
under construction造句

under construction造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:14:56


under construction造句

  • 1、The exhibition has 11 projects that have been built or areunder construction in nine countries.(展覽會(huì)擁有11項(xiàng)工程,它們?cè)诰艂€(gè)國(guó)家有的已經(jīng)建成,有的還在建筑當(dāng)中。)
  • 2、A Web site making his sources clear isunder construction.(一個(gè)將他援引的資料加以澄清的網(wǎng)站正在建設(shè)中。)
  • 3、The pancreas, which produces hormones, is currentlyunder construction.(產(chǎn)生激素的胰腺現(xiàn)在正牌建設(shè)之中。)
  • 4、The studio is stillunder construction and won't open until mid-March.(這個(gè)工作室仍在籌建中,明年三月中旬才能營(yíng)業(yè)。)
  • 5、The compositions were appropriate for the large reverberant cathedralsunder construction.(創(chuàng)作的曲目與正在建設(shè)的混響大的教堂相吻合。)
  • 6、A new railway isunder construction.(正在修建一條新鐵路。)
  • 7、The subwayunder construction will bring convenience to the transportation of citizens。(正在建設(shè)的這條地鐵線將給市民的出行帶來(lái)便利。)
  • 8、B: Right, many are stillunder construction.(是的,許多還正在建設(shè)之中。)
  • 9、Tower One is alreadyunder construction.(一號(hào)塔樓已經(jīng)在建造中。)
  • 10、The railway is stillunder construction.(這條鐵路仍在建設(shè)之中。)
  • 11、The reservoir isunder construction.(水庫(kù)正在建設(shè)。)
  • 12、The new railway isunder construction.(新鐵路正在修筑之中。)
  • 13、The hotel is stillunder construction.(旅館還在興建中。) haO86.com
  • 14、Of the 62 plantsunder construction in the world, two-thirds are in Asia.(世界上在建的62個(gè)核電站,有三分之二分布在亞洲。)
  • 15、Another 27 reactors areunder construction.(還有27個(gè)反應(yīng)堆在建設(shè)中。)
  • 16、Towering property blocks appear every few kilometers, eitherunder construction or newly built.(每隔幾公里就會(huì)有一大塊區(qū)域大搞房地產(chǎn),很多都是在建項(xiàng)目或者是新建項(xiàng)目。)
  • 17、Status : 20-megawatt plantunder construction in Stephentown, N.Y.(現(xiàn)狀:紐約州史蒂芬鎮(zhèn)在建20百萬(wàn)瓦的工廠)
  • 18、Another 30 houses areunder construction.(另外30幢房屋正在建設(shè)。)
  • 19、More groups areunder construction.(正在構(gòu)建更多小組。)
  • 20、The new international airport is stillunder construction.(新的國(guó)際機(jī)場(chǎng)還在建設(shè)中。)
  • 21、The Bushehr plant, which has beenunder construction for many years, is now being loaded with fuel.(已經(jīng)建設(shè)了許多年的布什爾核電站目前正在裝載燃料。)
  • 22、The technologyunder construction here, known as a pebble-bed reactor, is not new.(這種名為球床核反應(yīng)堆的技術(shù)并不是新近才出現(xiàn)的。)
  • 23、We also have a new fab (manufacturing facility)under construction in Dalian," he said.(在大連,我們還有一個(gè)正在興建的新工廠。)
  • 24、Everywhere isunder construction, every road. It's hard to get anywhere.(到處在施工,每一條道路都是,到哪兒都很困難。)

under construction基本釋義

under construction

英 [??nd? k?n?str?k??n] 美 [??nd? k?n?str?k??n] 

