
stand in line造句

stand in line造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:22:55


stand in line造句

  • 1、Everyone shouldstand in line when buying tickets.(買票時人人都應(yīng)當排隊。)
  • 2、Four finished houses, complete with driveways,stand in line.(伴著齊全的車道,四幢建好的房子排成一列。)
  • 3、I don't care where we go as long as we don't have tostand in line.(不管去哪里,只要不用站著排隊就行。)
  • 4、Let'sstand in line.(讓我們排隊吧。)
  • 5、I'llstand in line for five hours so the children can see Santa at the mall.(我可以排隊等5個小時,讓孩子們在大商場里看到圣誕老人。)
  • 6、Watch them as theystand in line at the little squirrel coffee shop discussing the acorn futures market.(看它們站成一排,在“松鼠咖啡店”門口談?wù)撝鹱悠谪浭袌龅男星椋?
  • 7、Do notstand in line of an opponent's shot.(不要站在對手的擊球線上。)
  • 8、Rocky: OK. I'll grab us a bite. You twostand in line for the photos. There's quite a queue.(沒問題,我去拿一些點心來。你們兩個就排隊等著照像吧,排隊的人挺多的呢。)
  • 9、Theystand in line for the latest iPhone at the Apple store.(他們在蘋果商店門口排隊買最新款的蘋果手機。)
  • 10、The pavilion became so popular that people wouldstand in line for hours to catch a glimpse of GM's diesel-powered future.(該展館相當受歡迎,以至于人們排隊幾個小時來觀看通用汽車公司用汽油驅(qū)動的未來。)
  • 11、Pleasestand in line again.(請再次排隊。)
  • 12、stand in line.(站成一排。)
  • 13、"Slowly," she said, "Pleasestand in line."(“慢著,”她說著,“請排隊?!?
  • 14、This is a bus stop. The people are waiting for a bus. They arestand in line.(這是一個公共汽車站。人們在等車。他們站成行。)
  • 15、Dusty and treeless, the courtyard seemed like an unpleasant place tostand in line.(但這個院子里滿是塵埃,而且沒有樹木,看上去不是令人愉快的排隊等候的地方。)
  • 16、He willstand in line and buy the ticket with Xiaoming together.(他要和小明一塊兒排隊買電影票。)
  • 17、Now she'll learn tostand in line ... and wait by the alphabet for her name to be called.(現(xiàn)在她會學習排隊。。。等待按照字母的順序叫到她的名字。)
  • 18、Istand in line at the cash register.(我在收銀臺前排隊。)
  • 19、Librarian: Pleasestand in line!(圖書館管理員:請站隊。)
  • 20、When someone wants you tostand in line, will you choose what direction, no matter what you choose is wrong.(當有人要你當面表態(tài)站隊,要你選擇事情的方向,不管你怎么選都是錯的。) hao86.com
  • 21、You wouldstand in line for hours and hours for a free gift whether you needed it or not.(如果有免費派送的禮物,不管你是否需要,你會排數(shù)個小時的隊領(lǐng)取。)

stand in line基本釋義

stand in line

英 [st?nd in lain] 美 [st?nd ?n la?n] 
