
Young Pioneer造句

Young Pioneer造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:15:22


Young Pioneer造句

  • 1、What I have here is aYoung Pioneer Flag, typical among Chinese elementary schools.(我手里是一面在中國小學(xué)里隨處可見的少先隊中隊旗。但這并不是一面普通的旗幟;)
  • 2、Weber's life was very short and he was handicapped when he was very young , but he still ascended himself into the pioneer of romantic music with his talent and effort.(韋伯的生命非常短暫,且從小就有身體上的缺陷,但他依然憑借著自己的天賦與努力躋身于“浪漫主義音樂的先驅(qū)”之列。)
  • 3、Not only he but also I am aYoung Pioneer.(不僅他是少先隊員,我也是。)
  • 4、He also is viewed as a pioneer of what has become nothing short of a literary Renaissance online in the country, particularly among young Chinese writers.(他同樣被認(rèn)為是中國網(wǎng)絡(luò)文學(xué)復(fù)興的先鋒。)
  • 5、It is a precious memory that when he was still aYoung Pioneer from the primary school, he.(這是一段珍貴的記憶,當(dāng)他是個小學(xué)少先隊員時,沒到三月五日他就去別人家拖地板、撿垃圾、澆花。)
  • 6、The representative of theYoung Pioneer placed a bunch of flowers at the foot of the Monument to the People's Heros.(少先隊員代表將一束鮮花獻(xiàn)在人民英雄紀(jì)念碑前。)
  • 7、I am aYoung Pioneer.(我是個少先隊員。)
  • 8、Now, you are aYoung Pioneer or a secondary school student. It means you are not the little baby in your mother's arms without any worries any more.(現(xiàn)在,大家都已經(jīng)是少先隊員或者中學(xué)生了,這就意味著你已經(jīng)不再是母親懷中無憂無慮的小嬰兒了。)
  • 9、In 1985 Mr Zimmerman, along with Chuck Blanchard, Young Harvill and Steve Bryson, joined Mr Lanier’s recently formed company, VPL Research, that would pioneer virtual reality.(chuckblanchard,youngharivill和stevebryson一起加入了拉尼爾新開的公司,VPL研發(fā)公司,虛擬現(xiàn)實的先驅(qū)。)
  • 10、Neither of them is aYoung Pioneer.(他們倆都不是少先隊員。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 11、Now, you too can be a 5-stripeYoung Pioneer just like Huang Yibo!(現(xiàn)在,你也可成為“五道杠”少先隊員,就好像黃藝博!)
  • 12、Today I have become a gloriousYoung Pioneer.(今天,我光榮的成為一名少先隊員。)
  • 13、Isn't she aYoung Pioneer?(她難道不是少先隊員嗎?)
  • 14、Not you but I am aYoung Pioneer.(不是你是少先隊員,而是我是少先隊員。)
  • 15、The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when aYoung Pioneer presented him with a bunch of fresh flowers.(體育代表團(tuán)團(tuán)長在少先隊員向他獻(xiàn)上一束鮮花時愉快地笑了。)
  • 16、1922 -Young Pioneer organization of the Soviet Union is established.(1922年的今天,蘇聯(lián)的少年先鋒組織成立。)
  • 17、We are always told that the red scarf is a corner of our red flag, a symbol of aYoung Pioneer, now what role does this green scarf play?(我們從小就知道,紅領(lǐng)巾是國旗的一角,是少先隊員的象征,那現(xiàn)在的綠領(lǐng)巾起什么作用?)
  • 18、I became aYoung Pioneer at Grade 1, and a National team player at Grade 2. Each Monday, I raise the national flag in front of all students, I'm proud of myself.(我在一年級就光榮地加入了中國少年先鋒隊,二年級成為了學(xué)校的國旗隊隊員,每周一都要在全校學(xué)生隊伍前面升國旗,我非常地高興和自豪!)
  • 19、Next, let's welcome Ms. Chen to announce the list of the outstanding cadres and the outstanding members of theYoung Pioneer Team.(接下來,請陳玲老師宣布優(yōu)秀少先隊干部及優(yōu)秀隊員名單。)
  • 20、Our school is aYoung Pioneer subjects research experimental one in Hubei.(我校是湖北省少先隊課題研究試點(diǎn)單位。)
  • 21、Congratulations to Pioneer Taekwondo team, 20 young players won 5 golds, 7 silvers and 8 bronzes at "TUSAH" National Taekwondo Open 2016.(恭喜先驅(qū)跆拳道20名小學(xué)員出戰(zhàn)TUSAH杯全國跆拳道公開賽,獲得5金7銀8銅的戰(zhàn)績。)
  • 22、He is viewed as a pioneer of what has become an online literary renaissance among young Chinese writers.(慕容雪村還被視為中國網(wǎng)絡(luò)文學(xué)復(fù)興的先驅(qū)者,尤其是在中國青年作家中。)
  • 23、This is a journalist of the "Chinese Juveniles". Today she comes here for ourYoung Pioneer meeting.(林:這位是《中國少年報》的小記者。今天,特地來參加我們的主題活動。)
  • 24、Peter: I'm aYoung Pioneer.(彼得:我是個年輕的勇者。)
  • 25、Neither you nor he is aYoung Pioneer.(你和他都不是少先隊員。)
  • 26、The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when aYoung Pioneer presented him with a bunch of flowers.(體育仗表團(tuán)團(tuán)長在少先隊員向仕獻(xiàn)上一束鮮花時愉快地笑了。)

Young Pioneer基本釋義

