
talk into造句

talk into造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:21:20


talk into造句

  • 1、No, it is no good; the song has died away into reed-talk.(不,這樣不行;那首歌已經(jīng)消失,變成了蘆葦?shù)牡驼Z。)
  • 2、The class was divided into several groups to talk about different parts of the subject.(全班學生被分成幾個組,分別討論這個課題的不同部分。)
  • 3、He went to the window, threw it wide open as though he were stifling, and, erect before the darkness, he began totalk into the street, to the night.(他走到一扇窗前,把窗打開,好象他感到憋氣,面對黑暗站著,向著街對黑夜講起話來。)
  • 4、Because he kept breaking into a slow grin now and then, Mary was not afraid to talk to him.(他時不時會笑一笑,瑪麗并不害怕和他說話。)
  • 5、Likewise we were able to spot the remark which turned a client's dull and desultorytalk into a focused self - exploration.(同樣,我們也能夠指出那些把來訪者的呆滯和散漫變成專注的自我探索的標記。)
  • 6、I'm going to talk today about research into a particular species of bird—the New Caledonian crow, whose natural habitat is small islands in the Pacific Ocean.(我今天要講的是對一種特殊鳥類的研究——新喀里多尼亞烏鴉,它的自然棲息地是太平洋上的小島。)
  • 7、She would sit in the computer lab at her university and we'dtalk into the early morning.(她坐在她的大學的微機室,和我聊天直到凌晨。)
  • 8、Even worse, it could also turn people into brainless, sunlight-averse monsters, leaving survivors no one to talk to but dogs and mannequins.(甚至更糟糕的話,它還會把人變成沒有意識且怕光的怪物,而幸存者變得沒人能交談,只能和寵物狗及人偶說話。)
  • 9、I can't believe you let him sweet-talk you into working for him!(我無法相信,他幾句好聽的話就哄得你為他效力!)
  • 10、You should look into his eyes when you talk to somebody.(當你和別人說話時,你應(yīng)該看著他的眼睛。)
  • 11、The way you talk about things can also show what you really like and it can be developed into a hobby.(你談?wù)撌虑榈姆绞揭部梢燥@示出你真正喜歡什么,它可以發(fā)展成一種愛好。)
  • 12、People were trying to talk him into an academic profession, but he wanted a practical job.(人們試圖說服他從事學術(shù)工作,但他想要一份實用型的工作。)
  • 13、The Moon in spontaneous Aries is in your 3rd House of Communication, which can suddenly connect you with someone new or turn a casualtalk into a passionate discussion.(月亮在直率的白羊?qū)m,這是你交流的第3宮,這使你會突然與一個陌生人聯(lián)系,或者把一個平常的對話變?yōu)闊崆械挠懻摗?
  • 14、The idea behind the program is to get the police officers out of their cars and into our neighborhoods where they can talk directly to merchants and residents about the real dynamics of our city.(這個項目背后的想法是讓警員離開他們的車然后走進我們的社區(qū),在那里他們可以直接與商人和居民談?wù)撐覀兂鞘械恼鎸崉討B(tài)。)
  • 15、She knows her own mind and won't let anyone talk her into something she doesn't want to do.(她很有主見,不會聽從任何人勸說去做自己不想做的事。)
  • 16、I wanted an opportunity to talk some sense into him and try to make him see the error of his ways.(我想找個機會給他講講道理,盡量讓他認識到自身的錯誤。)
  • 17、Talk normally into the microphone.(正常地對著麥克風講話。)
  • 18、If you were to justtalk into an oscilloscope that measured your sound vibrations, there are no pauses between the words.(如果你對著,測量聲震的示波器講話,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)在單詞間并沒有停頓。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 19、She could always sweet talk Pamela into letting her stay up late.(她總能哄得帕梅拉同意她晚睡。)
  • 20、Didn't we talk before about how the deeper down into the ocean you go, the greater the pressure?(我們之前不是講過,越到海洋的深處,壓強就越大嗎?)
  • 21、Let's try and talk some sense into her: Tony, do you ever believe in UFO?(讓我們試著說服她一下:托尼,你相信過不明飛行物的存在嗎?)
  • 22、We had it drummed into us that we should never talk to strangers.(我們曾被反復叮囑千萬不要與陌生人講話。)
  • 23、What nonsense you talk. No one can get into the house without knocking.(你胡說些什么,不敲門誰也進不了屋。)
  • 24、One day someone willtalk into your life then you realize love was always worth waiting for.(有一天那個走進你的人生,你就會明白真愛總是值得等待的。)
  • 25、My talk falls naturally into three parts.(我的談話可以自然分成三個部分。)
  • 26、We'll talk about the amount of money that goes into Washington to lobby on behalf of the food industry.(我們將討論華盛頓為食品工業(yè)游說的資金數(shù)額。)
  • 27、Thentalk into the microphone or capture the output of the application you're trying to record, hit CTRL-C and play the recorded audio file.(接著對著麥克風說話或是抓取你想要的程序音頻輸出,而后鍵入CTRL-C并播放音頻文件。)

talk into基本釋義

talk into

英 [t?:k ??ntu?] 美 [t?k ??ntu] 
