sum total造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:22:07


sum total造句

  • 1、The total sum is 12 by adding these two integers.(這兩個(gè)整數(shù)之和為12。)
  • 2、The demand is thesum total the world wants and can afford to pay for.(需求量是世界需要和能買得起的商品的總量。)
  • 3、The total time for the project, then, is the sum of all the tasks.(這樣,全部項(xiàng)目時(shí)間就變成了所有任務(wù)時(shí)間的總和了。)
  • 4、In the end, we are all thesum total of our actions.(最終,我們就是我們行為的總和。)
  • 5、Thesum total of our life is every breath spent in the company of the Beloved.(我們生命的總合是有至愛(ài)陪伴的每一口呼吸。)
  • 6、The total unadjusted points are the sum of all individual totals.(全部未經(jīng)調(diào)整點(diǎn)是所有個(gè)人部分的總結(jié)。)
  • 7、God is thesum total of all, which comprises each of you.(神是一切的總和,他包括你們每一個(gè)人。)
  • 8、Therefore there is a total angular momentum which is the vectorial sum of the two.(因此,總的角動(dòng)量,有兩個(gè)向量。)
  • 9、Finally, print thesum total.(最后,打印采購(gòu)總計(jì)。)
  • 10、It expresses thesum total of my knowledge.(這表達(dá)了我的知識(shí)的總和。)
  • 11、There a permanent record is kept of thesum total of all sensory information obtained.(從所有感官獲得的信息總量都永久地保存在那里。)
  • 12、What is the cumulative total (or running sum) by month?(每月的累加總計(jì)是多少?)
  • 13、The total sum is considerable.(為數(shù)甚巨。)
  • 14、Langage is actually thesum total of all known speech ACTS.(言語(yǔ)活動(dòng)實(shí)際上是所有已知言語(yǔ)行為的總和。)
  • 15、That small room contained thesum total of the family's possessions.(小房間里裝著這家人全部的家當(dāng)。)
  • 16、The mind is simply thesum total composite of all thoughts.(頭腦不過(guò)是所有念頭的總和。)
  • 17、We have already seen thesum total of his attributes.(我們已經(jīng)見(jiàn)識(shí)了他所有的那點(diǎn)兒品質(zhì)。)
  • 18、These actions are not thesum total of our response to Russia's aggressive activities.(對(duì)俄羅斯侵犯性的活動(dòng),目前我們的舉措并不是全部回應(yīng)。)
  • 19、This is the heart of the use case description, but not itssum total.(這是用例描述的核心部分,但不是全部。)
  • 20、To his dismay he found that thesum total should have been only two dollars.(但令他沮喪,他發(fā)現(xiàn)的總和應(yīng)該只有兩美元。)
  • 21、In the sixties, that was thesum total of post-graduation anxiety syndrome.(在60年代,這是畢業(yè)后焦慮綜合征的總和。)
  • 22、Remember that your character is thesum total of your habits.(記住,你的個(gè)性就是你習(xí)慣的總和。)
  • 23、The supply is thesum total of everything for sale.(供應(yīng)量是指任何待售商品的總量。)

sum total基本釋義

sum total

英 [s?m ?t?ut?l] 美 [s?m ?totl] 
總數(shù); 總額