
would sooner造句

would sooner造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:15:38


would sooner造句

  • 1、The ordinary human beingwould sooner starve than live on brown bread and raw carrots.(普通人寧愿挨餓也不愿意吃黑面包和生胡蘿卜。)
  • 2、I was never afraid of failure for Iwould sooner fail than not be among the best.(我不害怕失敗,但是不在最不錯(cuò)之中卻是我的失敗。(這句翻不不錯(cuò))。)
  • 3、The Square would thank you, but alas hewould sooner stomp your nuts and steal your chocolate... whatever that is!(方塊感謝你們,但很快他們就會(huì)砸你的堅(jiān)果、偷你的巧克力吃了…就是這樣!)
  • 4、Theywould sooner they were beggars.(他們倒希望自己是乞丐。)
  • 5、Iwould sooner it didn't come for a week, just give me time to sort things out.(我寧可他在一周之內(nèi)不要攻擊,好讓我有時(shí)間把事情整理好。)
  • 6、Iwould sooner give up sleep than miss my evening class.(我寧愿不睡覺也不愿錯(cuò)過晚間課程。)
  • 7、Shewould sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals.(她寧可辭職也不愿參與這種不正當(dāng)?shù)馁I賣。)
  • 8、Iwould sooner you had known nothing about it.(我寧愿你對(duì)此事一無所知。)
  • 9、So, is the folk wisdom that a cat will gladly eat its dead owner, but a dogwould sooner starve, just bunk?(民間流傳,貓會(huì)欣然吃掉死去的主人,狗卻寧可挨餓,難道是一派胡言?)
  • 10、Iwould sooner my daughter attended a public school.(但愿我的女兒能上公立學(xué)校。)
  • 11、Ford vowed that hewould sooner burn his factory to the ground than build a single vehicle for war purposes.(福特起誓說,他寧愿把自己的工廠燒毀,也不為戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)生產(chǎn)一輛汽車。)
  • 12、Iwould sooner die at once than live in this agony.(與其生存在這種痛苦中,我寧肯早死的好。)
  • 13、Theywould sooner sink the ship than surrender.(他們寧可沉船也決不投降。)
  • 14、Hewould sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals.(他寧愿辭職,也不愿參與那樣不誠(chéng)實(shí)的買賣。)
  • 15、Hewould sooner let the world turn into drifting powder.(他寧愿讓這世界化成灰燼。)
  • 16、No, hewould sooner quit Kellynch Hall at once, than remain in it on such disgraceful terms.(不,我寧可馬上離開凱林奇大廈,也不愿意按這樣的屈辱條件繼續(xù)呆在里面。)
  • 17、Iwould sooner he came here now.(我倒希望他現(xiàn)在來這里。) hAo86.com
  • 18、Iwould sooner micturate in a tankard of my own ale than journey to Tristram!(我寧愿在我的啤酒桶中撒尿也不愿意前往崔斯特瑞姆!)
  • 19、I need a helping hand, but Iwould sooner you didn't join me.(我需要幫助,但我寧愿你別來。(事實(shí)上他還沒來))
  • 20、Whoever won the electionwould sooner or later have to slash the deficit.(無論誰最后贏得選舉,早晚都必須消減赤字。)
  • 21、Iwould sooner we had dinner now.(我寧愿我們現(xiàn)在就吃晚餐。)
  • 22、Your Grace does not love the noble Hizdahr. This one thinks youwould sooner have another for your husband.(陛下不愛高貴的希茲達(dá)爾。奴婢想您很快就會(huì)得到另一個(gè)丈夫的。)
  • 23、If I were a young man Iwould sooner go to prison than fight for this country.(如果我還是個(gè)年輕人,我寧可坐牢也不愿為這個(gè)國(guó)家去打仗。)
  • 24、Hewould sooner die than consent to such a plan.(他寧死也不肯同意這種計(jì)劃。)
  • 25、If the gods wanted him, hewould sooner die by drowning than choking on his own vomit.(若神靈想讓收回他的話,他寧愿被淹死而非被自己的嘔吐物給嗆死。)
  • 26、I could do it myself but Iwould sooner you did it.(我自己也可以做,但我寧愿你去做。)

would sooner基本釋義

would sooner

寧愿; 寧可