
Stone Age造句

Stone Age造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:22:34


Stone Age造句

  • 1、It may ring true, but is itStone Age psychology at work?(這有可能是真的,但這是由于石器時代形成的心理在起作用嗎?)
  • 2、TheStone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age all came and went, but gold is forever.(石器時代,青銅時代,鐵器時代都相繼成為過往,而黃金卻永存。)
  • 3、An archaeologist, Wood has studied the history of British food from theStone Age right up to the 1970s.(考古學家伍德將英國從石器時代直到20世紀90年代的食物歷史進行了深入研究。)
  • 4、Its purpose was to document the history of civilization including theStone Age, Ancient Egypt and the Coptic Age.(它的建立是為了記錄一些時代的文明歷史,包括石器時代,古埃及和科普特時代。)
  • 5、Men and women evolved over a 450 000 year period known as theStone Age.(男人與女人經(jīng)過了被稱為石器時代的450000年的進化。)
  • 6、Theirs was essentially aStone Age civilisation, and yet one that developed the most advanced astronomy and mathematics.(他們的文明本質上屬于石器時代的文明。他們發(fā)明出了最為先進的天文學和數(shù)學知識。)
  • 7、But guests at Sauvage can try 'Paleo' without feeling obligated to take on a strictlyStone Age lifestyle.(但索瓦餐廳的客人不需要嚴格遵照石器時代的生活方式,也能體驗“穿越”的感覺。)
  • 8、Paintings from theStone Age show early Musical Instruments.(從石器時代的畫中我們可以見到早期樂器的模樣。)
  • 9、Among the many reasons I found while doing some research men began shaving inStone Age times were.(在調查出的眾多原因中,我發(fā)現(xiàn)男人是從石器時代就開始刮臉了。)
  • 10、Yes, it's a littleStone Age, but we men consider it our manly obligation to bring home the bacon.(是的,現(xiàn)在不是石器時代,但我們男人還是認為掙面包依然是自己的義務和責任。)
  • 11、It was clear right away this was a giganticStone Age site.(很明顯這是一個巨大的石器時代的遺跡。)
  • 12、It may be that inStone Age Europe, to be eaten by the tribe was an.(在石器時代的歐洲,被部落里的同類吃掉可能也是一種榮譽。)
  • 13、The material of human fossil, culture relic and zoolite in the OldStone Age are very abundant.(古代石器時代的人類化石,文物和人為動物的物質非常豐富。)
  • 14、When Dutch explorers landed in 1722, they met aStone Age culture.(當荷蘭探險家在1722年登陸時,他們感受到了石器時代的文化。)
  • 15、New power machinery and artificial fertilizers have now totally transformed a way of life that started in theStone Age.(新的動力機械和人工肥料現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)完全改變了從石器時代開始的一種生活方式。)
  • 16、We’ve come a long way from the greedy and uncontrollable animals we were in theStone Age.(我們已經(jīng)遠不是石器時代貪婪、失控的動物了。) hAo86.com
  • 17、Here is a mammoth hunter hut from Siberia reconstructed at aStone Age site in Perigord, France.(這是西伯利亞的一間猛犸狩獵者棚屋,重建于法國佩里·戈爾(Perigord)的石器時代遺址。)
  • 18、We played in theStone Age. We played in Roman times.(我們石器時代在玩,羅馬時代也在玩。)
  • 19、Yet in many parts of the world the stove has barely progressed beyond theStone Age.(但在這個世界上的許多地方,與石器時代相比,爐具并沒有多大改進。)
  • 20、He discovered aStone Age village 5,000 years old.(他發(fā)現(xiàn)了一座有五千年歷史的石器時代的村莊。)
  • 21、Since theStone Age, humans have been eliminating species and altering ecosystems with astounding speed.(自石器時代以來,人類一直在以驚人的速度消滅物種以及改變生態(tài)系統(tǒng)。)
  • 22、The history of breaststroke dates back to theStone Age.(蛙泳的歷史追溯到石器時代。)
  • 23、The objects had to cover the whole world, from a cooking pot to a golden galleon, from a tool in theStone Age to a credit card.(這些物品必須覆蓋整個世界,從一個烹飪鍋到一艘金色的帆船,從石器時代的工具到一張信用卡。)
  • 24、OurStone Age ancestors certainly did not live in a feedlot.(我們石器時代的祖先當然沒有生活在飼養(yǎng)場。)
  • 25、That time was theStone Age.(那個時代叫石器時代。)
  • 26、the Owenses later wrote of living with only “a few bands ofStone Age Bushmen in an area larger than Ireland.”(歐文斯夫婦后來寫到自己的生活,“在比冰島還要大的一片區(qū)域內,只有少數(shù)幾支石器時代的布須曼人與他們?yōu)猷彙!?

Stone Age基本釋義

Stone Age

英 [st??n] 美 [ston] 
