
soccer ball造句

soccer ball造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:23:44


soccer ball造句

  • 1、I like playing basketball,soccer ball, volleyball, ping-pong and so on.(我喜歡打籃球、足球、排球、乒乓球等。)
  • 2、Last summer, two teams of four players each battled for control of a small, red and whitesoccer ball in Washington, d.c..(去年夏天,有兩支四人制的足球隊在華盛頓特區(qū)進(jìn)行比賽,他們所踢的足球是一種很小的紅色和白色相間的球。)
  • 3、He gets them a newsoccer ball every few months.(他每過幾個月就會給他們買一個新足球。)
  • 4、To start with, the classic black and whitesoccer ball, stitched together from 32 panels of pentagons and hexagons, has deeper grooves.(首先,經(jīng)典黑白相間的足球,由32片五邊形和六邊形縫合而成,溝槽更深。)
  • 5、And let's playsoccer ball.(讓我們一起踢足球。)
  • 6、Peter is good atsoccer ball.(皮特擅長足球。)
  • 7、This "position sense" helps us coordinate high-fives, boot asoccer ball or pick up the remote.(這種“方位感”幫助我們協(xié)調(diào)擊掌、踢足球或拿起遙控器。)
  • 8、We playsoccer ball, basketball, volleyball, ping-pong and so on.(我們踢足球,打籃球、排球和乒乓等等。)
  • 9、He wants asoccer ball for his birthday.(他過生日時想要一個足球。)
  • 10、She caught up with me the next morning and told me I didn't need to transform into asoccer ball to catch her attention.(第二天早晨,她跑上前來對我說,我不必變成足球就可以擁有她的關(guān)注。)
  • 11、JULIA SILVERMAN: "When you play with the ball, there is all this energy being transferred to the ball — even any normalsoccer ball."(JULIASILVERMAN:“當(dāng)你在玩球的時候,所有能量都被轉(zhuǎn)移到球上,即便是任何普通的足球?!?
  • 12、Do you want to playsoccer ball this afternoon?(你想今天下午踢足球嗎?)
  • 13、Mehta also did some research on the aerodynamics of the newsoccer ball being used at the 2010 World Cup.(梅塔還對新款的世界杯官方比賽用球,做了一些空氣動力學(xué)方面的研究。)
  • 14、I need asoccer ball and he needs one, too.(我需要一個足球,他也需要一個足球。)
  • 15、Look under the bed, and you'll find asoccer ball.(看看床下,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)一個足球。)
  • 16、What you see: You have a wide, round head, like a partially deflatedsoccer ball.(現(xiàn)象:你的頭又寬又圓,就像一個部分充氣的足球一樣。)
  • 17、Amaral's team mapped out the flow of thesoccer ball between players in the network as well as shooting information and analyzed the results.(Amaral的團(tuán)隊用圖表勾勒出了在網(wǎng)絡(luò)中的球員之間的足球軌跡,以及射門信息,并分析結(jié)果。)
  • 18、Draw asoccer ball on the board.(在黑板上畫一個足球。)
  • 19、It makes my head look like asoccer ball.(這使我的頭看起來像個足球。)
  • 20、As asoccer ball slows down after it's kicked in the air, the air flow around it changes from turbulent to smooth.(當(dāng)球在空中速度減慢時,周圍的氣流從湍流變?yōu)榉€(wěn)定的層流。)
  • 21、They chosesoccer ball.(他們選擇了足球。)
  • 22、Large Nikesoccer ball was smashed into the side of a building.(巨大的耐克足球猛撞進(jìn)了一棟建筑的側(cè)面。)
  • 23、As parents of a young soccer player, we had no idea that absorbing asoccer ball was so important.(作為一個少年球員的父母,我們那時根本不知道停球有多么的重要。)
  • 24、Whosesoccer ball is this?(這是誰的球?)
  • 25、He playedsoccer ball.(他踢足球。)
  • 26、Those men we gave jobs, and thesoccer ball?(這還是那些我們給他們找工作并送足球給他們的人嗎?)
  • 27、Why does yoursoccer ball look different?(為什么你的足球看起來不一樣?) hAo86.com
  • 28、The next day was Kevin's birthday, and his uncle bought him a pair of new trainers and a newsoccer ball.(第二天是凱文的生日,他的叔叔給他買了一雙新運動鞋和一個新足球。)
  • 29、Thissoccer ball got stuck in the tree.(這個足球卡在樹上了。)

soccer ball基本釋義