
word of mouth造句

word of mouth造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:15:09


word of mouth造句

  • 1、word of mouth is now the number one marketing channel.(口碑相傳正成為第一位的市場溝通渠道。)
  • 2、It sells its products byword of mouth.(它靠口口相傳來銷售產(chǎn)品。)
  • 3、First, I think it is important to distinguish betweenword of mouth marketing and viral distribution.(首先,我應(yīng)該向大家解釋一下口頭營銷和病毒式營銷的區(qū)別。)
  • 4、Promotion has four distinct elements - advertising, public relations,word of mouth and point of sale.(包括四個不同的因素:廣告、公共關(guān)系、口碑和銷售點。)
  • 5、The story has been passed down byword of mouth.(這個故事是口頭流傳下來的。)
  • 6、He agreed byword of mouth.(他口頭上同意了。)
  • 7、word of mouth can be very powerful.(輿論的力量是很大的。)
  • 8、It spread entirely byword of mouth.(網(wǎng)站的傳播完全通過口碑。)
  • 9、It's been a long time since I've seen a movie with such unbelievably positiveword of mouth.(我很久都沒有看到一部電影擁有如此不可思議的積極的口碑。)
  • 10、The best possible marketing tool isword of mouth, but a product has to be extremely good to earn it.(市場營銷最好的工具是以口相傳,但前提是產(chǎn)品品質(zhì)必需非常出色。)
  • 11、It spends relatively little on advertising, relying onword of mouth to drive sales.(它在廣告方面的投入不多,主要依靠人們的口碑來拉動銷售。)
  • 12、The news spread byword of mouth.(這消息是口頭傳開的。)
  • 13、“I usually first hear of my target companies through localword of mouth,” he says.(他說“我常常通過當(dāng)?shù)厝说谝粫r間了解到我的目標公司。)
  • 14、I have informed him byword of mouth.(我已口頭通知他了。)
  • 15、Apps gain popularity through user ratings,word of mouth and being free never hurts either.(應(yīng)用程序通過用戶評價,口碑,免費且不受傷害以獲得歡迎。)
  • 16、It's tough to track information traveling byword of mouth.(我們很難追蹤那些口頭相傳的信息。)
  • 17、Some marketers have concluded that "word of mouth" marketing cannot be bought.(有些市場營銷者認為“口碑之力”是無法用金錢購買到的。)
  • 18、So, a lot of it has beenword of mouth.(所以很多都是口口相傳。)
  • 19、They spent little or no money on advertising, relying instead onword of mouth and giveaways.(他們幾乎沒有花錢在廣告上,而是以口碑和贈予的方式來代替。)
  • 20、After you gain the respect of a few people,word of mouth will begin to spread popularity for you.(你贏得一小部分人的尊重后,經(jīng)過口口相傳,你的受歡迎程度就提升了。)
  • 21、The website would continue to get new traffic fromword of mouth.(網(wǎng)站可能因為不斷提升的口碑而被訪問至癱瘓。)
  • 22、Built user trust and community - generating positiveword of mouth.(建立用戶信任感,創(chuàng)建社區(qū),產(chǎn)生積極的口碑傳播。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 23、Here is some advice for small businesses aboutword of mouth advertising.(以下是給小企業(yè)的一些關(guān)于口碑廣告的建議。)
  • 24、word of mouth helps to cut through all that using personal recommendations.(通過個人推薦,口碑幫助人們走了捷徑。)
  • 25、word of mouth advertising happens when one person tells another about a good experience with a product or service.(當(dāng)一個人告訴另一個人對產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)的良好體驗時,口碑廣告就發(fā)生了。)
  • 26、The best form of advertising is probablyword of mouth advertising which occurs when people tell their friends about the benefits of products or services that they have purchased.(最好的廣告形式可能是口碑營銷。當(dāng)人們將所購買的產(chǎn)品或服務(wù)的好處告訴他們的朋友時,口碑營銷就出現(xiàn)了。)

word of mouth基本釋義

word of mouth

形容詞: word-of-mouth