖和絲綢。)
  • 10、That's why people callwest lake a dazzling pearl.(那就是為什么人們稱西湖為一顆燦爛奪目的明珠。)
  • 11、Since then, thewest lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake.(自那時(shí)以來,西湖有另一種優(yōu)雅的名字西子湖。)
  • 12、We paddled a little boat in thewest lake.(我們?cè)谖骱锸幰蝗~小舟。)
  • 13、We live by thewest lake.(我們住在西湖旁邊。)
  • 14、Do you go to thewest lake?(你去西湖了嗎?)
  • 15、Welcome to thewest lake Expo.(歡迎您來參加西博會(huì)。)
  • 16、I went to see thewest lake in Hangzhou.(我去看了杭州的西湖。)
  • 17、How to go to thewest lake?(到西湖怎么走?) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 18、We are going to thewest lake today.(今天我們要去西湖。)
  • 19、The beauties of thewest lake in spring were beyond his expectation.(西湖的春景要比他所預(yù)想的更加美麗。)
  • 20、west lake Longjing Tea is called Longjing for short.(西湖龍井簡(jiǎn)稱龍井。)
  • 21、The view of thewest lake is magnificent.(西湖景色瑰麗。)
  • 22、What struck me most was the beauty of thewest lake.(給我印象最深的是西湖的美景。)
  • 23、He visits thewest lake.(他參觀西湖。)
  • 24、Can you introduce thewest lake Expo to me?(您能給我們介紹一下西湖博覽會(huì)嗎?)
  • 25、I visitedwest lake as, there is very beautiful.(我游覽了水平如鏡的西湖,那里非常美。)
  • 26、Thewest lake is as beautiful as a painting.(西湖風(fēng)景如畫。)
  • 27、The most popular green tea is Longjing tea produced near thewest lake.(最受歡迎的綠茶是產(chǎn)于西湖附近的龍井茶。)

west lake基本釋義

west lake

英 [west leik] 美 [w?st lek] 
