
stone deaf造句

stone deaf造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:22:34


stone deaf造句

  • 1、A 36 bigot is a stone-deaf 37 orator.(一個(gè)執(zhí)迷不悟的人是個(gè)全聾的演說家。)
  • 2、Once there lived a rich man who had a young wife, and she wasstone deaf.(從前,有個(gè)富翁,他有個(gè)年輕的妻子,她是個(gè)一點(diǎn)兒也聽不見的石聾子。)
  • 3、I'll be out of earshot,stone deaf.(反正我聽不見,完全聾掉。)
  • 4、The old man standing there isstone deaf.(站在那兒的老人完全聾了。)
  • 5、Mark Newsome was stone-deaf for the past twenty years.(馬克·紐瑟姆耳朵全聾了二十年。)
  • 6、Patient's father: I come here to seek help for my son. He has beenstone deaf since birth. Can you cure him with acupuncture?(請給我兒子看看病,他生下來就一點(diǎn)也聽不見。針刺能治好他的病嗎?)
  • 7、Perhaps she'll bestone deaf.(也許她會完全失聰。)
  • 8、He had an ear infection that made himstone deaf.(他得過傳染性耳疾,以致耳朵全聾了。)

stone deaf基本釋義

stone deaf

英 [st?un def] 美 [ston d?f] 

