soak up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:23:45


soak up造句

  • 1、Some services ask you to pay them to plant trees thatsoak up CO2.(有的環(huán)保服務(wù)宣稱只要客戶支付一定費用,該組織將種植綠色植物(吸收二氧化碳)實現(xiàn)環(huán)保。)
  • 2、The firm used to be a sponge tosoak up surplus east Indian Labour.(該公司過去是吸收東印度多余勞動力的一塊海綿。)
  • 3、There'll be ample opportunity to relax, swim andsoak up some sun.(將會有充足的機會來放松、游泳和接受一些陽光。)
  • 4、That's enough tosoak up all those commodities.(這就足夠消耗所有的耗材了。)
  • 5、Stay active and play some beach volleyball or simplysoak up that Australian sun.(在沙灘上別閑著,活動活動,打打沙灘排球,或者簡簡單單地曬曬澳大利亞的太陽。)
  • 6、It appears that the shell has to crack open or break down somewhat to allow the seed tosoak up water.(看來,為了讓種子吸收水分,種子的外殼必須裂開或破裂。)
  • 7、If a class is really challenging, sit in the front andsoak up every word.(如果這節(jié)課很有意思,那么坐在前面,仔細聽每一個字。)
  • 8、L Dark nebulae not only have no light of their won, they alsosoak up all light.(l暗星云不僅本身不發(fā)光,而且會吸收所有的光線。)
  • 9、Without a tree tosoak up moisture from the ground, the soil remains wetter than in the surrounding forest.(如果沒有樹木吸收地面中的水分,土壤一直會比周邊的樹林更加濕潤。)
  • 10、The plantationssoak up radiation and prevent its spread to groundwater.(種植園可以吸收輻射并防止其蔓延至地下水中。)
  • 11、Dump iron into the sea to boost plankton growth andsoak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.(向海洋中傾倒鐵以促進浮游生物生長來吸收大氣中的二氧化碳。)
  • 12、Some plant trees tosoak up carbon dioxide. Others prevent existing trees from being chopped down.(有些組織種植樹木吸收二氧化碳,有些則保護現(xiàn)存樹木免遭砍伐。)
  • 13、soak up motivating things in your life on a daily basis.(從每天的生活中吸取一切可以激勵你的事情。)
  • 14、Bring a book or some schoolwork, sit down, andsoak up the environment.(帶一本書或是一些作業(yè),坐下來,感受那里的氛圍。)
  • 15、The cells will promptly start tosoak up moisture.(細胞會很快開始吸收水份。)
  • 16、Artificial trees couldsoak up carbon dioxide from the air using a chemical process.(人造樹可以通過化學(xué)反應(yīng)吸收二氧化碳。)
  • 17、soak up that feeling and if it feels good, do it!(如果感覺良好的話就讓自己沉浸在這樣的感覺中,對,就這樣做!)
  • 18、Let's take a minute tosoak up the cultural import of this event.(讓我們用一分鐘時間來吸收這個事件的文化意義吧。)
  • 19、Hopefully it cansoak up all the surplus and raise prices.(但愿它能消化掉所有過剩的小麥,從而抬高小麥的價格。)
  • 20、Keaton comes here once or twice a year tosoak up the atmosphere.(基頓每年來這里一兩次,感受這里的氛圍。)
  • 21、NREL uses syrupy liquids which contain salty desiccants tosoak up the humidity.(NREL使用含有干燥劑的漿狀液體來降低空氣濕度,然后利用熱水加熱漿狀液體并使其干燥。)
  • 22、The Helsinki model even has a decking area where homeowners can sit andsoak up the sun.(這個赫爾辛基式模型甚至還有一塊房前休息區(qū),房主可以坐在這里,享受陽光的沐浴。)
  • 23、There are several ways tosoak up Oahu’s colorful history.(了解瓦胡島的多彩歷史有多種方式。)
  • 24、The Earth's need for forests tosoak up carbon emissions is almost limitless.(地球?qū)ι治斩趸嫉男枨笫怯罒o止境的。)
  • 25、They plan to use wool, which is good at repelling water and absorbing oil, tosoak up oil spills.(他們想用羊毛吸收泄露的石油,運用羊毛親油斥水的特性。)

soak up基本釋義

soak up

英 [s?uk ?p] 美 [sok ?p] 
吸收; 攝取