
talk about造句

talk about造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:21


talk about造句

  • 1、She choked up when she began totalk about her mother.(她開始談起母親時,便哽咽著說不出話來。)
  • 2、He was disinclined totalk about himself, especially to his students.(他不愿談論自己,尤其是對他的學生們。)
  • 3、We won'ttalk about that—that's history.(我們不會談論那件事的—那都已經(jīng)過去了。)
  • 4、He doesn't like totalk about his private life.(他不愿談及他的私生活。)
  • 5、She was too exhausted and distressed totalk about the tragedy.(她太疲憊和憂傷了,不想談論那場悲劇。)
  • 6、My father was unable totalk about the war, it was so frightful.(我父親沒法談論那次戰(zhàn)爭,那太可怕了。)
  • 7、Theytalk about it endlessly.(他們無休止地談論這件事情。)
  • 8、Your doctors can help a great deal and you need totalk about it with them as a matter of urgency.(你的醫(yī)生能夠幫你很大的忙,你應該把此事當作緊急情況和他們談談。)
  • 9、The last two weeks have seen a lot oftalk about the future shape of Europe.(在過去的兩周里有許多關于歐洲的未來格局的討論。)
  • 10、He began totalk about the Ukraine of his uncle's day.(他開始談論他叔叔那個年代的烏克蘭。)
  • 11、I'd sooner nottalk about it.(我寧愿不談它。)
  • 12、I'd rather nottalk about it in mixed company.(在男女混雜的場合,我不愿意談論這件事。)
  • 13、Robert was eager totalk about life in the Army.(羅伯特渴望談論軍旅生活。)
  • 14、They had an agreement never totalk about work at home.(他們約定在家中絕不談工作。)
  • 15、When they get together, all theytalk about is football.(他們在一起時,談論的都是足球。)
  • 16、It is premature totalk about success at this stage.(現(xiàn)階段就談成功尚為時過早。)
  • 17、It helped being able totalk about it.(能談談這件事很有好處。)
  • 18、There has been a lot oftalk about me getting married.(有很多關于我要結婚了的議論。)
  • 19、talk about mean! She didn't even buy me a card.(這才叫吝嗇呢!她連張賀卡都沒給我買。)
  • 20、He said no and seemed oddly reluctant totalk about it.(他說了不,而且很奇怪他似乎不愿談論這件事。) Hao86.com
  • 21、He said there was no lack of things for them totalk about.(他說他們不缺話題談。)
  • 22、We had a longtalk about her father, Tony, who was a friend of mine.(關于她父親托尼我們進行了一次長時間的交談,托尼是我的一個朋友。)
  • 23、Hey, look at the time! We'lltalk about it tonight. All right?(嘿,看看時間吧!我們今晚再談論這個,好嗎?)
  • 24、I had a longtalk about this with my best friend.(我和我最好的朋友就此進行了長談。)
  • 25、Do call if you want totalk about it.(一定要打電話來,如果你想談這件事。)
  • 26、She became very tearful when pressed totalk about it.(被逼談論此事時,她眼淚汪汪。)
  • 27、We had plenty totalk about.(我們有說不完的話。)
  • 28、Leave her be, she obviously doesn't want totalk about it.(別煩她了,她顯然不想談論這事。)

talk about基本釋義

talk about

英 [t?:k ??baut] 美 [t?k ??ba?t] 