speak of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:23:21


speak of造句

  • 1、He was admitted to be such by all I ever heardspeak of my parentage.(據(jù)我所聽(tīng)到的關(guān)于我的出身的說(shuō)法,他就是這樣一個(gè)人。)
  • 2、Ratherspeak of something at which one may laugh heartily.(說(shuō)一些讓人開(kāi)懷大笑的事情吧。)
  • 3、When wespeak of Christmas, we tend to think of decorations, shiny lights, snow, presents, and Christmas trees.(當(dāng)我們提起圣誕節(jié),我們往往會(huì)想到裝飾品、閃亮的燈飾、瑞雪、禮物和圣誕樹(shù)。)
  • 4、Now, tospeak of public envy.(現(xiàn)在且來(lái)談?wù)劰姷募刀省?
  • 5、She can speak German and French, not tospeak of English.(她能說(shuō)德語(yǔ)和法語(yǔ),更不用說(shuō)英語(yǔ)了。)
  • 6、I do notspeak of your "little men, " your baker and so on; Ispeak of my colleagues and myself, learned men, mind you.(我說(shuō)的不是你所說(shuō)的“一般人”,你的面包師等等;請(qǐng)注意,我說(shuō)的是我的同事們和我自己。)
  • 7、They've got no friends tospeak of.(他們沒(méi)一個(gè)像樣的朋友。)
  • 8、After all, we don't speak only of objects or people as having momentum; wespeak of entire systems having momentum.(畢竟,我們不只是說(shuō)物體或人有動(dòng)量;我們說(shuō)的是整個(gè)系統(tǒng)都有動(dòng)量。)
  • 9、On the night wespeak of, all the children were once more in bed.(我們提到的那天晚上,孩子們又都上床睡覺(jué)了。)
  • 10、Zarathustra answered: "Did Ispeak of love?"(查拉圖斯特拉回答:“我談到愛(ài)了嗎?”) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 11、Where is the letter youspeak of?(你所說(shuō)的這封信在哪兒?)
  • 12、Reportsspeak of Berlin putting together an aid package for Moscow.(報(bào)告提到柏林正在擬定一份援助莫斯科的一攬子計(jì)劃。)
  • 13、Mr. Sesemann began tospeak of their journey and how sorry he was to give it up.(賽賽曼先生開(kāi)始講述他們的旅程,以及他對(duì)放棄這段旅程感到多么遺憾。)
  • 14、Reading is the only hobby I canspeak of.(讀書(shū)是我唯一值得一提的愛(ài)好。)
  • 15、She's saved a little money but nothing tospeak of.(她攢了一點(diǎn)錢(qián),不過(guò)數(shù)目不值一提。)
  • 16、Theyspeak of the sky-pervading sorrow which lowers in the darkness of clouds; the speechless deep intoxication of the forest-roaming spring.(它們?cè)V說(shuō)著黑云中沉下的漫天哀愁;訴說(shuō)著春天在漫步于森林中時(shí)的無(wú)言的深深沉醉。)
  • 17、But when youspeak of suffering, you mean what?(但是當(dāng)您講到痛苦的時(shí)候,您指什么?)
  • 18、And the product Ispeak of is ourselves.(而且,我談到的產(chǎn)品就是我們自己。)
  • 19、Wespeak of many subjects.(我們談及許多話題。)
  • 20、This is nothing tospeak of.(這沒(méi)啥了不起。)
  • 21、Let us notspeak of this matter.(我們不談這個(gè)了。)
  • 22、Well,speak of the devil—here's Alice now!(嗬,說(shuō)曹操,曹操就到—瞧,艾麗斯這不來(lái)啦!)
  • 23、When they overlook the progress of the building, they generally come tospeak of Heidi.(當(dāng)他們查看建筑的進(jìn)展時(shí),他們通常會(huì)談到海蒂。)
  • 24、Students of human migrationspeak of "push" and "pull" factors, which influence an individual's decision to move from one place to another.(研究人類(lèi)遷移的學(xué)生們談到“推”和“拉”因素,這些因素會(huì)影響個(gè)體是否會(huì)從一個(gè)地方遷移到另一個(gè)地方。)
  • 25、The book youspeak of is out of print.(你說(shuō)到的那本書(shū)已不再發(fā)行了。)
  • 26、"Then how does onespeak of God"?(那么世人該如何評(píng)論上帝呢?)
  • 27、When wespeak of unity, we do not mean unprincipled peace.(所謂團(tuán)結(jié),并非一團(tuán)和氣。)
  • 28、Now wespeak of physics.(現(xiàn)在我們說(shuō)到物理。)

speak of基本釋義

speak of

英 [spi:k ?v] 美 [spik ?v] 
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