
with a view to造句

with a view to造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:15:56


with a view to造句

  • 1、The team is trying to find this out,with a view to developing a treatment for those with diabetes.(這一小組正致力于此,并在孕育一種糖尿病患者的療法。)
  • 2、The current political situation was consideredwith a view to its causes and its effect.(從原因和后果兩個(gè)方面對(duì)時(shí)局進(jìn)行了考慮。)
  • 3、Hammond said on Thursday he will launch a consultation later this yearwith a view to introducing the new limit in 2013.(哈蒙德周四說,他將在今年提交一個(gè)關(guān)于2013年引入新的限速的咨詢提案。) Hao86.com
  • 4、Over the past year the government's strategy has aimed at candidacy by the end of 2011,with a view to using this as a boost in the election next spring.(在過去的一年中,該國(guó)的策略都以在2011年底獲得候選資格為目標(biāo)的,希望借此刺激明年春天的選舉。)
  • 5、Many parents send their children abroadwith a view to making their children receive a better education.(許多父母把孩子送到國(guó)外是為了使他們的孩子接受更好的教育。)
  • 6、It is also hunting for interested parents,with a view to getting them ready to apply the moment they can.(同時(shí)他們也在尋找有興趣的家長(zhǎng),目的在于讓家長(zhǎng)們能夠在適當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)機(jī)做好申請(qǐng)的準(zhǔn)備。)
  • 7、The following sections detail the overall process,with a view to highlight the underlying agile principles.(以下部分詳述了整體流程,并重點(diǎn)介紹了底層敏捷原則。)
  • 8、India hosted the summitwith a view to gaining influence in Africa, a resource-rich region where many economies are Posting strong growth.(印度主辦這次高峰會(huì)的目的是提高在非洲的影響力。非洲資源儲(chǔ)量豐富,很多經(jīng)濟(jì)體增長(zhǎng)強(qiáng)勁。)
  • 9、The company is only now testing walk-sequencing equipment, which sorts mail into the right order for street delivery,with a view to rolling it out in January.(公司眼下只是在進(jìn)行行走序列設(shè)備的測(cè)試,此種設(shè)備可以將郵件按照街道進(jìn)行正確分揀,預(yù)期將二月份投入使用。)
  • 10、Thousands of human genomes are being used to catalogue the full diversity of human DNAwith a view to improving our understanding of disease.(科學(xué)家們利用千人基因組計(jì)劃對(duì)人類DNA的全部變異進(jìn)行分類,并以此著眼于改進(jìn)我們對(duì)于疾病的理解。)
  • 11、After his death Bishop Horsley was asked to inspect the boxwith a view to publication. He saw the contents with horror and slammed the lid.(在他死后,霍斯利主教奉命檢查這個(gè)盒子以希望出版這些著作,他看了盒子中的內(nèi)容,驚恐地猛然把盒子蓋上了。)
  • 12、He makes friendswith a view to using them.(他交朋友是為了利用他們。)
  • 13、We have lowered the pricewith a view to getting more market share.(為了獲得更大的市場(chǎng)份額,我們降低了產(chǎn)品價(jià)格。)
  • 14、The official line was that these were places to treat psychopathswith a view to one day sending them back out into the world.(官方對(duì)外的態(tài)度是這里是一個(gè)治療心理變態(tài)狂的地方,有一天他們是可能回歸社會(huì)的。)
  • 15、He's painting the housewith a view to selling it.(他在粉刷房子,想把它賣掉。)
  • 16、He has sold most of his discoveries to metal refiners or diamond sellers, while keeping some goldwith a view to melting it down for future use.(他已經(jīng)將收集的絕大部分材料賣給了金煉者和珠寶商,只保留了少許黃金準(zhǔn)備將來熔煉后再用。)
  • 17、The authors no doubt overstated their casewith a view to catching the public's attention.(作者們毫無疑問地夸大了他們的情形以吸引公眾的注意力。)
  • 18、Ryanair has signed a co-operation deal with the Chinese company,with a view to using it as an alternative to Boeing, its sole supplier.(愛爾蘭ryanai航空公司同中國(guó)公司簽訂了合作協(xié)議,把中國(guó)飛機(jī)制造公司作為波音公司(以前ryanai的唯一供應(yīng)商)的替代品。)
  • 19、He also wants a referendum in 2010,with a view to taking Scotland out of the union.(他還想在2010年能舉行一次全民公投,期望蘇格蘭能脫離聯(lián)合王國(guó)。)
  • 20、Private equity funds are conglomerates that trade in companies,with a view to financial gain.(私人股本基金則是以獲取財(cái)務(wù)利益為目的,從事公司買賣交易的綜合企業(yè)集團(tuán)。)
  • 21、We take liberty of writing to youwith a view to establish business relations with you.(我們冒昧寫信一起與貴公司建立合作關(guān)系。)
  • 22、The gift must be madewith a view to the donor's present illness or peril.(贈(zèng)與的做出必須考慮到贈(zèng)與人目前的疾病和危險(xiǎn)狀況。)
  • 23、We have taken note of some expert suggestions on carbon intensitywith a view to have some quantified targets in this regard.(張曉強(qiáng)說“我們注意到一些專家提出的,對(duì)碳密集度設(shè)定一定量化目標(biāo)的建議。)
  • 24、The two sides should exert joint efforts to meet each other halfwaywith a view to improving bilateral relations and people-to-people friendliness.(雙方應(yīng)相向而行,為改善兩國(guó)關(guān)系,增進(jìn)兩國(guó)人民的友好感情,做出共同努力。)
  • 25、He has called a meeting of all parties tomorrow,with a view to forming a national reconciliation government.(他已召集各派于明天會(huì)談,目的在于組建一個(gè)民族和解政府。)
  • 26、Acknowledge past events, but endeavor to manage the presentwith a view to creating a brighter future.(承認(rèn)過去的事件,但是盡力用一種創(chuàng)造更光明的未來的觀點(diǎn)來把握現(xiàn)在。)
  • 27、The Spanish Footballers Association said it wants to continue talkswith a view to satisfy the players.(西班牙職業(yè)球員聯(lián)盟日前也發(fā)表聲明,稱將會(huì)繼續(xù)與相關(guān)機(jī)構(gòu)談判,爭(zhēng)取拿出一個(gè)讓球員滿意的解決方案。)
  • 28、I went not into the forest to seek a potentate; neither do I, at any future time, design a visit thither,with a view to gaining the favour of such personage.(我到樹林里去,絕不是去找什么有權(quán)勢(shì)的人,而且在將來的任何時(shí)刻,我也沒有去那兒拜訪、謀求這樣一個(gè)人歡心的意圖。)

with a view to基本釋義

with a view to

英 [wie ? vju: tu:] 美 [w?e e vju tu] 