stand at造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:22:56


stand at造句

  • 1、As Istand at the gas station filling my tank, the meter tallies how much it's going to cost me.(當(dāng)我在加油站加油的時(shí)候,計(jì)價(jià)表提示我將要花掉多少錢。)
  • 2、Colored people were supposed tostand at the counter, get their food to go, and leave.(有色人種應(yīng)該站在柜臺(tái)前,取走他們的食物,然后離開(kāi)。)
  • 3、Annual emissions by Annex 1 countries alone currentlystand at about 20 million tons.(目前,僅附件1國(guó)家每年排放的二氧化碳就達(dá)2000萬(wàn)噸左右。)
  • 4、Amsterdam, Holland: an exhibitor builds up hisstand at the horti fair, the world's biggest horticultural fair.(荷蘭,阿姆斯特丹:世界最大的園藝展覽會(huì)——荷蘭國(guó)際園藝展上,一名參展商在搭建自己的攤位。)
  • 5、Ambassador Liu said, "We nowstand at a fresh start in our relations."(劉大使說(shuō),當(dāng)前,中英關(guān)系正處在繼往開(kāi)來(lái)的新起點(diǎn)。)
  • 6、Interest ratesstand at 3%.(利率為3%。)
  • 7、But today, westand at a crossroads of history with the chance to move decisively in the direction of peace.(但今天,我們正站在歷史的交叉路口,有機(jī)會(huì)向和平的方向果斷邁進(jìn)。)
  • 8、Theystand at the window and catch the pilot's eye, pulling long faces.(他們站在窗口,看著飛行員的眼睛,還做著看起來(lái)很傷心的鬼臉。)
  • 9、A standing desk sits high off the floor so a worker can eitherstand at it or sit on a high stool to use it.(立式辦公桌離地較高,員工既可以站著辦公,也可以坐在高腳凳上辦公。)
  • 10、Cereals stocksstand at their lowest level since 1980.(谷物庫(kù)存處于1980年以來(lái)的最低水平。)
  • 11、The angel said juststand at work hard before drawing ninety-nine roses tulips vow, god will hear.(天使說(shuō)只要站在用心畫的九十九朵郁金香前許愿,上帝就會(huì)聽(tīng)到。)
  • 12、You couldstand at the edge of one village and see the outskirts of the next community.(你可以站在一個(gè)村莊的邊緣,看到鄰近社區(qū)的郊區(qū)。)
  • 13、The next time youstand at the supermarket checkout, spare a thought for the farmers who helped fill your shopping basket as life is hard for them right now.(下次你站在超市收銀臺(tái)前的時(shí)候,想想那些讓你能把購(gòu)物籃裝滿的農(nóng)民,因?yàn)樗麄儸F(xiàn)在的生活很艱難。)
  • 14、Total premium accountsstand at 89, 875, below last summer's 94, 607 peak.(總保費(fèi)帳戶從去年夏季峰頂?shù)?4,607降到89,875。)
  • 15、Istand at the Windows in his lab, and I wish for light, and I wish for air.(我站在他的實(shí)驗(yàn)室窗前,我向往光和空氣。)
  • 16、Big wheat producers have since rebuilt their stocks, which nowstand at 197m tonnes.(大型小麥生產(chǎn)商從此開(kāi)始重新規(guī)劃它們的庫(kù)存,使之保持在1.97億公噸。)
  • 17、For he shallstand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul.(因?yàn)樗卣驹诟F乏人的右邊,要救他脫離審判他靈魂的人。)
  • 18、Like humans, theystand at the top of the Marine food chain.(像人類一樣,鯨魚也是處于海洋食物鏈的頂端。)
  • 19、Istand at thedawn of a lost year.(迷茫的一年開(kāi)始了。)
  • 20、Theystand at the pharmacy counter.(她們站在藥劑師柜臺(tái)旁。)
  • 21、At the most cutting-edge retail stores—Victoria Beckham on Dover Street, for instance—you don't go andstand at any kind of cash register when you decide to pay.(在最先進(jìn)的零售商店里,比如多佛街的維多利亞·貝克漢姆,當(dāng)你決定付款時(shí),你不用去站在任何種類的收銀機(jī)前。)
  • 22、As thingsstand at present, he seems certain to win.(據(jù)目前情況看,他似乎勝券在握。)
  • 23、Appoint an evil man to oppose him; let an accuserstand at his right hand.(愿你派一個(gè)惡人轄制他,派一個(gè)對(duì)頭站在他右邊。)
  • 24、You know, the cost of a smallerstand at the exhibition, just the two hotel rooms, and a lower key reception.(你知道,在展會(huì)設(shè)置一個(gè)小一點(diǎn)的展位,只訂兩個(gè)旅館房間,再加上一個(gè)低級(jí)別的接待會(huì),就是這些的費(fèi)用了。)
  • 25、First, try the turnip cake at thestand at the corner of Heping East Road and Wenzhou Street (closed Sundays).(首先,在和平東路和溫州街拐角的那家店嘗嘗他們的蘿卜糕(星期日不開(kāi)門)。)
  • 26、Any child caught misbehaving was made tostand at the front of the class.(調(diào)皮搗蛋的孩子被當(dāng)場(chǎng)抓住,都要在課堂前面罰站。)
  • 27、Have a collaboratorstand at the exit.(讓一位合作者站在出口處。)

stand at基本釋義