
yours sincerely造句

yours sincerely造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:15:20


yours sincerely造句

  • 1、Thank you for everything. Yours most sincerely.(感謝一切,你們最親的。)
  • 2、I can't wait to meet you and I hope that we will have a good time! Sincerely, yours.(我不能等待和大家見(jiàn)面,我希望我們能有一個(gè)好的時(shí)間!)
  • 3、He signed his name with "yours sincerely" at the bottom of the letter.(他在信的底端寫(xiě)下了“你的誠(chéng)摯的”并簽了名字。)
  • 4、I look forward to hearing from you and to developing a worthwhile and meaningful professional programme for Lisbon. Best wishes,yours sincerely, Henri R. Manasse, Jr.(期待您的回復(fù),同時(shí)也期待著伊斯坦布爾會(huì)議能有一個(gè)有價(jià)值有意義的專(zhuān)業(yè)的會(huì)議議程。)
  • 5、Did you write, "Sincerely yours"?(你寫(xiě)上“忠于您的”了嗎?)
  • 6、W: that shouldn't be so hard just say: "Dear aunt Barbara: Thank you for such a nice birthday gift.How do you know that exactly what I want.Wish you good health! Sincerely Yours Bill"!(不是那么難的,這樣寫(xiě)就可以了“親愛(ài)的芭芭拉姑姑:謝謝你送給我的生日禮物你是怎么知道的那么清楚我想要什么的?!弊D闵眢w健康!)
  • 7、"She ended with a conventional"yours sincerely, "and without any allusion to the date of her return."(她在結(jié)尾用了慣常的“謹(jǐn)啟”二字,沒(méi)有提及她回來(lái)的日期。) hao86.com
  • 8、Do you know why? I told Gates a gossip story...... he wanted to keep me being in Microsoft forever, which leads to the grant of lifelong honorary President. Sincerely yours?(就因?yàn)槲以?jīng)給蓋茨講了一個(gè)八卦的故事……授予我終身榮譽(yù)總裁,蓋茨就可以一輩子把我留在微軟了。)
  • 9、How did you sign the letter? Did you write, "Sincerely yours"?(你在信上是怎么署名的?你寫(xiě)上“忠實(shí)于您的”了嗎?)
  • 10、Waiting to hear from you,yours sincerely, William Faulkner.(盼復(fù),您的誠(chéng)摯的,威廉·??思{。)
  • 11、How did you sign the letter? Did you write "sincerely yours"?(你在信上怎樣署名的?你寫(xiě)了“你誠(chéng)摯的”嗎?)
  • 12、Remember when you start with a specific name, e.g. "Dear Mr. Jones", you should end with "yours sincerely".(記住當(dāng)你以特定稱(chēng)呼開(kāi)頭時(shí),例如“DearMr.Jones”,必須以“Yourssincerely”結(jié)尾。)
  • 13、The next time you visit us, please let me know in advance so that I can arrange a lunch for you with our directors. Sincerely yours.(下次到訪前,煩請(qǐng)賜知,俾能安排與本公司董事共進(jìn)午餐。)
  • 14、We look forward to your initial order very soon.yours sincerely.(期待著不久就能收到你們的首次訂單。)
  • 15、I apologize again for my carelessness, and wish to meet you again soon! Sincerely yours, Li Ming.(再次由于我的粗心向你道歉,希望能很快再見(jiàn)面。真摯的李明。)

yours sincerely基本釋義

yours sincerely

[j?:z s?n?s??l?] 

名詞謹(jǐn)上(書(shū)信結(jié)尾用語(yǔ)); 敬啟(書(shū)信結(jié)尾用語(yǔ)); 鄙人,我