
talk down to造句

talk down to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:21


talk down to造句

  • 1、We took our tea together; and afterwards she lay down on the rug, and told me not to talk, for she was weary.(我們一起喝茶;后來她躺在地毯上,叫我不要說話,因為她累了。)
  • 2、Mr Obama's loyalties, however, are post-tribal: he wants, characteristically, both sides to sit down and talk about it.(然而,奧巴馬先生的忠誠是超越種族的:一個典型的事例是,他希望雙方坐下來談判。)
  • 3、Talk with children. Ask them questions. Answer theirs. Don'ttalk down to them with baby talk, but don't be too grownup either.(和孩子們交談。你們可以互問互答。不要試圖像哄嬰兒一樣去說服他們,更別像個大人的樣子進行交談。)
  • 4、How dare youtalk down to me like this?(你竟敢用這樣高高在上的口氣對我講話?)
  • 5、It is unwise for a lecturer totalk down to his audience.(演說者自覺高人一等地向聽眾發(fā)表演講是不明智的。)
  • 6、They should sit down to talk out their differences.(他們應該坐下來通過商談來消除他們之間的分歧。)
  • 7、Never forget your audience. Don't talk over their heads, and don'ttalk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.(別忘了你的聽眾們,尊重而不是貶低他們,他們才會支持認可你的觀點。)
  • 8、People are busy, don't waste their time or yours by sitting down with nothing prepared to talk about.(每個人都很忙碌,不要浪費別人或自己的時間,毫無準備地坐在那無話可說。) hao86.com
  • 9、I'm not a child any more. Don'ttalk down to me.(我不再是孩子了,別用這種態(tài)度跟我說話。)
  • 10、If you do nottalk down to a child, it will surely talk up to you.(如果你對一個小孩子說話不擺大人架子,他一定會對你坦白說話。)
  • 11、Don'ttalk down to coworkers, including subordinates.(不要用居高臨下的口吻和同事說話,包括下屬。)
  • 12、Don't talk over their heads ortalk down to them.(不要談話在他們的頭也不要談話下來和他們。)
  • 13、If you do nottalk down to a child, it will assuredly talk up to you.(如果你對一個小孩子說話不擺架子,他一定會對你坦白。)
  • 14、Would you have one in authority over you scream at you andtalk down to you? I wouldn't.(你希望有個權威人事在你之上對你咆哮用高人一等的口氣對你說話嗎?)
  • 15、The pilot began to talk him down by giving instructions over the radio.(飛行員開始通過無線電發(fā)出指令,引導他安全著陸。)
  • 16、You'll never get the best price if youtalk down to them.(如果你想壓倒他們,那你就永遠也得不到最好的價格。)
  • 17、"Right now I am working on finishing JPA support with container-managed persistence," he told me when I sat down to talk to him just before Thanksgiving.(“我現(xiàn)在的工作是,借助容器管理的持久性來完成JPA支持”,感恩節(jié)前夕我坐下來跟他談話時他這樣告訴我。)
  • 18、Earlier this month, the six agreed to present Iran with an even more detailed offer of the goodies available if it suspends enrichment and sits down to talk.(本月早期,六國同意向伊朗提供更具體的好處來換取后者停止鈾濃縮行動并座到談判桌前。)
  • 19、Talk to a close friend or write down how you are feeling.(可以和身邊的密友聊聊,也可以寫下你的真實感受。)
  • 20、One of the easiest ways to help overcome your fear or inability to talk in therapy is to write down some things that are important to you to talk about before session.(要克服你不能在治療中不能開口或是害怕開口,最簡單的方法就是:在治療開始前,事先寫下一些對你很重要的談話內容。)
  • 21、Theytalk down to us, as I'm sure the Teir 'dal do in Freeport about their half-elves.(而且我肯定自由港的泰爾達們對那些半精靈也一樣!)
  • 22、She recently sat down with The Times to talk about her research.(她最近和時報談論起她最近的研究。)
  • 23、He has to know as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he wants to talk to.(作為一名職業(yè)律師,他必須知道,更重要的是,他必須把它實施在自己的腳上,在黑暗中,在雨中,在小巷里追著他想要談話的人跑。)
  • 24、Try not totalk down to your employees.(盡量不要用居高臨下的口氣對雇員說話。)

talk down to基本釋義

talk down to

英 [t?:k daun tu:] 美 [t?k da?n tu] 
