
youth centre造句

youth centre造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:15:20


youth centre造句

  • 1、Theyouth centre is my favourite place. I often go there with my friends at the weekend.(青年中心是我最喜歡的地方,周末我經(jīng)常和朋友們?nèi)ツ抢铩?
  • 2、He is the youngest chief speechwriter on record in the White House, and, despite such youth, was at the centre of discussions of the content of today's speech, one which has so much riding on it.(他是白宮有記載以來最年輕的首席講稿撰寫人,而且,拋開年齡不談,還是討論起草今日演講內(nèi)容的核心人物,對之有重要的影響。)
  • 3、The cultural art and creativeyouth centre is based in Kampala, Uganda with a representative office in Congo.(青少年文化藝術(shù)和創(chuàng)意中心位于烏干達的坎帕拉,在剛果有一個代表部門。)
  • 4、They raised money for a new youth activity centre.(他們?yōu)樾碌那嗄昊顒又行哪季琛?
  • 5、Situatedin the center of New Town, Jiadingyouth centre ambitions to connect Ziqidonglai Park and Yuanxiang Lake, thus becoming an significant node of public space of this district.(嘉定青年中心位于嘉定新城核心處,是紫氣東來公園和遠香湖之間聯(lián)系紐帶,更是城市中心公共空間系統(tǒng)中的重要節(jié)點。)
  • 6、In Chile, connecting to the community has inspired the repurposing of an existing golf clubhouse on the property into an education centre for youth.(在智利,與社區(qū)的連接也使現(xiàn)有的高爾夫會所將轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榍嗌倌杲逃行摹?
  • 7、In the field of literature, the youth creation becomes the centre gradually too.(在文學領域,青年創(chuàng)作也漸成中心。)
  • 8、The Norway youth international impressed manager Arsene Wenger while with the Bundesliga outfit as he excelled in both defensive midfield and at centre back.(這名年輕的挪威球員依靠自己在德甲聯(lián)賽中的表現(xiàn)給了阿爾塞納·溫格一個深刻的印象,因為他可以同時勝任中后衛(wèi)和后腰的角色。)
  • 9、Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre merged with Shanghai People's Art Theatre and Shanghai Youth Repertory Theatre built in 1995.(上海話劇藝術(shù)中心建于1995年,是由原上海人民藝術(shù)劇院和上海青年話劇團合并而成。)
  • 10、The city centre itself has nearly 7,000 hotel bed spaces ranging from 5 star hotels to youth hostels.(城市中心本身擁有近7000個旅館床位不等,從5星級酒店青年旅舍。)
  • 11、The centre has hired top-grade experts at home and abroad to give lessons to youth teachers and student periodically, and plans to have academic exchanges with foreign art schools.(中心配備了國內(nèi)外一流專家定期為青年教師及學生上課,并計劃不定期與國外學校進行藝術(shù)交流。)
  • 12、Youth opportunities and responsibility, July 30 in the Convention and Exhibition Centre.(青年的機遇與責任,七月三十日在會展中心舉行。)
  • 13、Some cities are appealing to their citizens-to help at ayouth centre, for example, when its budget has been cut.(比如預算削減以后,一些城市呼吁市民到青年中心幫忙。)
  • 14、Michael Carrick, a midfielder once likened to Glenn Hoddle, made an unorthodox centre-half. He was partnered by Ezekiel Fryers, a youth-academy graduate making his debut 11 days after turning 19.(邁克爾·卡里克——這樣一個和格倫·霍德爾相似的中場被放在了準中衛(wèi)的位置上,與青年學院才剛過19歲11天的依齊基爾·弗萊·爾斯搭檔,而且弗萊·爾斯只是一個左后衛(wèi)。)
  • 15、Go out of theyouth centre.(走出青年中心。)
  • 16、Peter is Lily's elder brother. They are filling a questionaire for ayouth centre.(彼得系莉莉的哥哥。他們正在填寫一份少年中心的問卷。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 17、My favourite place is theyouth centre.(我最喜歡的地方是青年中心。)
  • 18、In the first shooting a man and a woman were killed and two men wounded one critically at the youth with a mission centre in arvada on the outskirts of Denver.(在第一起槍擊事件發(fā)生丹佛的郊外阿瓦達的一個青年傳教士培訓中心,一個男人和一個女人死亡,兩個男人受傷,一人情況危急。)
  • 19、Confirmed: ac Milan's Filippo Galli will come to visit ayouth centre in China, accompanied by my company.(AC米蘭青少年負責人菲利普·加利已經(jīng)確定來中國參觀一個青少年中心,將由我的公司負責陪同。)
  • 20、The facility is intended to become more than a simple Church, with the ability to operate as a theatre for performance, as a functions venue and youth and community centre.(該設施是不再僅僅是一種簡單的教堂,而是意在成為擁有劇院、多功能表演場等功能的青年社區(qū)中心。)
  • 21、In the first shooting, a man and a woman were killed, and two men wounded, one critically, at the Youth With a Mission centre in, on the outskirts of Denver.(第一次槍擊事件發(fā)生在丹佛郊區(qū)阿瓦達的一家青年傳教中心,一名男子和一名婦女被槍殺,兩人受傷,其中一人傷勢嚴重。)
  • 22、Boys don't like shopping centres. They like going to theyouth centre and the computer centre.(男孩不喜歡購物中心,他們喜歡去青少年中心和電腦中心。)
  • 23、There are lots of buildings there , including a lager shopping mall , ayouth centre and a cinema . There is a park too .(在市中心有許多建筑物,包括一個大型購物中心,一個青年中心和一個電影院還有一個公園;)

youth centre基本釋義