
write a letter造句

write a letter造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:15:35


write a letter造句

  • 1、write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang.(寫(xiě)一封信給你的老板,王先生。)
  • 2、We cannot sign a bill orwrite a letter or buy a house without our pen.(沒(méi)有了筆,我們就不能簽署賬單、寫(xiě)信或買(mǎi)房子。)
  • 3、But how can I do that, when I can't evenwrite a letter?(不過(guò)我怎么能寫(xiě)書(shū)呢,我連信都寫(xiě)不了。)
  • 4、PENNY: 'I'llwrite a letter soon.(彭妮:“我很快會(huì)寫(xiě)信的?!?
  • 5、Within three weeks she was able towrite a letter to her family.(不到三個(gè)星期,她就能夠給家里寫(xiě)信了。)
  • 6、The children had promised towrite a letter to grandmama every day, so they immediately started on their task.(孩子們答應(yīng)每天給奶奶寫(xiě)一封信,所以他們立即開(kāi)始了他們的任務(wù)。)
  • 7、Who do you need towrite a letter or call or visit to start the process of reconciliation?(你需要給誰(shuí)寫(xiě)封信,或打個(gè)電話,或拜訪一下,開(kāi)始與他和解?)
  • 8、A: I was hoping you wouldwrite a letter of recommendation.(A:您是否能為我寫(xiě)一封推薦信。)
  • 9、Let's say a boss is asked towrite a letter of recommendation for a former employee seeking an engineering job.(讓我們來(lái)假設(shè)一種情況:一位老板被要求為一個(gè)正在尋找工程師工作的前雇員寫(xiě)一封推薦信。)
  • 10、write a letter to your partner and tell him or her what's bothering you.(寫(xiě)信告訴對(duì)方你的苦惱。)
  • 11、The old man asked me towrite a letter for him.(那位老人要我替他寫(xiě)封信。)
  • 12、Don: Why notwrite a letter?(唐:為什么不寫(xiě)封信?)
  • 13、write a letter, look at a family photo.(寫(xiě)一封信,看看家人的照片。)
  • 14、I sat down towrite a letter begging off.(我坐下來(lái)寫(xiě)信求情。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 15、It means that you mustwrite a letter or telephone to say if you can or cannot come.(它的意思是你必須寫(xiě)信或打電話答復(fù)是否會(huì)來(lái)。)
  • 16、Molly: great, then will youwrite a letter of recommendation for me?(莫莉:太好了,那你會(huì)給我寫(xiě)一封推薦信?)
  • 17、If you find it hard to express emotions, jot down talking points, orwrite a letter.(如果你難于表達(dá)情感,記下一些要點(diǎn)關(guān)鍵詞或者寫(xiě)成信。)
  • 18、write a letter thanking your father for all he's done and all he means to you.(寫(xiě)一封信,以此感謝父親為你所做的一切及父親對(duì)你的意義。)
  • 19、If you're all alone thenwrite a letter and let another know.(如果你一直是一個(gè)人,那么就寫(xiě)一封信,讓他們知道。)
  • 20、Please write your address on the top righthand corner when youwrite a letter.(寫(xiě)信時(shí),請(qǐng)把地址寫(xiě)在右上角。)
  • 21、write a letter to your congress person either to thank them or advise them of a concern.(向你所了解的國(guó)會(huì)議員寫(xiě)封信,不管是對(duì)他表示感謝或?qū)δ汴P(guān)心的問(wèn)題提出建議都行。)
  • 22、My 4-year-old daughter Lucy missed her a lot and asked if we couldwrite a letter to God to make sure he could look after Abbey well.(我四歲的女兒露西非常想念她,她問(wèn)我們是否可以給上帝寫(xiě)封信,以確保他能照顧好艾比。)
  • 23、We couldwrite a letter to the director.(我們不妨給主管寫(xiě)封信。)
  • 24、PENNY: He say he'llwrite a letter soon.(彭妮:他說(shuō)他很快會(huì)寫(xiě)信的。)
  • 25、Neverwrite a letter while you are angry.(生氣時(shí)決不要寫(xiě)信。)
  • 26、If you grew up like I did, you were taught how towrite a letter.(如果你像我一樣,你從小就會(huì)被教導(dǎo)如何寫(xiě)信。)
  • 27、Youwrite a letter to shareholders, and the opposing shareholder writes a letter.(你給股東寫(xiě)信,反對(duì)你的股東也寫(xiě)信。)
  • 28、When you speak,write a letter, or make a telephone, your words carry a message.(當(dāng)你說(shuō)話、寫(xiě)信或打電話時(shí),你的話語(yǔ)傳遞著信息。)

write a letter基本釋義