
talk show造句

talk show造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:21:19


talk show造句

  • 1、The program feels much more like a conversation between enthusiastic intellectuals than atalk show.(這個(gè)節(jié)目給人的感覺與其說是脫口秀倒不如說是一群充滿熱情知識(shí)分子的對(duì)話。)
  • 2、Andrew Zielinski: We drove the candidate and a certain bru-nettetalk show host, the one with the slight lisp, to a spot overlooking the city.(安德魯-捷林斯基:我們開車載著候選人和某個(gè)長著一頭烏發(fā)的脫口秀節(jié)目主持人(此人口吃,略微咬字不清),來到一個(gè)俯瞰這座城市的地方。)
  • 3、A goodtalk show host will interview a writer without reading his books.(它說的是一個(gè)好的問答節(jié)目主持人在采訪一位作家的時(shí)候,可能并沒有讀過他的作品,然而他卻會(huì)去讀一些評(píng)論文章。)
  • 4、She also appeared at the MTV Video Music Awards earlier in the week, performing a skit with stand-up comic andtalk show host Chelsea Handler.(她曾經(jīng)出面在這個(gè)星期早些時(shí)候的音樂電視頒獎(jiǎng)禮上,和雙棲明星即是說單口相聲的喜劇演員又是脫口秀主持人切爾西·海德勒共同表演了一幕滑稽短劇。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 5、They were preceded bytalk show hosts Ellen DeGeneres andwife Portia DeRossi at No. 3.(排在他們前面的是脫口秀節(jié)目主持人艾倫德詹尼絲和妻子波西亞德羅西。)
  • 6、Both are frequenttalk show guests and magazine cover models in issues with articles where they give baby tips and talk about their kids.(兩人都是脫口秀節(jié)目的常邀嘉賓,并且都是雜志的封面模特,而這類雜志通常都是關(guān)于她們對(duì)照顧寶寶的溫馨提示以及她們談?wù)撟约汉⒆拥奈恼隆?
  • 7、Cui is back on air, hosting a revampedtalk show on national television called "Talked to Little Cui.(崔又重新開播,在國家電視臺(tái)主持改進(jìn)后的脫口秀節(jié)目:“與小崔交談”。)
  • 8、talk show host Oprah Winfrey is the highest ranked female contender at ninth place, making her the greatest American woman.(脫口秀女主持人奧普拉·溫弗里名列第九,是排名最高的女性,她成為全美最偉大的女性。)
  • 9、Turn on the radio and find the news or atalk show.(打開收音機(jī),調(diào)到一個(gè)新聞或是脫口秀節(jié)目。)
  • 10、As she began a tour of what seemed like hundreds oftalk show appearances, defenders of aid started fighting back.(當(dāng)她開始以數(shù)百場(chǎng)脫口秀巡講兜售她的觀點(diǎn)時(shí),對(duì)非援助的支持者們開始了反擊。)
  • 11、About this time, a TVtalk show featured two surrogates.(大約就是這一次,一個(gè)電視脫口秀節(jié)目報(bào)道了兩個(gè)代理人。)
  • 12、Her appearance on atalk show was broadcast three times transmitting her message to over 14,000,000 people.(她在一個(gè)脫口秀節(jié)目中的演講被播出了三次,向超過14,000,00人傳遞了她的想法。)
  • 13、Rounding out the top five wastalk show host Conan o 'brien.(另一位脫口秀主持人柯南·奧布萊恩排在第五。)
  • 14、Last year, on the Howard Stern TVtalk show, he had a guest who claimed he could always smell the difference between vegetarian women and carnivores.(去年,在霍華德·施特恩“脫口秀”上,一個(gè)嘉賓聲稱他能識(shí)別出素食的女人和食肉的女人。)
  • 15、On his Saturday eveningtalk show, and everywhere else, he said what he thought abrasively, defiantly, sometimes obscenely.(無論是在他主持的周六晚間脫口秀還是其他場(chǎng)合,他都心直口快,口無遮攔,有時(shí)令人憤恨。)
  • 16、Ellen DeGeneres says on hertalk show (airing Nov. 11), "he broke up with you on the phone?"(11月11號(hào),艾倫·德杰尼勒斯在自己的談話節(jié)目里采訪泰勒·斯維夫特:“難道他僅僅通過電話向你提出了分手?”)
  • 17、The TV channel was broadcasting a boringtalk show.(電視頻道正在播放討厭的脫口秀節(jié)目。)
  • 18、On our first movie, because the mutant freak show factor was threefold-young, black and twins-everyone wanted a photo shoot or atalk show appearance.(我們第一部電影因?yàn)槲覀兲赜械娜匦?yīng)——年輕、黑人、雙胞胎——所有人都想讓我們拍照、或上脫口秀。)
  • 19、Tom Cruise shouted his from the top of Oprah Winfrey's couch during an appearance on hertalk show.(而湯姆·克魯斯卻在奧普拉秀的沙發(fā)上大喊出愛人湯嫂的名字。)
  • 20、I don't get on TV much anymore, though there was a year or so when I appeared on every major daytimetalk show and plenty of nightly news programs.(我最近也不大上電視節(jié)目了。而之前差不多一年,我一直出現(xiàn)在白天各種的談話節(jié)目中,和大量的夜間新聞節(jié)目。)
  • 21、He turned on the radio and fiddled with the knob until he got atalk show.(他打開收音機(jī),調(diào)動(dòng)旋鈕,直到他收到了一個(gè)談話節(jié)目。)
  • 22、Many years ago, I was all set to appear six times on a daytime-TVtalk show.(許多年前,有天我要在一天之內(nèi)錄六檔白天的電視訪談節(jié)目。)
  • 23、A new title secures a valuable spot on atalk show.(在一個(gè)脫口秀節(jié)目,一本新書可確保中獲得到一個(gè)重要位置。)

talk show基本釋義

talk show

英 [t?:k ??u] 美 [t?k ?o] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):talk shows
脫口秀; 談話節(jié)目