stare at造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:22:53


stare at造句

  • 1、And your subject need not alwaysstare at the camera.(拍攝對(duì)象無(wú)需始終看著相機(jī)。)
  • 2、Instead youstare at a reflection.(不過(guò)你可以改為凝視反射出的映像。)
  • 3、Captain: Why do youstare at me that way?(上校:為什么這樣盯著我?)
  • 4、Westare at our phones when we want to avoid eye contact.(當(dāng)我們想要避免眼神接觸時(shí),我們就會(huì)盯著自己的手機(jī)。)
  • 5、Mostly, theystare at their computers.(大多數(shù)時(shí)間里,每個(gè)人都盯著自己的電腦屏幕。)
  • 6、Westare at each other for a while.(我們彼此凝視了一會(huì)兒。)
  • 7、It's harmful for your eyes tostare at the computer or mobile phone screen for a long time.(長(zhǎng)時(shí)間盯著電腦或手機(jī)屏幕對(duì)你的眼睛有害。)
  • 8、Losersstare at the problem.(l失敗者盯住問(wèn)題不放。)
  • 9、Istare at the train window marked with soft dust.(我注視著那沾有微塵的車窗。)
  • 10、Don'tstare at your feet.(不要盯著你的腳。)
  • 11、Sometimes I have been taken to places at the seaside, but I won't stay because peoplestare at me.(有時(shí)我被帶到海邊的一些地方,但我待不下去,因?yàn)槿藗兌⒅铱础?
  • 12、I'llstare at the floor!(我會(huì)盯著地板看!)
  • 13、His dazed eyesstare at the eels, which still writhe and entwine.(他茫然地盯著那些仍在扭動(dòng)纏繞的鰻魚。)
  • 14、It's impolite tostare at a girl.(盯著姑娘看是很不禮貌的。)
  • 15、Joe and I sit andstare at the wall of the building.(我和喬坐在那里盯著房子的墻壁。)
  • 16、Westare at each other, squinting in the sun.(我們倆站在太陽(yáng)底下,瞇著眼盯著對(duì)方。)
  • 17、Every time we stopped, everybody wouldstare at me.(每次我們停下來(lái),每個(gè)人都會(huì)盯著我們。)
  • 18、Istare at him.(我瞪著他。)
  • 19、This is why snakes alwaysstare at prey.(這也是為什么它總是盯著獵物。)
  • 20、She walked slowly down this place and stared at the faces which also seemed tostare at her.(她慢慢地走過(guò)這個(gè)地方,注視著那些似乎也在注視著她的面孔。)
  • 21、His two sons carry torches andstare at the flames.(他兩名兒子則手持電筒,盯著火焰。)
  • 22、"I cross my arms andstare at him until he crumbles."(我交叉起雙臂,盯著他直到他崩潰。)
  • 23、It is bad manners tostare at people.(瞪著眼睛看人是不禮貌的。)
  • 24、Have you ever seen kids smile as theystare at thin air, and wonder what made them giggle?(你有沒(méi)有過(guò)看到孩子們對(duì)著空氣笑,并好奇是什么讓他們咯咯笑呢?)
  • 25、Don'tstare at me – it's impolite!(不要盯著我-這很無(wú)禮!)
  • 26、Do not stand andstare at me as if you were glued to the spot.(不要站在那里盯著我看,就好像你被粘在那里一樣。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 27、Sid yawned, stretched, then brought himself up on his elbow with a snort, and began tostare at Tom.(希德打了個(gè)呵欠,伸了個(gè)懶腰,然后用胳膊肘支起身子,哼了一聲,開始瞪著湯姆。)
  • 28、Several of the employees in the computer department, for example, claim to be developing vision problems from having tostare at a video display terminal for about 7 hours a day.(例如,計(jì)算機(jī)部門的幾名員工聲稱,由于每天要盯著視頻顯示終端大約7個(gè)小時(shí),他們的視力出現(xiàn)了問(wèn)題。)

stare at基本釋義

stare at

英 [st?? ?t] 美 [st?r ?t] 

盯,凝視; 睽
