
talk out of造句

talk out of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:21:20


talk out of造句

  • 1、I don't want to talk to you any more, get out of my face.(我不想跟你說話,趕緊從我面前消失!)
  • 2、"I want to talk to my wife," Donald Herbert said out of the blue.(“我想和我的妻子談?wù)?。”唐納德·赫伯特突然說道。)
  • 3、And you talk yourself out of God's vision, God's dream, God's destiny for your life time after time after time.(你在一次次談?wù)撟约簳r(shí),是否在站在神的角度,從神的夢(mèng)想出發(fā),按照神注定賜給你的生命那里來看呢?)
  • 4、Find out and talk about the favorite kinds of movies.(找出并談?wù)撟钕矏鄣碾娪胺N類。)
  • 5、If you talk money too soon, you might accidentally price yourself out of a job.(如果你過早的談?wù)撳X,你可能會(huì)不小心超過自己估量的工作要價(jià)。)
  • 6、I sensed something was wrong, but others would always talk me out of it.(我感覺有些東西不對(duì)勁,但是其他人都勸我不要有這樣的想法。) hao86.com
  • 7、It is infuriating to talk to someone who just looks out of the window.(和眼睛只看著窗外的人講話很讓人窩火。)
  • 8、Not out of rage or to guilt or shame them. Just talk.(不要對(duì)他們發(fā)怒,也不要讓他們覺得歉疚,就只是平心靜氣地談心。)
  • 9、He was funny as all get-out and could talk an owl out of a tree.(他極其有趣,一張巧嘴能把貓頭鷹騙下樹來。)
  • 10、Never think that you can talk him out of the habit if he is addicted.(如果他上癮了,千萬不要認(rèn)為你能說服他改掉這個(gè)習(xí)慣。)
  • 11、I walked out of my first talk.(我第一次演講的時(shí)候自己也想走來著。)
  • 12、If you allow your brain to talk you out of getting up early, you’ll never do it.(如果你允許你的大腦告訴自己再睡一會(huì)兒,你永遠(yuǎn)都不可能早起。)
  • 13、Thank you for taking time out of your busy 80-hours-a-week schedule to talk with us!(感謝你在每周需工作80個(gè)小時(shí)的進(jìn)度表中抽取時(shí)間與我們對(duì)話!)
  • 14、You point out the kinds of things that we can do. We can talk.(你可以說出我們能做的很多事,說話)
  • 15、Just don't talk to yourself out loud and in front of the interviewer...(只是你自言自語的時(shí)候不要在面試官前太大聲。)
  • 16、She tried to talk him out of leaving.(她極力勸他不要走。)
  • 17、Have you ever talk to her? Every word out of her mouth is about the environment.(你和她談過嗎?她說的每一個(gè)字都和環(huán)境污染有關(guān)。)
  • 18、My mother tried to talk me out of getting a divorce.(我媽媽試圖說服我不要離婚。)
  • 19、You can talk about it and nobody will go out and tell and make fun of you.(你可以敞開來談?wù)撍?,沒有人會(huì)走到外面大肆宣揚(yáng)或取笑你。)
  • 20、See why they think they will be able to talk you out of running your own data center.(看看為什么他們會(huì)認(rèn)為自己能把你勸離自己的數(shù)據(jù)中心。)
  • 21、I thought I should talk to you in person, out of respect.(出于對(duì)你的尊重,我覺得我應(yīng)該當(dāng)面談?wù)劇?
  • 22、You may have to talk yourself out of uttering negative words.(你可能要說服自己放棄使用絕對(duì)消極的詞語。)
  • 23、It's no good trying to talk me out of leaving.(想說服我不離開,沒用。)
  • 24、I managed to talk my way out of having to give a speech.(我好說歹說總算逃脫了發(fā)言差事。)
  • 25、But watch out, they'll talk an arm off of you on any subject under the sun.(可你得小動(dòng),他們會(huì)就太陽之下的任何題目對(duì)你嘮叨個(gè)沒完的。)

talk out of基本釋義

talk out of

英 [t?:k aut ?v] 美 [t?k a?t ?v] 
