
with abandon造句

with abandon造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:15:55


with abandon造句

  • 1、Perhaps the candidates fear the irony of extolling thrift as they spendwith abandon to destroy one another.(可能候選人擔(dān)心諷刺他們在競選上贊美節(jié)儉的花費會讓他們彼此陷入絕境。)
  • 2、The girls danced their armswith abandon.(那些女孩子盡情地跳舞。)
  • 3、The girls jumped up and down and waved their armswith abandon.(那些女孩子跳上跳下盡情地?fù)]舞著手臂。)
  • 4、They lentwith abandon for land speculation in the early 1990s.(在90年代初期時,銀行對土地投機肆意放貸。)
  • 5、At the party , people sang and dancedwith abandon , totally forgetting the troubles in their lives.(聚會上人們盡情的唱歌跳舞,把生活中的煩惱拋到了九霄云外。)
  • 6、They were smoking and drinkingwith abandon.(我們不敢放縱自己的情感。)
  • 7、Fulfillment in life comes from making a difference. When you have an opportunity to make a difference, do so generously andwith abandon.(生命中的滿足來源于促成某種變化。如果你有機會去改變什么,那么你一定要慷慨地、盡情地投入進(jìn)去。)
  • 8、I love this lifewith abandon and wish to speak of it boldly: it makes me proud of my human condition.(我放肆地?zé)釔壑@種生命,我要大聲說出它的意義:它讓我感覺到作為一個人類的驕傲。)
  • 9、When you have an opportunity to make a difference, do so generously andwith abandon.(如果你有機會去改變什么,那么你一定要慷慨地、盡情地投入進(jìn)去。)
  • 10、Indeed, one of the charms of visiting Hainan is to hear about - and witness - China's new rich spending their wealthwith abandon.(無疑,造訪海南的魅力之一就是耳聞與目睹中國的財富新貴們?nèi)绾我粩S千金地消費。)
  • 11、People jumped and shoutedwith abandon.(人們盡情地跳著喊著。) hAo86.com
  • 12、An intense life, for instance, can be livedwith abandon.(舉個例子,一段熱烈的人生可能伴隨著放縱。)
  • 13、He knew he would slam into himwith abandon, forgetting all else.(他知道自己將不顧一切地大打出手。)
  • 14、Although I have no hopes of ever skiing that way, I do dream of livingwith abandon.(雖然我從不幻想自己能那樣滑雪,但我的確向往能盡情地生活。)
  • 15、The children played with waterwith abandon.(孩子們盡情地玩水。)
  • 16、Can be wan and sallow and sadwith abandon too while failing in love, but should introspect , grow up.(失戀的時候也可以盡情憔悴悲傷,但是要反省、成長。)
  • 17、The guests at the party dancedwith abandon.(聚會上的客人們盡情地跳舞。)
  • 18、When that happens, it's really just an effect of acting on our emotionswith abandon for so long.(這時,其實就是長時間任意放縱情緒給我們帶來的結(jié)果。)
  • 19、It's clear, however, that the days of popping supplement pillswith abandon are gone.(但是很清楚的一點是,對服用維生素充滿狂熱的日子已經(jīng)過去了。)
  • 20、The kids were splashing paintwith abandon.(孩子們?nèi)我獾貪姙⒅伭稀?
  • 21、I throw myselfwith abandon into our new puppy.(我全身心的投入到我們的小狗上。)
  • 22、The fans cheeredwith abandon when their football team won.(當(dāng)他們的足球隊踢贏時,球迷們便瘋狂地歡呼。)
  • 23、The person's lifetime should face a lot of choices, takewith abandon, right with the fault, interweaving your life contrail.(人的一生要面對很多選擇,取與舍,對與錯,交織著你的人生軌跡。)
  • 24、My normally tightwad mother would open her pursewith abandon when we were traveling, and I've never quite shaken the habit.(當(dāng)我在旅行時打開錢包時,母親的忠告就完全忘記,我的壞習(xí)慣又回來了。)
  • 25、The child criedwith abandon.(這孩子放聲大哭。)

with abandon基本釋義

with abandon

英 [wie ??b?nd?n] 美 [w?e ??b?nd?n] 
放任地; 放縱地; 縱情地
