
special effect造句

special effect造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:23:19


special effect造句

  • 1、Return naturalspecial effect.(回歸自然的特殊效果。)
  • 2、Here is another example of aspecial effect feature in jQuery.(這里有另一個(gè)關(guān)于jQuery特效特性的例子。)
  • 3、Or you may apply the samespecial effect time after time.(或者您可能會(huì)采用同樣的特殊作用時(shí)間后的時(shí)間。)
  • 4、However, it can be used in some literary works by writers to achieve a kind ofspecial effect or purpose.(然而,俚語(yǔ)有時(shí)也被用于一些文學(xué)作品中以達(dá)到某種特殊的效果或某種特殊的目的。)
  • 5、Compared with microporous and amorphous support, mesoporous support with middle pore size will havespecial effect on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.(與微孔及無(wú)定形載體相比,介孔分子篩適中的孔徑對(duì)F-T合成有其獨(dú)特的影響。)
  • 6、Linen screen aspecial effect half-tone screen giving a linen texture to the picture.(布紋網(wǎng)片特別效果的半色調(diào)網(wǎng)片,它使圖片有著麻布紋理。)
  • 7、Allow users to customize output videos through adding water mark, cropping the area, and choosingspecial effect models of the SWF file.(允許用戶通過(guò)自定義標(biāo)記加水,種植面積,選擇swf文件的特殊效應(yīng)模型輸出的視頻。)
  • 8、Familiar with editing andspecial effect production process. Above one-year's experience in post-synchronization; have taste for music.(熟悉剪輯和特效的制作流程,一年以上影視后期制作經(jīng)驗(yàn),對(duì)音樂(lè)有一定的鑒賞水平。)
  • 9、The paper introduces an algorithm ofspecial effect processing of image based on VB, and gives the codes on VB developing flat.(介紹了幾種基于VB的圖像特效處理算法,并給出了在VB開發(fā)平臺(tái)上的實(shí)現(xiàn)源代碼。)
  • 10、Or just get the next, do not think there is aspecial effect, give up.(還是隨便弄了下,覺得沒什么特別的效果,就放棄了。)
  • 11、Base on the relationship of adjacent pixels the filter effect can change each pixel to achieve aspecial effect.(濾鏡效果是針對(duì)相臨像素間的關(guān)系來(lái)處理每個(gè)像素,達(dá)到一種特殊的效果。)
  • 12、PhotoFunia PhotoFunia is a nifty little photo effect service that concentrates on one type ofspecial effect and does it well!(是一個(gè)漂亮的照片影響不大的服務(wù)集中于一類特殊的作用和它好!)
  • 13、And it wasn't allspecial effect!(而且它不是所有特殊的效果。)
  • 14、The natural abrasive hasspecial effect and superior performance than artificial abrasive in some field.(天然磨料有其獨(dú)特的作用,在某些加工領(lǐng)域,天然磨料甚至具有比人造磨料更優(yōu)越的性能。)
  • 15、The particular culture always hasspecial effect in the history.(特定的文化,在不同時(shí)期可起到不同的歷史作用。)
  • 16、The introduced systematic idea and the atmosphere of positive tropism havespecial effect on peer relationship counseling.(輔導(dǎo)中系統(tǒng)思想的引入、積極取向的氣氛對(duì)同伴關(guān)系輔導(dǎo)有特殊的效果。)
  • 17、Quotes, single or double, are simply taken as part of the argument; they have nospecial effect.(單引號(hào),雙引號(hào)作為參數(shù)的以部分,沒有特殊效果。)
  • 18、She is the primespecial effect, and a reminder that even in an era of technological overkill, movie stars matter.(電影主打茱莉,并且提醒大家在如此一個(gè)科技對(duì)電影影響巨大的時(shí)代,電影明星依然重要。)
  • 19、Conclusions This therapy hasspecial effect for repair of the skin and soft tissue defect.(結(jié)論皮膚軟組織擴(kuò)張術(shù)對(duì)組織缺損具有獨(dú)特的修復(fù)效果。)
  • 20、Vegetative slope protection has many advantages compare with traditional protection measures for itsspecial effect cause.(植被護(hù)坡因其特殊的作用機(jī)理相對(duì)于傳統(tǒng)的護(hù)坡工程有著很多優(yōu)勢(shì)。)
  • 21、For whatever reason, pets certainly can have aspecial effect on their owners.(不管出于任何原因,毫無(wú)疑問(wèn),寵物對(duì)主人們有著特殊的影響。)
  • 22、That's my skin right there. This is not a Hollywoodspecial effect.(這是我的皮膚,不是好萊塢的特效。)
  • 23、This paper introduces an algorithm ofspecial effect processing of image based on VB, and gives the codes on VB developing flat.(本文介紹一種基于VB的圖像特效處理算法,并給出了部分算法在VB開發(fā)平臺(tái)上的實(shí)現(xiàn)源代碼。)
  • 24、If has the possibility to use thespecial effect antidote, supports the therapy just right for the illness.(如有可能使用特效解毒劑,對(duì)癥支持療法。)
  • 25、With novelty changes in material, lacquer-painting expressed well texture andspecial effect.(漆畫新穎變化的材質(zhì)使其具有豐富的肌理感,畫面效果獨(dú)特。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 26、The special nursing is based on some special diseases and the limitation of these diseases gives the stomach tubespecial effect.(特殊護(hù)理則是基于某些特殊疾病上的,由于疾病的限制賦予了胃管特殊的作用。)
  • 27、The second is the implementation of environmentalspecial effect based on particle system.(二是基于粒子系統(tǒng)的環(huán)境特效的技術(shù)實(shí)現(xiàn)問(wèn)題。)
  • 28、This photo'sspecial effect is great!(這張相片特效很酷!)

special effect基本釋義

special effect

英 [?spe??l i?fekt] 美 [?sp???l ??f?kt] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):special effects

