
swimming pool造句

swimming pool造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:51


swimming pool造句

  • 1、Theswimming pool drains very slowly.(游泳池里的水排得很慢。)
  • 2、I love to swim in theswimming pool.(我喜歡在游泳池游泳。)
  • 3、The club has aswimming pool and a café.(俱樂部有游泳池和咖啡廳。)
  • 4、You'll also have unlimited access to theswimming pool.(你將還可以無限制地進(jìn)入該游泳池。)
  • 5、My sister smeared herself with suntan oil and slept by theswimming pool.(我妹妹用防曬油涂抹了全身,然后睡在那游泳池邊。)
  • 6、In theswimming pool.(在游泳池里。)
  • 7、Astronauts practice spacewalks underwater in a huge specialswimming pool.(宇航員在一個巨大的、特別的游泳池里進(jìn)行水下太空行走的練習(xí)。)
  • 8、Just for laughs, they tossed Mary in theswimming pool with all her clothes on.(只是為了開玩笑,他們把瑪麗連人帶衣服的整個扔進(jìn)了游泳池。)
  • 9、The hotel has a sauna, solarium and heated indoorswimming pool.(這家旅館有一個桑拿浴室、日光浴室和室內(nèi)溫水游泳池。)
  • 10、Theswimming pool is floodlit in the evenings.(游泳池晚間有泛光燈照明。)
  • 11、Diving into theswimming pool, he splattered water on me all over.(他往游泳池里跳時,濺了我一身水。)
  • 12、One of the best ways to cool off on a hot summer day is to jump into aswimming pool.(在炎熱的夏天,最好的降溫方法之一是跳進(jìn)游泳池。)
  • 13、Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land, but you do it in aswimming pool.(水上運(yùn)動就像陸地上的運(yùn)動,但你是在游泳池里做這個的。)
  • 14、She trained five times a week at her localswimming pool.(她每星期在當(dāng)?shù)氐挠斡境赜?xùn)練五次。)
  • 15、He took the school cooling pool forswimming pool.(他將學(xué)校的冷卻池當(dāng)成了游泳池。)
  • 16、Non-resident guests are welcome to use the hotelswimming pool.(歡迎非旅館住客使用本旅館的游泳池。)
  • 17、Hainan will build at least oneswimming pool for each town.(海南將為每個城鎮(zhèn)至少建設(shè)一個游泳池。)
  • 18、She kept up with her sisters and brothers at the gym and theswimming pool.(她在體育館和游泳池和她的兄弟姐妹們保持聯(lián)系。)
  • 19、Applicability of this machine can be widely used in theswimming pool, paddling pool, landscape pool, hot spring bathing pool, fishpond, and so on.(本機(jī)適用性可廣泛應(yīng)用于游泳池、戲水池、景觀池、溫泉洗浴池、養(yǎng)魚池等。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 20、You can swim in our bigswimming pool.(你可以在我們的大游泳池里游泳。)
  • 21、We have several facilities at the club including a gym, aswimming pool, tennis and squash courts.(俱樂部內(nèi)有多項(xiàng)設(shè)施,包括健身房、游泳池、網(wǎng)球場和壁球場。)
  • 22、Theswimming pool is framed by tropical gardens.(游泳池四周環(huán)繞著熱帶花園。)
  • 23、I stepped carefully into theswimming pool but when the water came up to my stomach, I lost my balance again and fell into the water.(我小心翼翼地走進(jìn)游泳池,但當(dāng)水漲到我的肚子時,我再次失去平衡,掉進(jìn)了水里。)
  • 24、He ran to the edge of theswimming pool and plunged in.(他跑到游泳池邊,一縱身跳進(jìn)水里。)
  • 25、They used theswimming pool, rode, lazed in the deep shade of the oaks in the heat of the day.(他們在一天之中最熱的時段去游泳池游泳,去騎馬,在橡樹的濃蔭下消磨時間。)
  • 26、The hotel which comes complete with aswimming pool and a sauna attracts a large number of guests.(該酒店設(shè)有游泳池和桑拿浴室,吸引了眾多客人。)
  • 27、Visitors may use theswimming pool between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.(訪客從早上7:00到下午7:00可在游泳池游泳。)
  • 28、She was floundering around in the deep end of theswimming pool.(她在游泳池深水區(qū)掙扎著。)
  • 29、It's a little bit more healthy, I think, than in aswimming pool.(我覺得,這里會比在游泳池里更健康一點(diǎn)。)

swimming pool基本釋義

swimming pool

英 [?sw?m?? pu:l] 美 [?sw?m?? pul] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):swimming pools
