
St Lawrence River造句

St Lawrence River造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:23:02


St Lawrence River造句

  • 1、A town of southern Quebec, Canada, an industrial suburb of Montreal on the St. Lawrence River. Population, 29,704.(加拿大魁北克地區(qū)南部城鎮(zhèn),是圣勞倫斯河上蒙特利爾市的工業(yè)郊區(qū)。人口29,704。)
  • 2、The attack on the French city of Quebec in 1759 required the British to navigate a difficult passage of theSt Lawrence River.(一七五九年,英軍進(jìn)侵法國(guó)的魁北克市,須乘船闖過(guò)圣勞倫斯河一段險(xiǎn)流。)
  • 3、I think the river is the river of life and that river, the St. Lawrence River that we shared, tied us together.(我想這條小河是指生活的河流,以及我們共享的圣勞倫斯河,將我們聯(lián)系在一起了。)
  • 4、A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River south of Ottawa. It is a summer resort. Population, 19, 896.(布羅克維爾加拿大安大略省東南部一城市,位于渥太華以南圣勞倫斯河。是一避暑勝地。人口19,896。) haO86.com
  • 5、A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River opposite Quebec city.(加拿大魁北克省南部的一個(gè)城市,位于圣勞倫斯河畔,與魁北克市相對(duì)。)
  • 6、A fisherman pulled this eel, likely a female, from the St. Lawrence River as she slipped downstream toward the Atlantic Ocean.(這條鰻魚(yú)可能是雌性。在它順流而下游向大西洋時(shí),一名漁民從圣勞倫斯河中把她拖了上來(lái)。)
  • 7、"They just eat so much, " says David Ullrich, executive director of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. "They're like the locusts of the river."(“五大湖及圣勞倫斯河城市倡議”的執(zhí)行主管大衛(wèi).烏爾里希說(shuō)。)
  • 8、The house overlooks the great sweep of theSt Lawrence River.(這所房子俯瞰圣勞倫斯河的一大段彎曲地帶。)
  • 9、Situated on an island in the St. Lawrence River, Montreal offers visitors a North American metropolis with French flair.(蒙特利爾市坐落在圣勞倫斯河中的島嶼上,向旅游者展現(xiàn)了一個(gè)具有法國(guó)風(fēng)情的北美大都市。)
  • 10、A city of southern Quebec, Canada, a suburb of Quebec city on the St. Lawrence River.(加拿大魁北克省南部的一個(gè)城市,位于圣·勞倫斯河畔的魁北克市郊區(qū)。)
  • 11、As they sat in a café looking over the broadSt Lawrence River, a young man sat down with them.(正當(dāng)她們坐在咖啡館里向外瞭望寬闊的圣勞倫斯河的時(shí)候,一個(gè)年輕人和他們坐到了一起。)
  • 12、The capital of Francophone Canada offers an annual Winter Carnival with snow sculptures, an Ice Palace and tower and a legendary canoe race along theSt Lawrence River.(雪雕,冰宮,冰塔都是冬季嘉年華上必不可少的項(xiàng)目。還會(huì)有著名的圣勞倫斯河獨(dú)木舟比賽。)
  • 13、A town of southern Quebec, Canada, a residential suburb of Montreal on the St. Lawrence River. Population, 52,232.(加拿大魁北克省南部一城鎮(zhèn),圣勞倫斯河上蒙特利爾的一居住郊區(qū)。人口52,232。)
  • 14、Capt. Adrian Bonenberger took a drive through the farmland of northern New York toabsorb one last view of the St. Lawrence River.(上尉AdrianBonenberger開(kāi)車(chē)橫穿紐約北部,全神貫注的再看最后一眼美麗的勞倫斯河。)
  • 15、On one trip, we went whale watching on the St. Lawrence River.(有次旅行,我們?nèi)チ耸趥愃购淤p鯨。)
  • 16、A city of southeast Ontario, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River and the New York border southeast of Ottawa. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 4 ', 44.(加拿大安大略省東南部城市,位于圣勞倫斯河上,渥太華東南部與紐約交界的地方。它是一個(gè)制造中心。人口4',44。)
  • 17、A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on Montreal Island and the St. Lawrence River.(加拿大魁北克南部一城市,位于蒙特利爾島上,圣勞倫斯河畔。)
  • 18、As they sat in a buffet restaurant looking over the broadSt Lawrence River, a young man sat down with them.(當(dāng)她們坐在一家自助餐廳里眺望廣闊的圣勞倫斯河時(shí),一位年輕人坐到了她們身邊。)
  • 19、Still fragile and shaped by the river currents, a thin layer of new ice formed over Québec, Canada’s, St. Lawrence River in mid-January 2010.(圣勞倫斯河今年薄薄的冰層,現(xiàn)在雖然還不堅(jiān)固、河流的形狀也還看得見(jiàn),不過(guò)到一月中旬,冰層已經(jīng)覆蓋了加拿大魁北克境內(nèi)的河面。)
  • 20、While walking along the St. Lawrence River in Quebec City I saw this skeleton.(在步行經(jīng)過(guò)勞倫斯河的時(shí)候,我注意到了這具魚(yú)骨。)
  • 21、In Canada, east from Quebec City along the St. Lawrence River west all the way to Niagara Falls, is the famous "Maple Avenue."(在加拿大,東起魁北克城,沿圣羅倫斯河向西一直到尼亞加拉大瀑布,就是加拿大著名的“楓樹(shù)大道”。)
  • 22、A river rising in the highlands of eastern Quebec, Canada, and flowing about 38 'km (240 mi) generally southeast to the St. Lawrence river.(發(fā)源于加拿大魁北克東部高原的一條河流,流程約38'公里(240英里),總體向東南注入圣·勞倫斯河。)
  • 23、Montreal embraces the St. Lawrence, with several quays and recreational trails along the river.(蒙特利爾擁抱著圣勞倫斯河,并在河邊修建了碼頭和休閑長(zhǎng)廊。)
  • 24、In a dramatic freefall, the 275-foot (84-meter) Montmorency Falls plunges into the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada.(在加拿大的魁北克,壯觀的蒙特默倫西瀑布沖入圣勞倫斯河,這條瀑布高達(dá)275英尺(84米)。)

St Lawrence River基本釋義