
South Africa造句

South Africa造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:23:28


South Africa造句

  • 1、His second wife, Hilary, had been widowed, then exiled fromSouth Africa.(他的第二任妻子希拉里曾一度孀居,之后被逐出南非。)
  • 2、In the reserves of Zimbabwe andSouth Africa, annual culls are already routine.(在津巴布韋和南非的自然保護(hù)區(qū),對(duì)病弱動(dòng)物每年所進(jìn)行的宰殺剔除已成慣例。)
  • 3、He had dedicated his life to bettering the lot of the oppressed people ofSouth Africa.(他一生致力于改善南非被壓迫人民的命運(yùn)。)
  • 4、Mandela said, "We want a united, undividedSouth Africa."(曼德拉說:“我們要一個(gè)統(tǒng)一的、未被分裂的南非?!?
  • 5、He described the move as a victory for the people ofSouth Africa as a whole.(他把這一行動(dòng)描述成全體南非人民的一次勝利。)
  • 6、South Africa would be better.(南非將會(huì)更好。)
  • 7、Fairview Estate is one of the oldest and the most go-ahead wine producers inSouth Africa.(“麗景莊園”是南非最古老、最有開拓進(jìn)取精神的葡萄酒生產(chǎn)商之一。)
  • 8、I went toSouth Africa last year.(我去年去了趟南非。)
  • 9、There is an old well inSouth Africa.(在南非,有一口古老的水井。)
  • 10、I have been toSouth Africa.(我去過南非。)
  • 11、His first words were a salute to the people ofSouth Africa.(他開口首先向南非人民致敬。)
  • 12、They both were found inSouth Africa.(他們均在南非被發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 13、There's been a flare-up of violence inSouth Africa.(南非的暴力沖突曾一度升級(jí)。)
  • 14、Do you come fromSouth Africa?(你來自南非嗎?)
  • 15、InSouth Africa, Jani was a big fish in a small pond.(在南非,亞尼是當(dāng)?shù)氐拇笕宋铩?
  • 16、AlthoughSouth Africa has many of the attributes of the First World – some good infrastructure, millions of rich people – it is still not part of that world.(盡管南非具有第一世界的很多特征-良好的基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施,成千上萬的富翁-但它還并不屬于那個(gè)世界。)
  • 17、He has, in a sense, been given a blank cheque to negotiate the newSouth Africa.(從某種意義上說,他已被允許全權(quán)洽談新南非問題。)
  • 18、In secondary schools acrossSouth Africa, students are taking matriculation exams.(南非全國(guó)各地的中學(xué)生正在參加大學(xué)入學(xué)考試。)
  • 19、This is a book aboutSouth Africa.(這是一本關(guān)于南非的書。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、He took an elaborate escape route fromSouth Africa to Britain.(他周密安排了一條路線從南非逃往英國(guó)。)
  • 21、Police inSouth Africa say ten people have died in scattered violence around the country.(南非警方稱,該國(guó)各地的暴力事件中已有10人死亡。)
  • 22、We also went toSouth Africa.(我們還去了南非。)
  • 23、South Africa is rich in diamonds.(南非盛產(chǎn)鉆石。)
  • 24、Sport matters inSouth Africa.(南非看重體育。)
  • 25、South Africa is a beautiful country.(南非是一個(gè)美麗的國(guó)度。)
  • 26、He has returned toSouth Africa from his long overseas trip.(他結(jié)束了漫長(zhǎng)的海外旅行回到了南非。)
  • 27、He felt the need to make a stand against racism inSouth Africa.(他覺得有必要表明反對(duì)南非種族主義的立場(chǎng)。)
  • 28、He was one of the few thousand committed Rastafarians inSouth Africa.(他是南非僅有的幾千名虔誠(chéng)的拉斯塔法里教徒之一。)
  • 29、AthleticsSouth Africa was formed by an amalgamation of two organizations.(南非體育委員會(huì)是由兩個(gè)組織的合并形成的。)

South Africa基本釋義

South Africa

形容詞: SouthAfrican


[地名] [阿非利加洲] 南非
