
would like造句

would like造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:15:39


would like造句

  • 1、The content of the course depends on what the studentswould like to study.(課程的內容取決于學生愿意學什么。)
  • 2、Iwould like to place an order for ten copies of this book.(這本書我想訂購十冊。)
  • 3、Perhaps while you wait youwould like a drink at the bar.(也許你等的時候會想要去酒吧喝一杯。)
  • 4、Much as Iwould like to stay, I really must go home.(盡管我想留下來,但我確實必須回家。)
  • 5、Shewould like an investigation into the assassination of her husband.(她想要對其丈夫的遇刺進行調查。)
  • 6、"Just tell him Iwould like to talk to him."—"OK."(“你就告訴他我想跟他談談?!薄靶??!?
  • 7、We surveyed 500 smokers and found that over three quarterswould like to give up.(我們對500名吸煙者進行了調查,發(fā)現有超過四分之三的人愿意戒煙。)
  • 8、Whowould like to lead off the debate?(誰愿帶頭發(fā)言開始辯論?)
  • 9、Wewould like to apologize for the delay.(我們愿對延遲表示歉意。)
  • 10、On behalf of the department Iwould like to thank you all.(我謹代表本部門感謝大家。)
  • 11、At this juncture , Iwould like to make an important announcement.(此時此刻我要宣布一項重要的事情。)
  • 12、Wewould like to thank them for their patience and understanding.(我們要為他們的耐心和理解而感謝他們。)
  • 13、The two sideswould like to see the normalization of diplomatic relations.(雙方都愿意看到外交關系的正常化。) Hao86.com
  • 14、Hewould like an assurance that other forces will not move into the territory that his forces vacate.(他想要其他部隊不會進入他的部隊撤出的那個領地的一個保證。)
  • 15、Many teacherswould like to be more adventurous and creative.(許多教師愿意更加進取,更富創(chuàng)造性。)
  • 16、Lastly, Iwould like to ask about your future plans.(最后,我想問一下你們的未來計劃。)
  • 17、Thirdly, Iwould like to say that...(第三,我想說…)
  • 18、Iwould like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers.(我想向我的老師表達我的感激之情。)
  • 19、I'll behave toward them as Iwould like to be treated.(我希望別人怎樣對待我,我就會怎樣對待他們。)
  • 20、We have a buyer whowould like to view the property.(我們有一買主想看看這房產。)
  • 21、Perhaps her ladyshipwould like to hang up her own clothes today!(尊貴的夫人今天也許愿意動手自己把衣服掛起來吧!)
  • 22、Iwould like a place I could call my own.(我想要一個只屬于我自己的地方。)
  • 23、Iwould like to propose a vote of thanks to our host.(我提議向我們的主人表示感謝。)
  • 24、Iwould like to think the way I treat people is reciprocated.(我愿意認為我對待別人的方式得到了同等的回應。)
  • 25、He asked his daughter what shewould like for her birthday.(他問他女兒想要如何過她的生日。)
  • 26、Shewould like to talk to people one to one.(她想和人們一對一地談話。)
  • 27、Lastly, Iwould like to thank my parents for all their support.(最后,我想感謝父母對我的全力支持。)
  • 28、And finally, Iwould like to thank you all for coming here today.(最后,我感謝大家今天的光臨。)

would like基本釋義

would like
