steam up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:22:47


steam up造句

  • 1、Radioactive steam will still bubble up to the top of the water in the containment vessel, but will be harder to vent as the systems for doing so in an orderly manner are now underwater.(在安全殼內,放射性蒸汽將會持續(xù)形成氣泡并上升到水面頂部,但是放壓工作卻更困難了,因為系統(tǒng)在正常方式下的放壓操作現(xiàn)在卻要在水下進行。)
  • 2、The squirrels were jumping in welcome. Steam was rising up from the mountain below.(但見松鼠跳躍著歡迎我們的到來,云霧自山下騰涌而起。)
  • 3、He's been led into the tight maze of pipes that make up the prison steam room.(他被領到了一個密集地布滿管道的迷宮似的地方,他估計是蒸汽房。)
  • 4、Today's talk willsteam up the economic cooperation between our two countries.(今天的會談必將會促進我們兩國間的經(jīng)濟合作。)
  • 5、Engineers have also vented steam from the plants to release a build-up of pressure.(工程師們還排放了核電站產生的蒸汽,以釋放積聚的壓力。)
  • 6、A nuclear reactor produces electricity by heating up the radioactive material in its core, which then heats water to produce steam. That steam is used to turn turbines that produce electricity.(核反應堆通過加熱堆心的放射性物質產生電力,然后用這些電力加熱水產生蒸汽,再用蒸汽驅動渦輪發(fā)電機發(fā)電。)
  • 7、Further west still was Bumpass Hell, an inferno of bubbling, sulphurous mud and water, with plumes of steam rising up through the delicate crust surrounding the cauldrons.(再往西,是浜帕斯地獄,這是一座人間地獄,一個個火山口像巨大的鍋爐,硫磺泥漿中向外翻著濃泡,蒸汽從脆弱的地殼中縷縷升騰。)
  • 8、Thermal plants suck up nearly as much electricity, but also need large amounts of steam.(采用熱法技術的工廠消耗的電力也差不多如此,但是同樣需要大量的水蒸氣。)
  • 9、Puffed up by his apparent success in presiding over a long run of growth, Mr Brown ignored the steam coming out from under the economic bonnet.(成功管理經(jīng)濟長期增長使布朗先生驕傲自滿,他忽視了掩蓋在經(jīng)濟增長下的問題。)
  • 10、With the probepicking up steam, some pilots and safety experts who initially strongly suspected snoozing pilots are tempering their position inlight of additional data.(隨著調查的深入,在新的資料面前,一些先前強烈懷疑飛行員打瞌睡的飛行員和安全專家正在緩和立場。)
  • 11、This is more in keeping with other data, such as car sales and GDP, which suggest that the recovery is picking up steam.(相比較而言,這個數(shù)據(jù)與汽車銷售量和GDP的走勢更相符,表明經(jīng)濟回暖正在加速。)
  • 12、The main space in the train cars is taken up by the steam generator with various valves, nozzles, manometers and a huge furnace.(這輛車頭的主要部分都被一臺蒸汽機占據(jù)著,蒸汽機有一堆的閥門,噴口,壓力計和龐大的火爐)
  • 13、Also, because the water isn't circulating, the core heats up even more, converting more of the water into steam.(另外,由于水不再循環(huán),堆芯中的溫度變得更高,將更多的水轉化為蒸汽。)
  • 14、The energy heats up the water, which is piped out to a steam generator.(這股能量將水加熱,然后通過管子輸送到蒸汽發(fā)生器中。)
  • 15、Concentrating Solar at Nevada Solar One near Las Vegas, oil piped down long rows of reflectors soaks up focused sunlight, becoming hot enough to make steam and run a 64-megawatt power plant.(集中式太陽能在拉斯維加斯附近內華達州的一個太陽能場,管道般長排下來的反射鏡片吸收了太陽光聚焦,轉化足夠的熱量生產蒸汽驅動一個64兆瓦的發(fā)電廠。)
  • 16、In keeping with this year's theme, "Victorian Steam Punk," models were costumed in hoop skirts, wigs and umbrellas conjuring up images of the past.(為了與今年的主題“維多利亞式蒸汽龐克”相符合,展覽會上的模特們都穿上箍裙,帶上了假發(fā),手拿雨傘,營造過去的影像。)
  • 17、He picked up his mug and blew off the steam.(他端起杯子吹掉蒸汽。)
  • 18、Advocates say this could be a key to driving many stocks higher even if the economy fails to pick up steam.(支持者說,如果經(jīng)濟不能增加動力,這一方法是帶動許多股票上漲的重要方式。)
  • 19、Most factories do not run at full steam all the time; output from plants that are still working can be increased to make up for lost production elsewhere.(大多數(shù)工廠都不會一直滿負荷運轉;仍然運營的工廠可以增加生產來補償其它地方的生產損失。)
  • 20、But he insists that things have picked up steam again and he hopes to get back the 10 developers he had been working with.(但他強調說,一切都已恢復正常,他希望能夠重新找回過去曾與他合作的10位開發(fā)人員。)
  • 21、His election campaign is beginning to get up steam.(他的競選活動逐漸形成聲勢。)
  • 22、In Finland and other Nordic countries, the culture of the steam sauna kept up levels of hygiene.(在芬蘭等一些北歐國家,蒸汽桑拿浴的傳統(tǒng)使他們保持較高的衛(wèi)生水平。)
  • 23、Two separate vanity areas (one with make up station), each with solid granite sinks and African Wenge cabinetry, are joined by the family sized Fossil Onyx steam shower with multiple sprayers.(兩個單獨的梳妝區(qū)(其中一個有化妝臺)各有一個結實的洗手槽和非洲文吉木制的櫥柜,兩區(qū)之間是一個家庭號大尺寸的化石縞瑪瑙(FossilOnyx)多噴頭蒸汽淋浴。)
  • 24、If we feel we are losing steam or falling behind, we're confident that we can catch up.(如果我們感覺到我們正在失去動力或者落到后面,那么我們很有信心可以趕上。)
  • 25、When he takes a shower, the steam "freshens [the jeans] up a little bit," he says.(他說,當他淋浴時,蒸汽會使牛仔褲清亮起來。)
  • 26、Typically it involves drilling wells to pump steam into the ground to melt the bitumen and make it easier to suck up to the surface.(典型的工藝是先鉆井,然后通過井眼將蒸汽泵入地下,油砂中的瀝青被蒸汽熔化,這樣便容易被抽吸至地面。)
  • 27、That means cooling water is not getting to the reactor core, causing a build up of steam inside the containment vessel.(這意味著冷卻水并沒有進入反應堆核心,從而導致了安全殼內的氣壓上升。) 【好工具】

steam up基本釋義

steam up

英 [sti:m ?p] 美 [stim ?p] 
