
sports star造句

sports star造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:23:08


sports star造句

  • 1、And that's fine - it's fun to daydream about being a millionaire or a supermodel or asports star.(這很好。做百萬富翁、超級名模、超級明星的白日夢很有趣。)
  • 2、Who is your favouritesports star?(誰是你的最喜歡的運動員?)
  • 3、Which Chinesesports star do you like? Why?(最喜歡中國的哪個體育明星?)
  • 4、On the basis of these theries, the author puts forwardsports star advertisement communication tactics.(在此基礎(chǔ)上提出體育明星廣告的傳播策略。)
  • 5、Liu's RACES were recorded, and his performance was compared with the world's bestsports star.(劉翔的比賽成績被記錄下來,并且他的成績將和世界上最好的運動員的成績比較。) haO86.com
  • 6、Yao Ming is our favoritesports star.(姚明是我們最喜愛的體育明星。)
  • 7、My favoritesports star is Yi Jianlian.(我最喜歡的運動明星是易建聯(lián)。)
  • 8、Her favouritesports star is Yao Ming.(她最喜歡的球星是姚明。)
  • 9、Who is your favoritesports star?(誰是你最喜歡的體育明星?)
  • 10、Why do you think he /she is asports star?(你為什么認為他/她是體育明星?)
  • 11、I am a basketball fan. My favoritesports star is Yao Ming.(我是個籃球迷,我最喜歡的體育明星是姚明。)
  • 12、Then came the pinnacle for China's newestsports star, success in Paris.(接著這位中國最新的體育明星到達巔峰,在巴黎獲得成功。)
  • 13、LuiXiang is also internationalsports star.(劉翔也是國際運動名星。)
  • 14、My favoritesports star is Kobe Bryant.(我最喜歡的體育明星是科比·布萊恩特。)
  • 15、sports star eats well!(體育明星吃得很好。)
  • 16、And who is your favouritesports star?(你最喜歡的體育明星又是何人?)
  • 17、Look together, wearing the most fashionablesports star!(一起來看看,穿著最時尚的體育明星!)
  • 18、Because of his hard-working, he became a internationalsports star when he grows up.(由于他的努力,他長大后成為了一個國際體育明星。)
  • 19、Golfing great: Trophy winningsports star Tiger woods.(圖片:高爾夫常勝將軍老虎伍茲。)
  • 20、He is very tall and strong like asports star.(他高大又健壯,像個體育明星。)
  • 21、He wants be asports star when he grows up.(他長大的時候想當一名運動名星。)
  • 22、Who is your favorite movie orsports star?(你最喜歡的電影或運動明星是誰?)
  • 23、Mr. Johnson is a strict father, and in a family where asports star is not so highly regarded.(約翰遜先生是一個很嚴厲的父親,而一個體育明星在這樣的家庭是得不到很高的評價的。)

sports star基本釋義