speak for造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:23:21


speak for造句

  • 1、Does Ma Nuo onlyspeak for herself?(馬諾的話只代表了自己?jiǎn)幔?
  • 2、Yes, that is so wonderful; maybe you couldspeak for a day, even for a year.(對(duì),您的經(jīng)歷太精彩了,或許足夠講上一天甚至一年的。)
  • 3、Let the factsspeak for themselves.(還是讓事實(shí)說(shuō)話吧。)
  • 4、After that they did notspeak for a while.(那夜過(guò)后的一段時(shí)間內(nèi),他們?cè)贈(zèng)]說(shuō)過(guò)一句話。)
  • 5、These peoplespeak for themselves, uttering words they formulated themselves for the audience before them, and the audience isn't expected to interrupt.(這些人是在為自己說(shuō)話,為面前的觀眾陳述自己的觀點(diǎn),觀眾不需要打斷他們。)
  • 6、The data doesn't justspeak for itself.(數(shù)據(jù)本身并不能說(shuō)明一切。)
  • 7、Your results willspeak for themselves. [7](你的結(jié)果將為它們自己說(shuō)話。)
  • 8、Factsspeak for themselves.(事實(shí)本身就是很好的說(shuō)明。)
  • 9、This is party-speak for “do not make trouble”.(這是“不要鬧事”的官方說(shuō)法。)
  • 10、Ispeak for all 7,000 members of our organization.(我代表我們組織的全體7000名成員發(fā)言。)
  • 11、I don'tspeak for such huge and diverse groups.(這些群體太龐大也太不同了,我不能為他們講話。)
  • 12、Nature now seemed able tospeak for itself, with a minimum of interference.(大自然現(xiàn)在似乎能為自己發(fā)聲而很少被干擾。)
  • 13、It wouldspeak for me, when I can't.(它能在我不能說(shuō)話的時(shí)候替我說(shuō)話。)
  • 14、He loved tospeak for me.(他很喜歡談到我。)
  • 15、The resultsspeak for themselves.(讓調(diào)查結(jié)果本身來(lái)說(shuō)話。)
  • 16、You may feel angry, he has no right tospeak for me!(你會(huì)感到生氣,他沒(méi)有權(quán)力替我說(shuō)話!)
  • 17、Don'tspeak for your friend;speak for yourself.(不要再為人說(shuō)項(xiàng)了,談?wù)勀阕约旱目捶ò伞?
  • 18、I myself agree with you, but I can'tspeak for my boss.(我同意你的提議,可我的話并不能代表我的老板。)
  • 19、You can't possiblyspeak for a diverse group of people.(我不可能為和我有不同問(wèn)題人們說(shuō)話。)
  • 20、His Iraq is one that allows nature tospeak for itself.(屬于他的,是一個(gè)讓大自然自我訴說(shuō)的伊拉克。)
  • 21、With enough data, the numbersspeak for themselves.(擁有了足夠的數(shù)據(jù),數(shù)字也能說(shuō)話。)
  • 22、He said it was the job of the Church tospeak for the underprivileged.(他說(shuō)為弱勢(shì)群體說(shuō)話是教會(huì)的職責(zé)。)
  • 23、I can'tspeak for the Dairy Industry's number.(我不能認(rèn)同乳制品行業(yè)的數(shù)據(jù)。)
  • 24、Silent! Let Katespeak for herself.(別說(shuō)話,讓凱特自己講。)
  • 25、He knew he dared not even try tospeak for a moment.(他知道自己一刻也不敢開口。)
  • 26、I couldn'tspeak for laughing.(我笑得說(shuō)不出話來(lái)。)
  • 27、He couldn'tspeak for five minutes without cursing.(超不過(guò)五分鐘就會(huì)咒罵一句。) hao86.com

speak for基本釋義

speak for

英 [spi:k f?:] 美 [spik f?r] 
替 ... 講話; 為 ... 辯護(hù); 支持