
Your Highness造句

Your Highness造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:15:21


Your Highness造句

  • 1、Twas she that hath disturbedYour Highness.(就是她擾亂了殿下的心情。) hao86.com
  • 2、"But,Your Highness," replied the trembling Lamb, "do not be angry!"(“但是,殿下,”顫抖的小羊回答道,“請(qǐng)息怒!”)
  • 3、And thenYour Highness will begin to learn how to tilt and joust.(于是殿下就要開始學(xué)習(xí)騎馬持矛沖刺和比武了。)
  • 4、"I shall put it into a single word for the benefit ofYour Highness".(為閣下考慮,我可以總結(jié)成一個(gè)詞。)
  • 5、Where didYour Highness find such a man?(陛下是在哪兒找了這么一個(gè)人來(lái)?。?
  • 6、Thank you,Your Highness. I know I shall not fail.(謝謝你,皇后陛下。我知道我會(huì)成功的。)
  • 7、But it's my job,Your Highness. I'm the royal crown polisher.(但那是我的工作,我的職責(zé)就是擦亮它。)
  • 8、Strangely,Your Highness, they like voting(奇怪!閣下,他們喜歡選舉)
  • 9、Which of the fities that you visited didYour Highness enjoy the most?(記者:公主殿下對(duì)所訪問(wèn)的城市中印象最深的是哪一個(gè)呢?。)
  • 10、Your Highness, I think you like him!(殿下,我想你喜歡他。)
  • 11、Another reporter: Which of the cities visited didYour Highness enjoy the most?(另一個(gè)記者:訪問(wèn)的城市當(dāng)中,殿下最喜歡哪一個(gè)呢??)
  • 12、Even that has been questioned,Your Highness.(就連這一點(diǎn)也是值得懷疑的,殿下。)
  • 13、Lord Hertford said, "So pleaseYour Highness, it is for you to command, it is for us to obey."(赫德福勛爵說(shuō):“殿下,這是您的命令,我們得執(zhí)行?!?
  • 14、"Your Highness, there is nothing you cannot do," someone would smile.(“國(guó)王陛下,這世上沒有什么您辦不到的?!庇謥?lái)一位笑嘻嘻地贊揚(yáng)他。)
  • 15、Guard:Your Highness!(守衛(wèi):殿下!)
  • 16、Griffin: They come,Your Highness, in Numbers and weapons far greater than our own.(獅鷲:他們來(lái)了,陛下。人數(shù)眾多,武器精良。)
  • 17、We hear thatYour Highness is an expert swordsman.(久聞殿下是劍術(shù)高手。)
  • 18、Which of the cities visited didYour Highness enjoy the most?(在訪問(wèn)的城市當(dāng)中,殿下最喜歡哪一個(gè)呢?)
  • 19、E. -Your Highness, happy holiday.(諸位殿下,節(jié)日好。)
  • 20、Your most humble servant,Your Highness.(是你最卑微的仆人,我的殿下。)
  • 21、Reporter: Which of the cities visited didYour Highness enjoy the most?(記者:公主殿下,您對(duì)所訪問(wèn)的城市中印象最深的是哪一個(gè)呢?)
  • 22、I 'd be honored,Your Highness, would you mind holding my broom?(我很榮幸,殿下,你介意拿著我的掃帚嗎?)
  • 23、That would be best,Your Highness.(那就再好不過(guò)了,殿下。)
  • 24、Your Highness, our wits are as sharp as needles!(公主殿下,我們的機(jī)智銳利如針!)
  • 25、Which of the cities that you visited didYour Highness enjoy the most?(公主殿下對(duì)所過(guò)訪的城市中印象最深的是哪個(gè)呢?。)
  • 26、Your Highness, do you still feel lonely?(殿下,現(xiàn)在還寂寞嗎?)
  • 27、Guard: Hurry,Your Highness! They're here!(守衛(wèi):快,殿下!他們來(lái)了!)

Your Highness基本釋義