
soya milk造句

soya milk造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:23:25


soya milk造句

  • 1、Thy dish and I boughtsoya milk almost every day and used it for everything from cereal to smoothies or just to drink for a quick snack.(你的菜,我買了豆?jié){和幾乎每天都用它的一切,從零食到果汁或飲料的快速小吃。)
  • 2、By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetenedsoya milk cancer cells are being starved.(通過切除牛奶和替代與不甜的大豆牛奶癌細(xì)胞是饑餓的。)
  • 3、Eyes on the morning of a 9:00 more, originally wanted to get up early to eat Shing Wong Temple breakfast, It seems freesoya milk and eat the eggs as well.(早晨一睜眼就9點多了,本來想早起去城皇廟吃早點的,看來免費(fèi)豆?jié){和愛吃的茶葉蛋也么有了。)
  • 4、Coconut powder, milk, coconut plant particle, cane sugar, sea salt, soya bean.(椰子粉,牛奶,椰子植物顆粒,甘蔗糖,海鹽,大豆油。)
  • 5、The organisation suggests people could switch to eating more chicken and other poultry and drinking milk alternatives made from soya or rice.(該組織建議人們應(yīng)盡量轉(zhuǎn)到消費(fèi)雞肉或者其他家禽上,并且喝牛奶替代品——豆制奶。)
  • 6、Take one bowl each ofsoya milk and pumpkin with skin and seeds (after cleaning).(取豆?jié){一碗及南瓜一碗(南瓜將外皮洗凈連皮帶子切成小塊)。)
  • 7、Probiotics are tiny organisms, usually bacteria, which occur naturally in some foods (such as yoghurt) and are added to others (such as milk and soya drinks).(益生菌是一類微生物,通常是自然生長在某些食物中的細(xì)菌(如酸奶)和其他飲料(如牛奶和豆制品飲料)。)
  • 8、And for about 30 women, eat bean products, drink more soya-bean milk can not only promote the metabolism of nerve cells, still can prevent gray-haired generation.(而對于30歲左右的女性來說,多吃豆制品、多喝豆?jié){不但能促進(jìn)腦神經(jīng)細(xì)胞的新陳代謝,還可預(yù)防白發(fā)的生成。)
  • 9、We asked those farmers whose feeds we had found contained high levels of GM soya, if they would also provide samples of their milk or eggs for testing for the presence of GM DNA or GM protein.(我們向應(yīng)用我們發(fā)現(xiàn)含有高水平轉(zhuǎn)基因大豆飼料的那些農(nóng)民提出,他們能否向我們提供他們的牛奶或雞蛋樣品供我們檢測是否存在轉(zhuǎn)基因基因或轉(zhuǎn)基因蛋白質(zhì)。)
  • 10、Ingredients to embrace: Fruit and veg; unprocessed meat; unbattered fish; anything that definitely doesn't contain dairy products;soya milk; coconut milk.(放手去用的食材:水果蔬菜;未經(jīng)處理的肉類;未上漿的魚肉;任何明確不含乳制品的東西;豆?jié){;椰漿。)
  • 11、Each farmer provided two samples of milk (from two different cows) or two samples of eggs, as well as another sample of feed to re-check the GM soya level.(每個農(nóng)民提供了兩個樣品的牛奶(從兩個不同的奶牛)或兩個雞蛋樣本,以及飼料樣品,以重新檢查轉(zhuǎn)基因大豆的轉(zhuǎn)基因水平。)
  • 12、Your first look at whether the scope of soya-bean milk machine power, including 110 volts.(首先看看你的豆?jié){機(jī)的電源范圍是否包括110伏。)
  • 13、There are several brands ofsoya milk.(有好幾個品牌的豆奶。)
  • 14、A number of different brands ofsoya milk may be purchased.(一些不同品牌的豆奶可購買。)
  • 15、Cloned dairy and beef cattle are designed for maximum meat and milk output, but that requires massive inputs of grain and soya.(克隆的奶制品和克隆牛肉是為了最大限度的提高肉類和牛奶的輸出而設(shè)計的,但是它需要大量糧食和黃豆的投入。)
  • 16、They raised the baby on soya - bean milk.(他們用豆?jié){把這孩子喂養(yǎng)大了。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 17、The results showed that Nisin is effective as a preservative when used insoya milk, it also can obviously improved the quality.(結(jié)果表明:乳酸鏈球菌素在豆奶中起到明顯的防腐保鮮作用,同時有改善品質(zhì)的效果。)
  • 18、Current product basically has food mixer, juicer, full automatic soya - bean milk machine.(目前的產(chǎn)品主要有食品攪拌機(jī)、榨汁機(jī)、全自動豆?jié){機(jī)等。)
  • 19、While it says supermarkets should promote vegetable-based meals and milk made from rice or soya.(同時,該組織還希望超市強(qiáng)調(diào)宣傳蔬菜類食物和豆類米類制成的奶制品。)
  • 20、But there is exquisite, drink soya-bean milk, not suitable for everyone.(但是,喝豆?jié){是有講究的,并非人人適宜。)
  • 21、With Some drugs can destroy the soya-bean milk nutrients, such as tetracycline, erythromycin and other antibiotic drugs.(有些藥物會破壞豆?jié){里的營養(yǎng)成分,如四環(huán)素、紅霉素等抗生素藥物。)
  • 22、soya milk especially homemade has much low embodied greenhouse gases emissions compared to the milk with consideration of all steps for the milk production.(可以大量的減少碳排放。這是因為,牛奶在牛的飼養(yǎng)過程和牛奶的加工及運(yùn)輸過程比豆?jié){要排除大量的溫室氣體。)
  • 23、Buy soybean milk machine a beautiful, nice. Now various recipes collected soya-bean milk machine.(買了一臺美的豆?jié){機(jī),很好很強(qiáng)大。現(xiàn)在開始收集豆?jié){機(jī)的各種食譜。)
  • 24、Jamba Juice, known for its smoothies, offers a "Matcha green tea Blast", with green-tea powder,soya milk, sorbet and frozen yogurt.(以其優(yōu)雅而聞名于世的JambaJuice提供一種名叫“MatchaGreenTeaBlast”的飲料,是用綠茶粉末、豆奶、果汁冰塊和冰凍奶酪制成。)
  • 25、soya milk is my favorite drink.(豆奶是我最喜歡的飲料。)
  • 26、If your house does not have this machine, I can tell you how to makesoya milk .(可是如果你家沒有這樣的機(jī),我會給你說怎么做豆?jié){。)
  • 27、Nisin is a natural, effective and safety food preservative. The use of Nisin in tetrabrik UHTsoya milk was studied.(乳酸鏈球菌素是一種天然、高效、安全的食品防腐劑,研究了乳酸鏈球菌素在豆奶飲料中的應(yīng)用效果。)

soya milk基本釋義