
steer clear of造句

steer clear of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:22:46


steer clear of造句

  • 1、You should alsosteer clear of electrical equipment indoors, including the telephone.(你應該也很清楚,要避開房中帶電的地方,包括電話機。)
  • 2、But for now, I'dsteer clear of high traffic areas.(但現在,我就避談交通流量大的區(qū)域了。)
  • 3、Those on the hunt for a value meal should alsosteer clear of Scandinavia.(那些尋找物超所值漢堡的人最好避開斯堪的納維亞半島諸國。)
  • 4、Only about one woman in a thousand carries her bag on the left, and I tended tosteer clear of them.(一千個人中大概只有一個女人會把包背在左邊,而我往往會避開她們。)
  • 5、Meanwhile,steer clear of tapered leg openings or a wide bell-bottomed look.(同時,不要穿錐形或寬腿喇叭型的牛仔褲。)
  • 6、steer clear of alcoholic drinks before bed since these may disrupt your sleep patterns.(睡前不能飲酒,因為這可能會打亂你的睡眠模式。)
  • 7、Her advice is tosteer clear of commission, or cash-in-hand jobs, many of which are exploitative.(她建議,應該避開傭金或者手頭現金的工作,它們充斥著剝削。)
  • 8、Stick with content, andsteer clear of the latest cunning tricks.(堅持內容,避開最新的狡猾伎倆。)
  • 9、I think a lot of people, women in particular,steer clear of these sensitive issues.(我認為很多人,尤其是女性,有意避開這些敏感問題。)
  • 10、steer clear of negative thoughts. If a negative thought creeps in – replace it with a positive thought.(避開消極的想法吧,如果消極的思想在蠕動——那么用積極的思考取而代之吧。)
  • 11、Each has its own advantages, but I'llsteer clear of that debate.(每種內核都有自己的優(yōu)點,不過這里并不對此進行討論。)
  • 12、For allergies,steer clear of whatever triggers your reaction.(而對于過敏來說,AAAAI建議要與那些激發(fā)你過敏反應的東西保持距離。)
  • 13、They should certainlysteer clear of cinemas this summer.(他們今年夏天真不應該去看電影。)
  • 14、Tip:steer clear of any criticism of prior managers, even if invited to offer it.(提示:不要批評以前的經理——即便別人請你這么做。) Hao86.com
  • 15、Equally important, however, we need tosteer clear of deflation, or even excessively low inflation.(不過,同樣重要的是我們需要防止通貨緊縮,甚至需要防止通貨膨脹太低。)
  • 16、steer clear of taboo topics.(繞開禁忌話題。)
  • 17、So should yousteer clear of AMOLED phones if you care about endurance?(那么如果你關注耐久力,是否就應該和AMOLED手機劃清界限呢?)
  • 18、DON't: Use lip liner. "You want tosteer clear of having a line around the glossy pinkness."(切勿使用唇線,沒有必要在晶瑩潤澤的粉色唇膏周圍畫上唇線。)
  • 19、There is one herbal supplement you may need tosteer clear of. St.(這是一種你們需要遠離的藥草補充劑。)
  • 20、Westeer clear of that street vendor selling "Meat Soup" and "Food Burritos."(我們會避開街頭賣“肉湯”和“小脆餅”的小販。)
  • 21、But moststeer clear of this canard for fear of looking foolish.(但是大部分暗示想要澄清此事的人都是怕被人當做傻子。)
  • 22、As with real icebergs, the best tactic is tosteer clear of the problem wherever possible.(就像面對真正的冰山一樣,最好的策略是盡可能遠離它們。)
  • 23、At this stage, your clutch is your enemy,steer clear of it!(此時,離合器是你的大敵,千萬不要動它!)
  • 24、Henpecked husbands should, however,steer clear of having a row mid-afternoon.(然而,怕老婆的丈夫應該避免在午后和老婆發(fā)生爭吵。)
  • 25、Opt for all-natural peanut butter tosteer clear of added sugar and hydrogenated oils.(選擇全天然花生醬,遠離添加糖和氫化油。)
  • 26、steer clear of any answer that is abrasive to authority figures, he counsels.(他勸告避開令當權人物惱怒的回答。)
  • 27、Birds prefer not to take any chances—and tosteer clear of all insects that look, sound, or fly like a bumblebee to avoid being stung.(鳥類寧愿不去嘗試更多的機會——它們要避開所有如大黃蜂的長相、聲音和飛行模式的昆蟲,以避免被蟄。)

steer clear of基本釋義

steer clear of

英 [sti? kli? ?v] 美 [st?r kl?r ?v] 
繞開; 避開