
subject to造句

subject to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:22:17


subject to造句

  • 1、Flights aresubject to delay because of the fog.(由于有霧,航班可能延誤。)
  • 2、We must imagine the early Earth as a mixture of rocky materials, metals, and trapped gases,subject to constant bombardment by smaller planetesimals and without much of an atmosphere.(我們必須想象早期的地球是巖石材料、金屬和封閉氣的混合物,受到較小的星子的持續(xù)轟擊,沒有多少大氣。)
  • 3、Will room-renters besubject to hotel taxes, for example?(例如,租房者要繳納酒店稅嗎?)
  • 4、The tribunal is unique because Mr. Jones is notsubject to the normal police discipline code.(這個審判很特別,因為瓊斯先生不受一般的警務(wù)紀律約束。)
  • 5、In the grass-fed system, farmers are also notsubject to the wildly fluctuating milk prices of the international commodity market.(在草飼體系中,奶農(nóng)也不受國際商品市場牛奶價格劇烈波動的制約。)
  • 6、These times are provisional andsubject to confirmation.(這些期限是暫定的,還有待確認。) Hao86.com
  • 7、Currency exchange rates are alwayssubject to variation.(貨幣的兌換率始終波動。)
  • 8、All the holidays on offer aresubject to availability.(現(xiàn)行所有的節(jié)假日只有在情況允許時才可放假。)
  • 9、Because the Moon has no atmosphere, its surface is notsubject to erosion, so it retains the marks of its early history.(由于月球沒有大氣層,它的表面不會受到侵蝕,所以它保留了早期歷史的痕跡。)
  • 10、Their participation issubject to a number of important provisos.(他們的參與受一些重要條款的限制。)
  • 11、Personal property which is to be re-exported at the end of your visit is notsubject to customs duties.(停留結(jié)束時要再次帶出境的個人物品免收關(guān)稅。)
  • 12、This is not surprising because the design of any flying vertebrate issubject to aerodynamic constraints.(這并不奇怪,因為任何會飛的脊椎動物的設(shè)計都受到空氣動力學(xué)的限制。)
  • 13、They denied a report that Egypt had agreed to a summit,subject to certain conditions.(他們否認了埃及已同意在特定條件下參加峰會的報道。)
  • 14、The article is ready to publish,subject to your approval.(那篇文章準備好了,可以發(fā)表,就等你批準了。)
  • 15、This is a pity since this is one of the most valuable and detailed accounts of itssubject to appear in the past decade.(這是一個遺憾,因為這是在過去十年中出現(xiàn)的對其主題最有價值和最詳細的描述之一。)
  • 16、Amid a secondary school course, a student should be interested enough in asubject to enjoy gaining knowledge for its own sake.(在所有中學(xué)課程里,學(xué)生應(yīng)該對某一學(xué)科有足夠的興趣,從而享受獲取知識的樂趣。)
  • 17、He expounded his views on thesubject to me at great length.(他詳細地向我闡述了他在這個問題上的觀點。)
  • 18、All nuclear installations aresubject to international safeguards.(一切核設(shè)施均須執(zhí)行國際防護措施。)
  • 19、Prices may besubject to alteration.(價格可能會受變更影響。)
  • 20、The gypsy moth is alsosubject to attack by the nucleopolyhedrosis virus, or wilt disease, a particularly important killer of the caterpillars in outbreak years.(舞毒蛾還會受到核多角體病毒或萎蔫病的攻擊,在毛蟲爆發(fā)的年代,這是一種特別重要的殺手。)
  • 21、The case issubject to judicial review.(這個案子必須接受司法審查。)
  • 22、The empirical evidence considered here issubject to many qualifications.(這里所考慮的經(jīng)驗證據(jù)有許多限制條件。)
  • 23、The offer issubject to certain conditions.(此項優(yōu)惠受制于某些條件。)
  • 24、Employee appointment to the council will besubject to a term of probation of 6 months.(到該理事會任職須經(jīng)過6個月的試用期。)
  • 25、She kept up a continuous chatter, skipping from onesubject to the next.(她嘰嘰咕咕地說個不停,從一個話題跳到另一個話題。)
  • 26、The sale will be made to the highest biddersubject to a reserve price being attained.(在保證底價的條件下,出售給出價最高者。)
  • 27、This offer issubject to availability.(優(yōu)惠至此產(chǎn)品售完為止。)
  • 28、Travel arrangements aresubject to confirmation by the head office.(旅行安排需經(jīng)總公司確準。)
  • 29、Only about 13% of that land issubject to the new agreement, but that is still an area greater than that of Spain and Portugal.(只有大約13%的土地受新協(xié)議的約束,但這仍然比西班牙和葡萄牙的面積大。)

subject to基本釋義

subject to

英 [?s?bd?ikt tu:] 美 [?s?bd?ekt tu] 
易受 ... 影響的;屈服于 ... 的;讓步于 ...;取決于