stick at造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:22:40


stick at造句

  • 1、You muststick at it if you want to succeed.(如果你想成功的話,你就必須堅持下去。)
  • 2、He'llstick at it till he succeeds.(他一定能堅持到成功。)
  • 3、You will certainly succeed if youstick at your work.(如果你持續(xù)做你的工作,你一定會成功。。)
  • 4、One twig, one drystick at a time, he fed the flame, until it was large enough to accept a lump of coal.(他把一枝枝干燥的小樹枝扔進火里,只到火堆大得足以接納一塊煤。)
  • 5、He threw thestick at the bird with all his might.(他用盡力氣拿棍子朝鳥兒擲去。)
  • 6、He waved thestick at them.(他向他們揮動手杖。)
  • 7、He was determined tostick at the job until the new cutter worked properly.(他決心堅持干下去,直到這新的刀具好用為止。)
  • 8、If you want to play an instrument well, you've got tostick at it.(要想練好一種樂器,你必須持之以恒。)
  • 9、The conductor pointed hisstick at the girl with the horn.(指揮把他的指揮棒指向吹號的女孩。)
  • 10、Hestick at his work ten hours a day.(他每天持續(xù)工作干小時。)
  • 11、I shallstick at the job until I've finished it.(這項工作我要堅持到做完為止。)
  • 12、He will notstick at any meanness in making - money.(只要能賺錢他什么卑鄙的勾當都能干得出來。)
  • 13、A rotatingstick at the right indicates it's a long-running task, as shown in Figure 6.(右側(cè)旋轉(zhuǎn)的小棒表明它是一個長時間運行的任務(wù),如圖6所示。)
  • 14、If westick at it, we should finish the job today.(我們要是接著干下去,今天就能把這項工作做完。)
  • 15、He willstick at it until he succeeds.(他將堅持干下去,直到成功。)
  • 16、Silverback gorilla Kibabu chews on astick at the Taronga Zoo in Sydney.(悉尼塔朗加動物園里,銀背大猩猩科巴布嚼起了樹枝。)
  • 17、If westick at it, we shall finish the job today.(我們要是接著干下去,今天就能把這項工作做完。)
  • 18、How long they are prepared tostick at it if Colonel Qaddafi hang on?(如果卡扎菲上校一直負隅頑抗,他們準備堅持多久?)
  • 19、Harry: Thanks.stick at it and you can be the same.(哈里:謝謝夸獎。只要你持之以恒,也可以像我一樣。)
  • 20、The old man leaning upon hisstick at the gate is John's grandfather.(那位在大門邊倚著拐杖的老人是約翰的祖父。)
  • 21、He flourished hisstick at the boy.(他朝那個男孩揮舞棍棒。)
  • 22、He willstick at nothing to gain his ends.(他將不顧一切來達到他的目的。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 23、These days, there are more options than you can shake astick at, but here's a primer on the basics.(這些日子,你可以有更多的選擇,比在搖一根棍子,但這里的一個基本的底漆。)
  • 24、A capitalist will notstick at any meanness in making money.(只要能賺錢,資本家什么卑鄙的勾當都干得出來。)
  • 25、Don 'tstick at trifles.(對小事情不必猶豫不決。)

stick at基本釋義

stick at

英 [stik ?t] 美 [st?k ?t] 
繼續(xù)努力做; 堅持干