stick up造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:22:39


stick up造句

  • 1、To emblematize andstick up for peace, friendship, health, civilization for everyone is our tenet.(代言并幫助每個人維護(hù)和平、友誼、健康、文明是我們的神圣宗旨。)
  • 2、You would think my own father wouldstick up for me once in a while.(你會認(rèn)為我的親生父親偶爾也會支持我一下。)
  • 3、She taught her children tostick up for themselves at school.(她教育子女在學(xué)校要勇于自衛(wèi)。)
  • 4、stick up a notice on a bulletin board.(在布告板上張貼通知。)
  • 5、Input date agree with item code back-check whether in pricestick up for among stock.(輸入日期鍵入單品號檢查是否在價格維護(hù)期間進(jìn)貨。)
  • 6、It is so holy to emblematize andstick up for peace, friendship, health, civilization, happiness and beauty for everyone is our tenet.(這一切體現(xiàn)了——代言并幫助每個人維護(hù)和平、友誼、健康、文明、幸福、美麗是我們的神圣宗旨。)
  • 7、Please help me tostick up the board on the big box.(請幫助我把木板釘在那個大木箱上。)
  • 8、stick up for her, even if they are only kidding!(為她辯護(hù),即使他們只是開玩笑。)
  • 9、Don't allow those big boys to bully you;stick up for yourself!(別讓那些大孩子欺負(fù)你,要保護(hù)你自己!)
  • 10、Don't worry—I'llstick up for you.(別擔(dān)心—有我呢。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 11、Of course youstick up for him.(當(dāng)然,你站在他那邊,很好。)
  • 12、To emblematize andstick up for peace, friendship, health, civilization, happiness, beautiful for everyone is our tenet.(代言并幫助所有人維護(hù)和平、友誼、健康、文明、幸福、美麗是我們的神圣職責(zé)。)
  • 13、Of course, you shouldstick up for your own rights.(當(dāng)然你應(yīng)該維護(hù)自己的權(quán)利。)
  • 14、I'llstick up for you since I believe you.(我將為你辯護(hù),因為我相信你。)
  • 15、Pearl Jam alsostick up for their principles, even if it costs them.(珍珠果醬也有他們的原則,即使這要付出昂貴的代價。)
  • 16、He said he wanted to see himstick up his thumb.(他說他要的是外賓伸出大拇指來。)
  • 17、Finally, since this is your last chance, be sure andstick up your hand if you want to ask a question or make a comment.(最后,本節(jié)課是最后一次機會了,如果你有問題,或者有意見要發(fā)表,一定要舉起手來。)
  • 18、If the bristles on your toothbrush no longerstick up straight but rather flare to the side, it's time for a new one.(如果你的牙刷的刷毛不直了,而是明顯的偏向一邊了,是時候換根新的了。)
  • 19、We won't let our parents separate us from each other. We have decided tostick up for our rights.(我們不會讓父母把我們彼此分開,我們決定維護(hù)自己的權(quán)利。)
  • 20、No, thanks. I canstick up for myself.(不用了,謝謝。我可以為自己辯解。)
  • 21、If you don't occasionallystick up for yourself, nobody willstick up for you.(如果你老不為自己辯護(hù),將不會有人支持你。)
  • 22、stick up for what you believe.(你相信什么,就要捍衛(wèi)它。)

stick up基本釋義

stick up

英 [stik ?p] 美 [st?k ?p] 
豎起; 搶劫; 支持