stick out造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:22:40


stick out造句

  • 1、She drew onestick out.(她抽出了一根棍子。)
  • 2、What had Cutter done to make himstick out from the crowd?(卡特做了什么讓他在人群中如此顯眼?)
  • 3、Crocodiles cannotstick out their tongue.(鱷魚(yú)不會(huì)伸舌頭。)
  • 4、I canstick out my tongue.(我能伸出我的舌頭。)
  • 5、His earsstick out.(他長(zhǎng)著一對(duì)招風(fēng)耳。)
  • 6、stick out your tongue, Richard.(理查德,伸出你的舌頭。)
  • 7、If you are going further afield, why notstick out your thumb.(如果你走得很遠(yuǎn),為什么不伸出你的拇指。)
  • 8、Within the Graph view for this particular scenario, two itemsstick out.(在該特殊場(chǎng)景的圖形視圖中,有兩個(gè)項(xiàng)目比較醒目。)
  • 9、Small noses - compared to the rest of the world whites have long noses thatstick out.(小小的鼻子——比起世界上其他的人種來(lái)說(shuō),白人的大鼻子是比較出名的。)
  • 10、For the lazy — juststick out your tongue and enjoy.(專(zhuān)為懶人設(shè)計(jì)——只要伸出舌頭就可以享受美味冰淇淋了。)
  • 11、Yes, Wayne Rooney's earsstick out from his perfectly round face making him look like Shrek.(魯尼那張圓得不能再圓的臉上還配了一對(duì)招風(fēng)耳,這使他看起來(lái)簡(jiǎn)直就是史萊克的翻版。)
  • 12、Its legs are modified for bouncing and its eyesstick out from the sides of its head, so it can look while it leaps.(它的腿部做了適合跳躍的改良,而側(cè)頭部突出的眼球幫助它在跳躍時(shí)也能看清東西。)
  • 13、After only one or two trials, many bees learned tostick out their tonguelike proboscis in anticipation of a sugary droplet.(經(jīng)過(guò)短短的一兩個(gè)試驗(yàn),許多蜜蜂已經(jīng)學(xué)會(huì)在期盼已久的含糖微滴前吐出舌樣長(zhǎng)鼻。)
  • 14、Even within a room filled with extremely beautiful women, certain modelsstick out from the rest.(即使是在一間充滿了漂亮女人的房間里,總有一些模特會(huì)讓人感覺(jué)到鶴立雞群。)
  • 15、If you have a fall scenery photo or painting, tape leaves to the back of the frame and let themstick out as a border.(如果你有個(gè)秋天的風(fēng)景照片或風(fēng)景畫(huà),粘一些葉子到畫(huà)框上做成一個(gè)花邊。)
  • 16、Pleasestick out your tongue.(請(qǐng)伸出舌頭。)
  • 17、If you ears are large orstick out, pick a hat that will cover them.(如果你的耳朵很大或有突出的情況,就選一頂能蓋住它們的帽子。)
  • 18、What is your individual trait that makes youstick out like a sore thumb in these situations?(可是你的哪些個(gè)性特征讓你在這些場(chǎng)合里成了出頭鳥(niǎo)?)
  • 19、Well, Homer gives us several names for them, but threestick out for me.(不錯(cuò),荷馬給我們提供了好幾個(gè)名字來(lái)稱(chēng)呼他們,但是有三個(gè)名字最顯眼。)
  • 20、They wrote the notice in big red letters so that it wouldstick out.(他們用紅色大字寫(xiě)出通知,這樣會(huì)顯眼一些。)
  • 21、With the motorized ice cream cone, juststick out your tongue, and let the ice cream lick you!(但有了電動(dòng)冰激凌筒,你只要伸出舌頭就行了。)
  • 22、They bothstick out about an inch (2.5 cm) from the smoothly tiled surface of the ship's belly.(它們從航天飛機(jī)光滑的、覆蓋著隔熱瓦的腹部突出了將近1英寸(約合2.5厘米)。)
  • 23、stick out your fingers?(伸出你的手指頭?)
  • 24、They would definitelystick out above the atmosphere.(這樣這些頂點(diǎn)肯定在大氣層之外了。)
  • 25、On the other hand, if you're told dress is casual, you'llstick out if you show up wearing a double-breasted suit.(另外,如果他們讓你穿休閑裝,那你的雙排扣外套會(huì)讓你顯得尤為突出。)
  • 26、Fins on its sidesstick out like wings, which enables it to glide for some distance before dropping into the sea again.(兩邊的鰭像翅膀一樣伸出來(lái),使他們能夠在進(jìn)入大海之前滑行一段距離。)
  • 27、The towers willstick out of the water and be lit, to warn shipping, and also be designed to be lifted out of the water for maintenance and to clean seaweed from the blades.(這些塔會(huì)升出水面并且亮燈,用以警示船只避讓?zhuān)瑫r(shí)也能夠完全升到水面以上,以方便維修螺旋槳和清理葉片上的水草。)
  • 28、Could youstick out your fingers?(你能伸出你的手指頭嗎?)
  • 29、It has also emerged that his middle name is Hussein, and that his earsstick out.(他的中名也浮出水面,侯賽因。)

stick out基本釋義

stick out

英 [stik aut] 美 [st?k a?t] 
突出; 堅(jiān)持; 伸出