
stare up at造句

stare up at造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:22:53


stare up at造句

  • 1、As the boy entered the smoking compartment, the men who were talking together paused, and looked up at him briefly with the intent, curious, momentary stare of men interrupted in a conversation.(當這個小伙子走進吸煙室間的時候,那幾位一起聊天的乘客停了下來,猛地抬起頭瞧著他,他們因自己的談話被打斷而專注、好奇、快速地瞪著他。)
  • 2、I had so much anxiety that I would wake up in the middle of the night and stare at the ceiling.(我太擔心了,以至于我會在半夜醒來,盯著天花板。)
  • 3、I wake up, stare at the ceiling, and spend some time with my thoughts rather than waking up and running from them.(我醒后,望著天花板,花一些時間去思考,而不是醒后立馬把一些想法從腦海里趕走。)
  • 4、The situation: You stare at the 72 unread emails in your inbox or your three-page-and-growing to-do list and throw up your hands in despair.(這句話的語境是:面對郵箱里的72封未讀電子郵件或者長達3頁的待辦事宜清單,你絕望得舉手投降。)
  • 5、To many whostare up at the heavens, the stars may seem simply uncountable.(在許多凝望星空的人眼里,星星簡直數(shù)不勝數(shù)。當然,天文學(xué)家是不會這么認為的。)
  • 6、Jean: When will the movie start? I want to put on some make-up before we go. I don't like people to stare at my pimples.(琴:電影何時開始?在我們走之前我想化點妝,我不喜歡人們看著我的青春痘。)
  • 7、I used tostare up at the sky on my camping trips.(過去我常常在露營時盯著天空。)
  • 8、We need to look up at the stars, not always stare at his own feet.(我們要仰望星辰,而不是始終盯著自己的腳。)
  • 9、On some nights, half the world will be able tostare up at a full Moon.(在某些夜晚,世界上一半的人都可以抬頭看到滿月。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 10、And thanks to its low Labour costs, it has become the world's third-largest trading power - which is why when you turn over so many manufactured goods, the words' MADE in CHINA 'stare up at you.(由于勞動力成本低,它已成為世界第三大貿(mào)易國,這就是為什么當你看到這么多制成品時,中國制造總是圍繞著你。)
  • 11、Sid yawned, stretched, then brought himself up on his elbow with a snort, and began to stare at Tom. Tom went on groaning.(希德打著呵欠,伸伸懶腰,用胳膊肘支起身子時又噴了一下鼻子,然后瞪起雙眼看著湯姆。)
  • 12、Sid yawned, stretched, then brought himself up on his elbow with a snort, and began to stare at Tom.(希德打了個呵欠,伸了個懶腰,然后用胳膊肘支起身子,哼了一聲,開始瞪著湯姆。)
  • 13、I had so much anxiety that I would wake up in the middle of night and stare at the ceiling.(我非常焦慮,以至于時常在午夜失眠,躺在床上呆呆地望著天花板。)
  • 14、I stayed in Jan's room and was so excited I woke up three or four times a night just to stare at the skyline.(我住在揚的房間,由于太激動了,我一個晚上起身三四次,只是為了凝望天際。)
  • 15、Most interiors as beautiful as this are cathedrals, where it's not exactly polite to lay on your back andstare up at the ceiling.(一般像在大教堂的室內(nèi)游泳池,背朝下面對著天花板是不被人接受的。)
  • 16、stare up at her petrified, while she swells.(呆如石像,抬頭向上空凝視著她,而她膨脹著。)
  • 17、Big blue eyesstare up at me, as the clock slowly ticks forward.(女兒睜著湛藍的大眼睛凝視著我,時間慢慢地滴答向前。)

stare up at基本釋義
