
sports day造句

sports day造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:23:09


sports day造句

  • 1、Do you have asports day at your school?(你們學校舉辦校慶日嗎?)
  • 2、Thesports day is on Sunday.(運動會在星期日。)
  • 3、What are the children doing? They're practising forsports day.(孩子們正在干什么?他們在為運動會做準備。)
  • 4、Are you going to run onsports day?(你打算在運動日跑步嗎?)
  • 5、The rain fortunately held off till after the schoolsports day.(幸虧雨直到學校運動會開過了才下。)
  • 6、I'm looking forward tosports day tomorrow.(我很期待明天的運動會。)
  • 7、Today is a national holiday in Japan. It issports day.(今天是日本的國定假日:體育日。)
  • 8、What are you going to do forsports day?(你運動日打算做什么?)
  • 9、What are you going do onsports day?(你準備在運動日做什么?)
  • 10、When are they going to have asports day?(他們什么時候?qū)⒁e行運動會?)
  • 11、Only one or two boys were chosen for Joint Schoolsports day last month.(只有一兩個男孩被選送參加上個月的聯(lián)校運動節(jié)。)
  • 12、We are going to have asports day.(我們將要舉行一個運動會。)
  • 13、He changed into more comfortable clothes for thesports day.(他為運動會換上更多舒適的衣服。) hao86.com
  • 14、The men's team of the company got very good results in thesports day.(該公司的男子隊在運動會中取得很好成績。)
  • 15、Hope to see you on Friday during thesports day!(希望能在本周五運動會那天見到您!)
  • 16、Dad : Are you in any competitions forsports day?(爸爸:運動會那天有你參加的比賽嗎?)
  • 17、sports day was a great success this year!(今年的運動會非常成功!)
  • 18、We 're going to have asports day.(我們打算過一個運動日。)
  • 19、Or win the father's race onsports day, easily.(在運動會比賽中,輕輕松松就獲得了第一名。)
  • 20、Schoolsports day is on this Saturday.(學校的運動會在這個星期六。)
  • 21、It's oursports day.(這是我們的運動日。)
  • 22、Player wanted for our schoolsports day.(學校體育節(jié)招募運動員。)
  • 23、Here is the principal to open oursports day.(現(xiàn)在由校長來主持我們運動會開幕式。)
  • 24、Thesports day is an occasion which we can all join in.(運動日是大家都能參加運動的一個機會。)
  • 25、The headmaster gave away the prizes at the schoolsports day.(校長在學校運動會上頒發(fā)了獎品。)
  • 26、Today issports day.(今天是運動日。)

sports day基本釋義